NRHEG Star Eagle

137 Years Serving the New Richland-Hartland-Ellendale-Geneva Area
Newspaper of Record for NRHEG School District
Newspaper of Record for Waseca County, MN
PO Box 248 • New Richland, MN 56072

Published every Thursday
Yearly Subscription: Waseca, Steele, and Freeborn counties: $52
Minnesota $57 • Out of state $64

Features (1071)

Wednesday, 08 June 2011 04:40

NRHEG student dies in auto mishap

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SCENE OF SADNESS — Crosses and flowers have been placed at or near the crash site of 16-year-old NRHEG student Russell Witke west of New Richland on Highway 30. (Star Eagle photo by Jim Lutgens)

Sixteen-year-old Russell L. Witke of New Richland was killed Tuesday in a one-car automobile mishap approximately 5 miles west of New Richland on Highway 30.

Witke, who would have been a junior at NRHEG High School this fall, was pronounced dead at the scene after being ejected from the vehicle. Authorities from the Minnesota State Patrol and Waseca County Sheriff’s Office are investigating whether Witke was the driver or passenger of the car, a 1998 Pontiac Grand Am.

Skid marks on Highway 30 indicate the vehicle was traveling eastbound at a high rate of speed and skidded before winding up in a drainage ditch on the north side of the road.

The funeral for Witke is Monday, June 13 at 1 p.m. at Vista Covenant Church, rural New Richland. Visitation is Sunday from 4-8 p.m. at Friedrich’s Funeral Home in New Richland.

A fund has been established to help defray funeral expenses for Witke. Donations can be made to the State Bank of New Richland.

Tuesday, 07 June 2011 20:32

As you ramble through life

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CAN YOU DIG IT? — Thomas Desmond Donnelly IV, rural Clarks Grove, otherwise known as ‘Digger,’ has lived in many places around the world. (Star Eagle photo by Kathy Paulsen)

Native of Ireland has seen, and dug, a lot in his 60 years

As you ramble through life, whatever be your goal;

Keep your eye upon the doughnut, and not upon the hole.

Irish proverb


Staff Writer

There is something about the Irish, and there is a lot about the man and character of Thomas Desmond Donnelly IV. With a sly sense of humor, he describes himself as an "internment specialist,” otherwise known as a grave digger. 

Known to some as Tom and to many as "Digger," he is like a quick little leprechaun, and as friendly as can be. He was born in Donegal, Ireland 60 years ago. He admits to being the oldest and the smallest of the family of four boys. 

His father was in the Army Air Force, so his family moved around a great deal until he was 18 years old. He came to America in 1953, and has lived in many places around the world. 

He went to elementary school in Japan and Colorado, junior high in Texas, and high school in Utah, where he was named student body president. He then went on to attend college in California, Utah and eventually went to Boston to attend a macrobiotic cooking school. He worked two years as a cook and became a vegetarian for several years.

Tom worked as a jockey when he was about 24 for a year. The envy of the jockeys at 5 feet tall and 95 pounds, he had all the makings of being a fine jockey. But, he felt that working with horses was really not his calling.

Tuesday, 07 June 2011 20:29

You will be welcomed

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HOSPITALITY — Much of Pastor Lisa Dodd’s preaching this summer will center on hospitality and how to welcome people, with a goal to let people know that God loves them and they are not alone. (Star Eagle photo by Rachel Rietsema)

Church invites public to join Farmer’s Market, outdoor services


Staff Writer

Summertime ushers in a time of relaxing under the sun. But, that doesn’t mean we should give any less than our best.

At least, that’s what the Ellendale United Methodist Church and their head pastor, Lisa Dodd, thinks. So come Father’s Day, June 19, they will kick off the theme, Farmer’s Market, to be carried out throughout the summer months.

This theme will be present in all the worship services. After each service, there will be a mini-farmer’s market, where guests and church members can peruse the produce.

