NRHEG Star Eagle

137 Years Serving the New Richland-Hartland-Ellendale-Geneva Area
Newspaper of Record for NRHEG School District
Newspaper of Record for Waseca County, MN
PO Box 248 • New Richland, MN 56072

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Wednesday, 23 November 2011 14:41

Unpaid utility bills reviewed

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Ellendale City Council


Contributing Writer

The Ellendale City Council met November 10 with Mayor Engel, Councilmen Helland, Goebel and Groth present. Councilman Reiter was absent.

Also attending the meeting was Maintenance Supervisor Swearingen, Clerk Louks and Liquor Store Manager Kirby Hannem.

The council approved the agenda as presented for the evening.

The first agenda item was the monthly report from Swearingen, who told the council a water line on Second Street had broken. The break was very close to where the city had just repaired the line. The break is also close to where the council had some discussion about moving the water line that was currently on another property. The council moved to do the work and move the line in question.

Swearingen next reported that the city needed to get some more rock at the lagoons. He has already removed four muskrats from the lagoons this fall. Swearingen said he would pick up about three-fourths of a load of salt for the winter season. Swearingen told the council the city will need two new batteries for the main generator. The old ones will not hold a charge. 

Swearingen asked to get together with Clerk Louks to discuss turning the water off to any unoccupied houses in town, as that should prevent any broken water pipes.

The council approved the minutes from the October 27 public hearing, October 27 regular meeting and November 3 special meeting.

The council reviewed unpaid utility bills that will be certified to the county for collection on property taxes. Clerk Louks reported that for 2011, there were currently 40 accounts not current. In 2010, there were 31 accounts not current. The total amount as of right now, Louks said, was $25,664.32. Louks told the council a letter will be issued to all parties stating they will have until about December 15 to be current, otherwise the city will certify the amount due at that time to the county.

 The certification process was approved by the council.

Next for the council to review were claims for the evening. The claims amount totaled $25,218.67. Included in the claims was third-quarter police protection, yearly Web hosting fee, garbage service and general obligation bond legal costs. The council also reviewed a claim for tires for the maintenance department. The statement from the business did not include an itemized description. The council moved to approve the payment upon receiving a detailed invoice.

Hannem was recognized next. Hannem asked the council about the upcoming buyer’s card for the new year. Clerk Louks said he had not received any notice yet. Hannem asked the council if they would like to reconsider getting a cigarette license for 2012. After some discussion, the council agreed to give them one more try. Clerk Louks will apply to the county for the license. 

Hannem said that he was still looking for the handbook on the new grill. Clerk Louks told everyone that if the book is not found, he could go online and print off a new one. Hannem asked the council if he could look into another service for the juke box. Hannem felt there were better money makers out there. Hannem told the council there was some older inventory he would like to move. Hannem was wondering how aggressive he should be on the pricing. Council members felt that something was better than what the inventory is bringing in now. The council felt maybe Hannem could start at 50 percent off. Hannem also asked if the Health Department applications had been sent in yet. Clerk Louks reported that they had not yet been sent.

Mayor Engel started his report by informing the council the city will need to hold a hearing on the Municipal Liquor Store (MLS), as the MLS lost money in 2010. The hearing will be December 6th at 7 p.m. Mayor Engel next went over the proposed resolution about the connection to the force main. The council reviewed and they moved to pass Resolution 11-10-11-01.

Clerk Louks told the council that the church group using the Community Building paid for the cleaning of the carpets in the building. The council thanked the group for their generosity. Louks next reported that the well located just south of the Community Building still needs to be looked at for repair. 

Louks told the council that due to Thanksgiving, the second meeting will either need to be moved or not held. Mayor Engel suggested that the council not reschedule the meeting, but if something needed to be addressed, the city could call a special meeting.

During open discussion, Councilman Helland said he would like to put an ad in the paper reminding city residents about snow removal parking. Residents will be reminded to listen to the radio after a two-inch snow fall to hear if the city is in a Snow Emergency. If anyone has questions about the parking, please call the clerk’s office. Councilman Groth shared some details about the request on Country View Estates. Councilman Goebel reviewed some of the items brought up at the MLS committee meeting.

The next regular meeting of the Ellendale City Council will be December 8 at 7:30 p.m. A reminder: the Municipal Liquor Store hearing that will be held on December 6th at 7 p.m.

Read 405 times Last modified on Thursday, 05 May 2016 21:38

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