NRHEG Star Eagle

137 Years Serving the New Richland-Hartland-Ellendale-Geneva Area
Newspaper of Record for NRHEG School District
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Sunday, 24 January 2016 20:52

Ellendale gets busy as 2016 kicks off

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Ellendale City Council


Contributing Writer

The Ellendale City Council met for the first time in 2016 Thursday, Jan. 14. Mayor Skroch and all council members were in attendance. Also in attendance was Liquor Store Manager Kiersten Knudson, Maintenance Supervisor Josh Otto, Clerk LeeAnn Hojberg and an area newspaper reporter.

After approving the agenda, Mayor Skroch went right into the appointments for 2016. The appointments for the most part remain the same as in 2015. First National Bank Waseca-Ellendale Branch will be the official depository. The NRHEG Star Eagle will be the official newspaper. The new City Attorney will be Mark Rahrick from Owatonna, and the Council agreed to ask Mrs. Rick Aaseth to be Health Officer. The remainder of the appointments stayed the same. 

Knudson passed out her numbers report for 2015. The report showed a nice profit for the previous year. Knudson has been having trouble with the receiving door to the MLS. Otto told the council he will look at the door and try to repair it or make a recommendation to the council.

Otto began his report with a request from Berlin Township to provide sanding on gravel roads in the area. The council gave Otto the O.K. to see how much sanding needs to be done before giving a price and committing. Otto next asked the council to consider purchasing a bed liner for the plow truck. Otto felt this would save on the truck plus allow loads to dump easier. Otto had two quotes. The low price was $559 from Werner Plastics. The council approved the liner from Werner.

The next item on the agenda was to go over a revised sump pump ordinance. Rahrick provided the council with a draft to consider for adoption. The ordinance was approved after discussion. 

The council looked over the fire department’s contract language with the townships. Again, Rahrick provided some insight. The council decided to stick with the current contract and get input from the fire department for future contracts. The council also discussed the fire relief association’s funding. 

Hojberg began by noting pay equity will be turned in by January 31. She said the W-2s were ready to be sent out and she had been working with Johnson & Doerhoefer to get year-end numbers together. Hojberg asked the council to consider sending out a news-type letter with the next utility bills to explain the water rate increase and also the interest that will be charged on delinquent accounts. The council gave the O.K. to include the letter with this month’s billing. The last item was to report that the thermostat in the Community Building meeting room was not working. The council agreed to have someone look at the problem. 

Claims  and minutes were approved as presented.

Skroch told the council he has been trying to get some resolve on the storm water problem in Crown Ridge. He said he has talked with most parties update the council. 

The next city council meeting is Jan. 28 at 7:30 p.m.

Read 687 times Last modified on Thursday, 05 May 2016 22:36

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