“We will do a freewill donation, and the money will go to the food shelf here at church,” Dodd said. “Anyone can come, and bring their fruits and vegetables to donate to the cause. So, if you pick up a head of lettuce, just put in the basket what you think it’s worth.”

Things will go a little differently during the worship services too. Instead of Dodd walking in, there will be a “sing along,” at the beginning, to make things a little more casual.

Tuesday, 07 June 2011 20:27

NRHEG still has one big happy music family

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Staff Writer

This year’s NRHEG concert band members were and still are all one big, happy music family. 

“I get to know them really well in the five day school week,” said  recently graduated band member Pieter Majeske. “In the summer, when we do marching band, we’re pretty much always together then too.”

As one of NRHEG’s Louis Armstrong Award recipients (Outstanding senior in Jazz Band), Majeske accepted the recognition with humility.

“I was very happy and slightly surprised that he gave it to both me and Tony Wacholz,” Majeske said. “He’s only given it to two people once before."

Now that his hard work with concert and jazz band has paid off, he is able to take a breather. But that’s very short-lived, as his summer and fall will be filled with music galore.

“In the fall, I’m beginning Concordia College, and majoring in music performance,” Majeske said. “I want to spread my love of music to other people.” 

Tuesday, 07 June 2011 20:25

NRHEG presents awards, scholarships

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Staff Writer

In recognition of the achievements, participation, leadership and the pursuit of excellence, the annual NRHEG High School Awards Program was held on May 25th at the high school gym in New Richland. 

The morning program began with a number of awards, letters and plaques of recognition presented to members of the class of 2011.

Information is listed as award, presenter and recipient:

• Music; Mr. Broderius and Mr. Siewert; John Phillip Sousa for Concert Band; Christian Stewart.

Louie Armstrong for Jazz Band; Pieter Majeske and Anthony Wacholz.

Senior Choir Awards; Emily Light and Evan Ferber.

National Choral Award; Pieter Majeske.

Marching Band - Panther of the Year; Emily Light.

Wednesday, 01 June 2011 16:19

NRCC celebrates Nursing Home Week

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ROCKIN’ THE CARE CENTER — Above, NRHEG High School YSL students getting down at New Richland Care Center May 14 inclued, from left, Alearah Neumann, Lisa Dummer, Hunter Eustice, David Lassahn, Emily Light and Matt Dahle. Below, Carter Tollefson pushes Elsie Roehmildt during the grand march. (Star Eagle photos by Carol Jolly)



YSL PROM — NRHEG students participating in the 2011 YSL Prom were, from left, Anna Schlaak, Kristina Cole, Rachel Ledding, Hunter Eustice, Alexis Tieskotter, Michael Smith, Emily Light, Kyle Bayerkohler, Jake Staloch, Jacob Reed, Katie Carlson, Evan Ferber, David Lassahn, Lisa Dummer, Carter Tollefson, Matt Dahle and Alearah Neumann. (Star Eagle photo by Carol Jolly)

YSL Prom caps busy week


Staff Writer

Nursing Home week, celebrated since 1967, is a week not too many people know about, but, for nursing home residents it's probably the busiest week of the year.

The New Richland Care Center celebrated Nursing Home Week May 8-14.

“National Nursing Home Week honors the residents, caregivers, and volunteers who work in nursing homes,” said Kathy Flor, NRCC Activities Director.

For residents at the New Richland Care Center, the celebration began with a special Mother’s Day Dinner, followed by daily themes. Monday was Hats or Crazy Hair Day. Tuesday was Hawaiian Day, with a special performance by the NRHEG Jazz Band. Farmers Day, Wednesday, included an exclusive concert by the NRHEG Choir. Western Cowboy Day was on Thursday.

