NRHEG Star Eagle

137 Years Serving the New Richland-Hartland-Ellendale-Geneva Area
Newspaper of Record for NRHEG School District
Newspaper of Record for Waseca County, MN
PO Box 248 • New Richland, MN 56072

Published every Thursday
Yearly Subscription: Waseca, Steele, and Freeborn counties: $52
Minnesota $57 • Out of state $64
Thursday, 03 March 2011 22:30

NR City Council hears from Waseca County Commissioners

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Staff Writer

The New Richland City Council met Monday, February 28, with all members in attendance. The evening’s agenda and consent agenda items were both approved. Consent agenda items included accounts payable in the amount of $57,571.74, four rental licenses and a pay request from Abdo, Eick & Meyer for $10,000 for the city audit.

Mayor Tom McShane opened the required public hearing for an addition to the Waste Water Treatment Facility upgrade project. The additonal work will involve the re-construction of the sewer on Dogwood Avenue from Sixth Street south to the County Ditch. There were several city residents present for the hearing.

“What size pipe will be used for the replacement?” asked John Hullopeter.


Discussion was held on the matter and since the actual plans for the project are not available, the council could not respond to the question. Following more discussion, the public hearing was closed and the council approved Resolution 11-09 which adds the Dogwood Sewer project to the PFA project.


The next order of business was passing a proclamation for March to be Food Share Month in New Richland.

The council approved the People’s Service report as presented. Representative Brad Field could not attend the council meeting due to being at a seminar in St. Cloud.

Maintenance Supervisor Ryan Nissen presented two requests for his department. The first was a request for oil filters for the city vehicles and fire department vehicles for $648. The second was a broom for the street sweeper not to exceed $450. Both requests were approved.

Nissen mentioned a reocurring problem with nuisance cats in the city. There have been several resident complaints dealing with the issue. Residents are urged not to feed stray cats and hopefully they will go elsewhere. The city clerk was tasked to draft a possible ordinance dealing with the problem.

County Commissioner Jim Peterson introduced fellow board members Blair Nelson and Dan Kuhns. Also present were County Highway Engineer Nathan Richman and Mark Leiferman, Planning and Zoning Administrator. Peterson announced the county has an Interim Administrator and is presently searching for a permanent individual. Peterson also mentioned a new ditch inspector will be appointed. County representatives and the council discussed at length County Ditch #6, which runs through New Richland. City resident Dave Wildgrube expressed his concerns due to damage to his home caused by the September 2010 flooding event. He asked if the ditch could be dredged to allow water to flow more effectively.

“We would have to re-determine the ditch,” said Peterson. “The process can take some time.”

County Highway Engineer Richman announced several projects scheduled for the summer.

“County Road 20 (Vista Road) will be graded from Highway 13 to the churches,” said Richman. “We will also be doing about 100 rural pipe fixes throughout the county.”

Richman mentioned State Highways 30 and 83 will also get some much needed attention.

Mark Leiferman announced an Ag Forum slated for March 31 at FarmAmerica. The forum will feature several speakers and plans call for 700 invitations to be sent out. Other planning and zoning issues to be addressed this year include:

- Buffering of farm fields.

- Rural businesses.

- Possible formation of a county Economic Development Authority.

-Vacant Industrial and Commercial Property.

- Review of zoning codes.

Mayor McShane thanked the county representatives for their attendance and information.

Pam Goehring approached the council and presented information on the future purchase of the American Legion building. Plans are to move the Area Food Shelf and Historical Society to the location. The existing back room would be used for receptions and other special occasions.

Council member Ihrke asked the other members for permission to move forward with possible purchase of new playground equipment for St. Olaf Lake Park. The city had previously received a sizable memorial donation to helpd defray costs. Several groups will also be contacted to see if they desire to help with the project.

The next meeting of the New Richland City Council will be held on Monday, March 14 beginning at 6:30 p.m.


Read 1419 times Last modified on Thursday, 05 May 2016 21:35

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