Features (1071)
NRHEG Community Education is offering a class, “Understanding Trusts,” on Thursday, May 5 from from 6:30-8:30 p.m. in Room D107 of NRHEG High School.
There are so many different types of trusts with so many different names, which can make them seem confusing, and downright intimidating. This course will be a thorough explanation of Trusts including Revocable Living Trusts, Irrevocable Trusts and Testamentary Trusts. We will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using Trusts as a replacement for a Will. This free, educational course is being taught by Hannon T. Ford, a Certified Elder Law Attorney (Certified by the National Elder Law Foundation).
Register by April 28 by calling 507-417-2667.
NRHEG School Board
Staff Writer
Members of the NRHEG PTO appeared before the school board Monday evening to offer a donation in the amount of $37,739.63 for the new playset for Ellendale from Play&Park Structures, and another donation in the amount of $4,140 for the installation by Sequoia Landscape.
“The existing playground equipment, which is used by 423 students, is 25 years old,” they said, “and was designed for half the students we have.”
The NRHEG PTO has worked more than a year, processing hundreds of donations, and is currently waiting on grant proposals as well.
The PTO visited two other schools who have this equipment, and declared themselves “very satisfied” with it.
PLAYGROUND PLANS — Kim Routh and Beckie Johnson stand on some of the current playground equipment at NRHEG Elementary. (Star Eagle photo by Melanie Piltingsrud)
Contributing Writer
Early in the morning and during afternoon recess, 450 children gather in long lines at NRHEG Elementary School, waiting patiently for their turn on the playground equipment – much loved and dilapidated equipment that, 25 years ago, served only 250 children before the Ellendale-Geneva school merged with New Richland-Hartland.
Some of the sturdier equipment has been on the playground for at least 50 years and is still serving the children well, but now, the wooden playset in the middle of the playground stands crooked and is missing pieces that can no longer be acquired. Members of the Playground Committee call the wooden playground set “dangerous.”
Representative Tony Cornish will visit New Richland Care Center Sunday, April 24 at 2 p.m. to speak with residents and answer questions. The public is welcome.
New Richland City Council
Staff Writer
Due to multiple reports of suspicious activity in March, the New Richland Police Department is asking the community to report anything that seems out of place around town, according to Chief of Police Scott Eads at the city council’s first meeting of the month on Monday, April 11. All members were present.
Instances reported involve vehicles’ gas tanks being opened overnight but nothing taken and “lurkers” being spotted in an area. If any local residents see something suspicious, be sure to report it to the police department.
Schultz nets milestone win
Coach Wendy Schultz and the NRHEG softball team pose for a photo after the Panthers defeated Blooming Prairie 9-2 Tuesday, April 12 in New Richland for Schultz’s 200th career coaching victory. Front from left: Paige Knudson, Grace Johns, Torrie Stencel and Rachel Collins. Back: Kate Quam, Jayna Finseth, Natalie Aaseth, Kylie Arndt, Skylar Lembke, Wendy Schultz, Kayley Camerer, Jade Schultz, Anna Lundberg and Gabby Muri. (Star Eagle photo by Chris Schlaak)
There will be a Community Work Day Saturday, April 16 at the building being renovated for the New Richland Area Food Shelf.
Work will begin at 9 a.m. Work to be done: hanging, taping and mudding drywall. If this time won't work for you, but you would like to help, please call Larry Goehring at 463-3421. Thank you!
Local events planned for National Library Week
Written by Jim LutgensApril 10-16 is National Library Week. The New Richland Public library will be having a number of activities throughout the week. Monday, April 11 the “Friends of the Library” will kick off the week with cheese cake and coffee from 3:30 p.m to 6 p.m. Also at the event, the public will be able to purchase a bag and fill it with used books. On Thursday the same event will be repeated. An art show with local art will happen on Thursday and Saturday.
Saturday morning, April 16, will be for the children and those coming with them. From 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. the children will enjoy craft time. Children and adults will be able to purchase a bag and fill it with books.
Stop during the week and enjoy some snacks, get some books and thank the library staff for all they do for the public!
The 2016 Annual Bluebird Expo will be held on Saturday, April 16 at Byron Middle School, 601 4th St. NW, Byron, MN. Registration will take place from 8-9 a.m., followed by the program from 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
Want to attract bluebirds? This is the place to learn how! Featuring Al Batt, local comedian, whose thoughtful, humorous talks amuse and inform the audience, a program on owls by the International Owl Center, and a program on red-headed woodpeckers by Brittany Nancy Larsen from the Audubon Society, the expo will have sales, demonstrations, videos, exhibits and a silent auction.
Other speakers include: Jake Langeslag, “Goat Dispatch;” Keith Radel, “Increasing Fledging Rates and Keeping Bluebirds Safe;” Ray Simon, program on bats and bat houses. Registration is $12 each, and lunch reservations are $10.50 each. Cash donations are welcome to purchase items for the silent auction.
Questions, call: Jenean Mortenson, (507) 332-7003 or Carrol Johnson, (507) 649-0126 or e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
A blood drive will be held on Tuesday, April 19 from 1–7 p.m. at the Ellendale Community Center. For appointments call Rebecca, (507) 684-3040. Photo ID or donor card required.
NRHEG Community Education announces a trip to Forest City, Iowa Friday, April 22. They will tour the Mansion Museum, Trinity Church, Waldorf College (with a buffet lunch), and the largest motorhome manufacturing facility in the world, Winnebago Industries, Inc. Do not wear open-toes shoes on this tour.
Leaving at approximately 8:45 am (depending on where the most people are from – either the bowling alley in New Richland or Gopher Stop in Ellendale) You will be notified as this trip gets closer. Please include phone number and email on your registration form.
Cost: $70 (includes the cost of your meal, the bus and the tours).
Register by April 15 by calling 507-417-2667.
New Richland City Council
Staff Writer
It’s no question the property at the southwest corner of Hwy. 30 and 13 in New Richland is an eyesore.
The question is if and when something will be done about it.
A public hearing on the property, the official address of which is 420 2nd St. SE, was held during the New Richland City Council’s second meeting of the month on Monday, March 28. All members were present, along with the property owner, Jeremy Wilmes, and two local residents who voiced their concerns.
As discussed during a council meeting in February, the property was found to be in violation of city zoning after complaints were received about the growing number of vehicles on the lot over the last two years. A notice was sent to Wilmes in 2015 requesting the nature of the business being conducted at the property. After receiving no response, the city delivered a second notice of non-compliance earlier this year stating that the property must be cleared of autos, machinery and other items by May 16, 2016.
St. Peter Cemetery Association to meet Saturday
Written by Jim LutgensThe annual meeting of the St. Peter Cemetery Association will be held at 1:30 p.m. on Saturday, April 2 at New Richland City Hall.
The NRHEG PTO will host its Community Night Out Saturday, April 2 at the Geneva Community Center starting at 4:30 p.m. Tickets are available at the NRHEG Elementary School office in Ellendale.