NRHEG Star Eagle

137 Years Serving the New Richland-Hartland-Ellendale-Geneva Area
Newspaper of Record for NRHEG School District
Newspaper of Record for Waseca County, MN
PO Box 248 • New Richland, MN 56072

Published every Thursday
Yearly Subscription: Waseca, Steele, and Freeborn counties: $52
Minnesota $57 • Out of state $64

Features (1071)

Wednesday, 04 May 2011 16:41

A story of faith, determination

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FAMILY OF FAITH — A strong faith in God and a desire to never give up has been the creed of the Goette family of rural New Richland. From left: Brad, Vern and Alice Goette. (Star Eagle photo by Rachel Rietsema)

Rural New Richland man lives with MS


Staff Writer

He’s a completely normal guy. It’s just that his muscles don’t function as they should.

At 39 years old, Brad Goette’s muscular dystrophy limits most movement. But if you’ve ever met Goette, his lips are rarely at a standstill.

“I have my good days, and I try not to think about the bad ones too much,” Goette said. “Sometimes it’s hard to do that, but I have to do it I guess.”

Just about a month ago, he had a not so good day. His older sister, Cheryl Johnson, frantically dialed 911, and at warp speed, four ambulances came to the rescue.

“They were able to keep my parents and my sister calm,” said Brad’s other older sister, Theresa Larson. “He wasn't able to ride in the ambulance, so the EMT rode with them in their van all the way to the hospital. If they hadn't shown up so quickly, he may not have made it.”

His mother, Alice Goette, wants everyone to know that Brad is just fine. His heart problem is under control, and is regulated with medication. Also put on oxygen with a ventilator, he is back to his old self.

Wednesday, 04 May 2011 16:35

John, Sean Darcy enjoy ‘special bond’

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CLOSE — Sean and John Darcy of New Richland enjoy their time spent together. (Star Eagle photo by Jody Wynnemer)

NRHEG seventh-grader’s Father of the Year essay recognized by Minnesota Twins


Staff Writer

For the past few years, the Minnesota Twins have recognized a Father of the Year. For the second year in a row, a NRHEG seventh-grade student’s essay has made the finals in the competition.

Last year, Dan Stork was nominated by his daughter Anna; this year John Darcy of New Richland was nominated for Father of the Year by his son Sean.

The Twins notified Sean’s teacher Mark Domeier that Sean’s essay was chosen runner-up of all seventh-grade essays received. The staff at the National Center for Fathering will select men for interviews after personal questionaires are reviewed. The Father of the Year finalists’ families will have an invitation to the Celebration of Fatherhood on Saturday, June 18. 

John Darcy is a construction worker and also has a daughter Veronica, 14. 

“I was surprised when I heard my essay had been chosen,” said Sean. “Dad has been a major role model in my life. Grandma has really helped us out as well.”

Wednesday, 04 May 2011 16:31

Minnesota niceness returns from Middle East

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GIFTS FROM IRAQ — Maryann Schlaak was the proud recipient of some special gifts from a soldier stationed in Iraq. The two became acquainted through the Operation Minnesota Nice campaign. (Star Eagle photo by Jody Wynnemer)


Staff Writer

We have all heard the expression, “Minnesota Nice.”

In fact, there are about 20 local residents who practice “Minnesota Nice” on a regular basis by sending treats and necessities to troops stationed in the Middle East. The motto of Operation Minnesota Nice is “To make a difference, one package at a time.”

To that end, some have developed a unique relationship and communicate on a regular basis. Maryann Schlaak of New Richland has been sending Army Specialist Roletta Goldsby from Macon, GA boxes of goodies starting in July of 2010. Around Christmas, Schlaak received a package of her own in the mail.

“I was really surprised,” said Schlaak. “When I opened the box, there was a shawl and an American flag which had flown over the Army base in Iraq. That was real special for me; I think I started to cry.”

Specialist Goldsby is attached to the postal unit of the Army’s 4th Brigade, 3rd Infantry stationed at Camp Ramadi, Alanbar Province, Iraq. The American flag she sent Schlaak flew over her base on December 5, 2010. She is a single mother of two boys, ages seven and four.

Wednesday, 04 May 2011 16:28

April 28 Ellendale City Council

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Contributing Writer

The Ellendale City Council met April 28 with Mayor Engel, Councilmen Goebel, Reiter and Groth present. Absent was Councilman Helland. Also in attendance were Clerk Louks, Jeff Johnson, Maintenance Supervisor Swearingen and Steele County Sheriff Lon Thiele.

Thiele was present to ask if the council had any questions or concerns for the newly-elected sheriff. Mayor Engel asked the sheriff if he had found or brought with him any new contracts between the county and Ellendale. Thiele responded he had looked into the matter but did not bring anything with him.

