NRHEG Star Eagle

137 Years Serving the New Richland-Hartland-Ellendale-Geneva Area
Newspaper of Record for NRHEG School District
Newspaper of Record for Waseca County, MN
PO Box 248 • New Richland, MN 56072

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Friday, 18 March 2016 18:56

City to advertise cleaning position

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New Richland City Council


Staff Writer

Contact has finally been made with the owner of the commercial lot on 420 2nd St. SE in New Richland, according to City Clerk Wayne Billing, who received a visit at City Hall from the property owner prior to the regular city council meeting on Monday, March 14. The owner, who was put on notice to clean up the property, has decided to attend a public hearing at the next meeting on March 28.

The council meeting began at 6:30 p.m. with all members present; the agenda and consent agenda items were approved.

The police report stated that the department responded to 86 calls for service in February, and the new squad car was received on March 11. Regarding the recent thefts around town, a juvenile suspect was arrested on outstanding Apprehend and Detain orders from other counties, and the items taken were returned to their owners. Charges are pending with the Waseca County Attorney’s Office. The report was approved.

The fire department’s purchase requests of up to $16,000 for gear, and $3,080 for light upgrades, were approved, along with the fire report.

The ambulance report, presented by Chris Schlaak, stated that the ambulance had 10 runs in February and has had eight so far in March, bringing the total runs for 2016 to 40. Purchases of run reports for $101.70 and ambulance licensure, $248, were approved. 

There will be a benefit for Connor Weckwerth on March 20 from 1-5 p.m. in Geneva. Connor is the grandson of Sharon Weckwerth, a former ambulance member. The report was approved.

New business consisted of a discussion on who will take over cleaning NR City Hall and the library building, as the previous person has resigned. Billing’s recommendation to the council was to increase the assistant city clerk’s hours to clean City Hall and the library at her current rate of pay, plus benefits. After some debate, council member Amy Ihrke made a motion to approve increasing the assistant clerk’s weekly hours by two, seconded by Mayor Christine Gislason. Council members John Hullopeter, Sandy Neumann and Sarah Sundve voted no.

Another motion to advertise for help cleaning the library and City Hall was then made and approved.

Briefly mentioned was recent damage at Legion Field, where dugout panels on the softball field were kicked out.

A motion was approved to advertise the sale of the city’s 2008 Impala, with sealed bids open April 25.

The meeting adjourned at 8:01 p.m.

Read 811 times Last modified on Thursday, 05 May 2016 22:40

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