NRHEG Star Eagle

137 Years Serving the New Richland-Hartland-Ellendale-Geneva Area
Newspaper of Record for NRHEG School District
Newspaper of Record for Waseca County, MN
PO Box 248 • New Richland, MN 56072

Published every Thursday
Yearly Subscription: Waseca, Steele, and Freeborn counties: $52
Minnesota $57 • Out of state $64
Thursday, 03 March 2011 22:25

At reduction time, school discusses expansion

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Staff Writer


The NRHEG School District’s February meeting is traditionally when cuts are made. But this year, at the regular meeting and at their work session held on January 31, there was more discussion about increases than decreases.

Unexpected growth

After the reductions made over the last three years, and the consolidation of the elementary school, NRHEG is suddenly having to find room for more students. NRHEG has gained 20 elementary students, and is receiving open enrollment applications from students in other districts in response to program cuts made at other schools.

“We are using every bit of (elementary) classroom space now,” Superintendent Kevin Wellen said. “We can sprawl in our high school, but our elementary space is being fully used.”


Possibilities discussed included moving the sixth grade to New Richland, moving the Special Education preschool (rejected because students would be moved away from services), and additional construction of a temporary building.


Wellen was given the go-ahead to get bids for a three- or four-stall garage, which could house tractor and snow removal equipment, making room in the existing shop area for an additional student space.

Also discussed was the possibility of closing open enrollment when a grade level reaches 75-78. “This is perfectly legal,” Wellen said. Residents generate about $1,300 more revenue for the district than Open Enrollment students.

The district has also received requests to provide transportation for Open Enrollment students to and from stops close to their residences. This problem was delegated to the Transportation Committee.


Some reductions were made, however. With the seventh grade expected at 56, they are to be reduced to two sections of 28 each, for a savings of about $36,500 overload expense. (Teacher salary increases if teaching over five classes.)

NRHEG tries to keep K-2 classes to an ideal size of 20, and grades 3-6 between 25 and 27.

“Without the Federal Jobs Bill,” Wellen told the board, “we would have been considering additional reductions in Reading Recovery, Kindergarten, First, and Fourth grades.”


Spring coaches were approved for hire, including Brad Root as Head Golf Coach, and Social Studies teacher Justin Timm as Assistant Golf Coach.


Anonymous donations were received in the amounts of $45, $70 and $100 for Junior Prom, $100 for the Snack/Milk Program, $100 for the Leukemia Drive Celebration, and $25 for FFA.

New Richland Fireman’s Relief Association donated $1,400 and Ellendale Fire Department Relief Association donated $648.73 for Smart Boards technology.

A $500 donation was received for Industrial Technology in memory of former NRHEG teacher Harry Lillesvie.

Smart Boards

High School Principal Paul Cyr reported that while Smart Board classroom usage “varies” so far, student response to the new teaching technology is highly positive.

“Anything ‘techno,’ the kids will go for,” said Cyr.

Cyr expressed disappointment with the low 25 percent turnout at the recent high school Parent-Teacher conferences.



Read 1443 times Last modified on Thursday, 05 May 2016 21:35

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