Thiele also told the council about the 800 mhz meeting he and other county officials attended. Thiele explained that because Steele County is further along in the process, the county will leapfrog over Rice County.

Thiele was excited to report the sheriff’s department will hold a bicycle rodeo for kids in grades 4-6. The bike safety course will be held May 6th at the Ellendale building. Kids will be encouraged to bring their bikes to school that day so that they can participate in the training. Thiele told the council there will be some surprises for the kids and that a letter will be sent home with each child in grades 4-6.


Other agenda items for April 28th, 2011:

Johnson gave his monthly fire department report to the council. Johnson handed out the monthly expense report and the council approved expenses of $1885.68. The council thanked Johnson for coming.

Dan Sorum, representing the Farmers Market, was next to speak. Sorum reported the market would like to hold the weekly event at the same location. Sorum said the market had better traffic last year, and overall most vendors were happy with the location. Sorum would like to have the council’s approval to hold the market in the same location as last year, along with the O.K. to allow him to charge a one-time fee of $5 to each participating vendor. The Farmers Market will probably start the first Saturday in June. Swearingen noted he was going to work with the Farmers Market on some signage. The council approved the location request from the Farmers Market.

The Council approved the minutes from the April 14, 2011 regular meeting and the minutes of the April 18, 2011 Local Board of Appeals as presented. 

The claims for the evening totaling $26,990.23 were approved as presented.

The council went over the Financial, Investment and Disbursements reports. All were approved as presented.

Mayor Engel went over his items for the evening. Engel started with the mowing in Emerald Park in Crown Ridge. Engel and council members felt the current mowing equipment would not take extra work. Engel stated Arlen Brekke has the equipment to do the mowing. The council moved to have Brekke do the mowing in the park at a rate of $75 a time and a maximum of 10 times. Engel next brought to the attention of the council the vacating of an alley in Crown Ridge. After some discussion the council felt they should move ahead with the vacating and leaving a 15-foot access. Engel will have the city attorney start the process. Engel told the council legal council was working on the franchise agreement with the gas company. The council reviewed the street lighting process in new developments and decided that past practice should be followed with the developer putting in the lighting.

Clerk Louks was next. Louks stated the water report was finished and will be published in the paper as required. Louks noted that everything was in order. Louks told the Council that the pump for the lift station on 8th Ave. will take $4140.34 to repair. The question was asked if the city could buy the pump that is currently in the lift station. Louks responded the company did not offer that as an option, but he will ask. After discussing the pumps, the council will have Clerk Louks look into the option of having auto-dialing put on all of the lift stations in the city.

The council was given a report from David Brown Assoc. regarding water rates in the city. The report suggests the city will need to raise the rates in order to break even. The council will bring it up in a future meeting. Louks told the council a group of people living in Thompson Oaks would like to address the council about getting water from the city. The group will likely be on the agenda in the future.

In the open discussion for council members, Councilman Reiter asked about the proposal for fixing the additional outdoor warning siren for the city. The estimate was for around $1800 and will be ready for the 800 mhz switch. The council approved the fixing. Councilman Goebel gave an update on the Municipal Liquor Store. Goebel reported that the end is in sight, waiting for some flooring and fixtures.

The next meeting of the Ellendale City Council will be May 12th at 7:30 pm.

Wednesday, 04 May 2011 16:26

Wakefield has top gainer at Iowa sale

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TOP GAINER — Kyle Wakefield, right, of New Richland had the top-gaining bull in the Charolais group at the Iowa Cattlemen’s Association sale of performance tested bulls held in Dunlap, IA.4.Rick Grote of Pfizer presented Wakefield with an animal health product for the achievement. (Submitted photo)

Kyle Wakefield of New Richland had the top-gaining bull in the Charolais group at the Iowa Cattlemen’s Association sale of performance tested bulls held in Dunlap, IA. The April sale featured top performers in four breeds. Lot 142 from Wakefield Farms had an average daily gain of 4.16 pounds. Rick Grote of Pfizer presented Wakefield with an animal health product for the achievement.

The sale attracted Iowa and out-of-state buyers for active bidding. Only one sale remains for ICA tested bulls and heifers; that will be May 6 at Tama Livestock Auction in Tama. A group of 59 performance-tested open heifers will sell prior to the 70 bulls listed in the sales catalog.

Wednesday, 27 April 2011 15:23

Class of '67 remembers Smith

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IN MEMORIAM — Marilyn Smith, center, holds the plaque which will be erected at NRHEG School in her late husband Tom’s memory. Surrounding family includes, from left, Kay Smith, Scott Smith, Rod Smith and Rita Smith. Tom Smith was a longtime teacher, coach and athletic director at the local school. (Submitted photo)

Plaque to honor former teacher, coach, athletic director


Staff Writer

Many who knew Tom Smith remember his devotion to his community and the student athletes he mentored for 50 some years. The New Richland-Hartland High School Class of 1967 wanted to do something to honor their former teacher, coach and athletic director. They came up with the idea to have a plaque made as well as donating some plants in Mr. Smith’s memory. The plants and plaque will be located under the electronic sign at NRHEG which is adjacent to the parking lot.