Wednesday, 01 June 2011 16:14

Girl with a dream

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GENEROSITY — Rayna Crosston, left, presents $60 she earned from a garage sale to Pastor Paul Andree. Rayna hoped to raise $300 to attend Girl Scout camp but, upon falling short, donated her earnings to the New Richland Area Food Shelf. (Star Eagle photo by Carol Jolly)

11-year-old donates garage sale earnings to food shelf after falling short of camp goal


Staff Writer

This time of year brings youngsters outdoors. They are riding bikes, playing sports, and even hosting kool-aid stands. Except 11-year-old Rayna Crosson.

Crosson went to work marketing, pricing, managing, and was head of sales in her own yard sale. She designed promotional fliers, and distributed them throughout the New Richland community.

Next, Crosson went home and scoured her room for items to sell. She pondered giving away some of her favorites, a shirt, some bags, purses and trinkets.

"I asked my family for things to give things that they didn't want anymore," Crosson said.

She then priced all the items she gathered, and set up her products display, now, ready to conduct business. Crosson opened her doors for business May 13-15, eager to greet customers.

This NRHEG fifth-grader with a dream hoped to raise enough money to attend Girl Scout camp this summer.

Wednesday, 01 June 2011 16:11

Thompson Oaks inquires about water service

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Ellendale City Council


Contributing Writer

The Ellendale City Council met Thursday, May 26 with Councilmen Helland, Reiter, Goebel and Groth in attendance. Mayor Engel was absent. Also in attendance were Clerk Louks, Maintenance Supervisor Swearingen, Shannon Sweeney, Brian Blattie, Dan Pettsinger and Jeremy Reese.

The council approved the amended agenda for the evening.

Blattie, representing the Thompson Oaks Association, was given the floor to discuss the possibility of the city connecting a water line to the Oaks. Blattie was at the council meeting on May 12 to initiate the possibility. At that meeting, the council told Mr. Blattie they would consider providing water to the 17 homes in the Oaks. The council stated at that time they would ask legal council for an opinion. The council also would have the city’s engineer take a look at the area and bring to one of the next meetings some figures as to the costs to both the city and the homes in the Oaks.

Blattie told the council the association had held a meeting and he was there with a couple of questions. Is the city interested in providing water to the Oaks?

Wednesday, 01 June 2011 16:10

NRHEG FFA holds 81st awards banquet

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Staff Writer

NRHEG FFA Chapter President Emily Riihl welcomed the 75 members and guests present as the 81st Parent-Member Banquet commenced at the New Richland City Hall on Wednesday evening, May 18. Following dinner, the traditional opening ceremonies were conducted by the chapter officers. Each officer explained the duties of their appointed office outlining how each office contributes to the overall goal of the FFA organization. The FFA motto is “to practice brotherhood, honor agricultural opportunities and responsiblities, and develop those qualities of leadership which an FFA member should possess.”

NRHEG School District Superintendent Kevin Wellen next greeted the audience on behalf of the school speaking of the importance of FFA in the district.

“It’s not the same farm today that some of grew up knowing,” said Wellen. “FFA has been a tradition at NRHEG.”

The presiding officers in turn next congratulated all of the members during the member degree ceremony. The pins they received denotes the next step in their progress in FFA.

Wednesday, 01 June 2011 16:08

New Richland Police report

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Calls received and/or action taken by the New Richland Police Department:

• Sunday, May 1, 11 p.m. – Medical assist, 1st St. NE. Assist rendered.

• Monday, May 2, 5:30 p.m. – Domestic, S. Cypress Ave. Juvenile party arrested.

• Tuesday, May 3, 9:15 p.m. – Attempt to locate, S. Dogwood Ave. Assist locating juvenile who left residence.

• Wednesday, May 4, 6:50 a.m. – Medical assist, 7th St. NW. Assist rendered.

• Wednesday, May 4, 8:25 p.m.– Criminal damage to property, Legion Field. Concession stand door damaged.

• Wednesday, May 4, 10 p.m. – Intoxicated party, S. Broadway Ave. Party transported to detox.

• Friday, May 6, 10:35 p.m. – Agency assist/Waseca County. Various from Wells. Attempt to locate possible drunk driver.

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