“Considering what a legend he was and how he contributed to the school district and community even after he retired, I thought it would be appropriate to do something for him,” said Denny Prescher, a member of the Class of 1967. “The classmates I contacted agreed it would be a great idea. I checked with Shelly [Moxon] and she agreed to pick out the plants and the class would provide the funds for the plants and plaque.”

“The plants in memory of Uncle Tom will be two Prince William Wigelas and one mock orange tree,” said Michelle Moxon, Smith’s niece.

Wednesday, 27 April 2011 15:12

Morgan's continues award-winning tradition

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AWARD WINNING — Dean Morgan of Morgan’s Meats in New Richland is shown in front of one the display coolers in the newly remodeled retail area of his store. In the background are a few of the many awards he has won for his meat products. (Star Eagle photo by Jody Wynnemer)


Staff Writer

Within a month of the September 2010 flood, Morgan’s Meat Market was butchering. Three months later, the retail store was back up and operating, with some significant changes. Another three months, there are 11 new award plaques hanging on the wall, all garnered at the annual Minnesota Association of Meat Processors Convention in Rochester March 18-19, 2011.

“Many of our friends in the business called right after the flood,” said Dean Morgan, owner of Morgan’s Meat Market in New Richland. “I really appreciated that. They offered their help, but there wasn’t a whole lot you could do. Now, we are just about done re-doing the shop, probably another two to three weeks.”

Morgan has moved his retail portion of the market to the south end of the building. He has added several new display coolers. The outside of the building is getting a facelift as well. Many of his customers have told him they really like the new look.

Wednesday, 27 April 2011 15:04

School board approves purchases

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Staff Writer

It was time to spend some money. The NRHEG board of education approved a number of purchases at their regular meeting Monday, April 18.

Bus purchase

“We skipped a year with bus purchases,” Wellen reminded the board.  After bidding, Hoglund Bus Company gave the district a discount for the bus on the lot as well as $3,500 on trade-in, for a cost of $78,811.05.

Lawn Tractor for Ellendale

Last year the district purchased a tractor for New Richland.

Erlandson Implement “started with government pricing, and went down from there,” said Wellen. A $12,540 trade-in of the district’s 2000 model John Deere brought the purchase to a balance of $19,950.

New Lockers for High School

214 lockers 15” wide were approved for purchase through Wissota Supply Co., plus 27 12” lockers, for a total of $38,240.

Wednesday, 27 April 2011 15:02

NR City Council OKs rain garden

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Staff Writer

It was a relatively normal agenda which was on the docket for the New Richland City Council as they gathered for their second meeting of April Monday night. All members were present as they approved the consent agenda items which included a request from the New Richland firefighters for their street dance to be held on June 16 on Broadway Ave.

There were no public hearings, petitions or ordinances/resolutions to be heard.

Ambulance chief Jenny Johnson reported 84 runs so far in 2011, compared to 231 for all of 2010. Johnson requested to purchase a portable suction unit for the ambulance rig which was approved at a cost not to exceed $600. Johnson also noted some minor maintenance issues with the rig which will be repaired.

Brad Field reported normal conditions for the Waste Water Treatment Plant. The council received some good news concerning the ongoing 7th Street NW water issues. After some minor excavation and televising of a county tile line, the cause of a basement constantly flooding out was determined. The offending tile was capped and the problem should go away.

Wednesday, 27 April 2011 15:01

NRHEG prom set for May 7

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The 2011 NRHEG High School Junior/Senior prom will be held Saturday, May 7.

The theme for this year's prom is, "A Hollywood Premiere." Prom-goers will be able to pick up their tickets at New Richland Care Center between the hours of 1 and 4 p.m. Pictures will be taken in the high school gymnasium from 4:30 to 6 p.m. by Brent Hemingway. Parents will be allowed in the gym at 6 p.m. to take group pictures, for example, all junior boys, all junior girls, etc.

The Grand March will start at outside at 7 p.m. (weather permitting) and inside at 7:30 p.m., with the dance to follow.

If it is raining, the Grand March will start inside at 7 p.m.

Ash Avenue, on the east side of the school, will be barricaded during the Grand March so parents, family and friends may congregate in the street for picture taking.

All pictures are being taken before the Grand March this year so that all parents, family and friends can leave immediately after the Grand March to allow students to enjoy their prom for a longer period of time.

The Grand March, inside and outside, is free for all who wish to attend. The dance will conclude at 12 midnight with the After Prom Party to follow at the Geneva Community Center.

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