NRHEG Star Eagle

137 Years Serving the New Richland-Hartland-Ellendale-Geneva Area
Newspaper of Record for NRHEG School District
Newspaper of Record for Waseca County, MN
PO Box 248 • New Richland, MN 56072

Published every Thursday
Yearly Subscription: Waseca, Steele, and Freeborn counties: $52
Minnesota $57 • Out of state $64
Friday, 18 December 2015 19:42

Doctor visits aren’t what they used to be

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If you haven’t been to one of the Mayo Clinics for a time, lucky you. Mayo is an interesting place, but it has really grown over the years, which in some regards is good, and in others, not so good.

Doctors today are very different than they were in back those olden days. They are definitely not like the days of Dr. Ertel in Ellendale or Dr. Olds in New Richland. The caliber of doctors today is really different, as can be expected. They may have more knowledge, assistance and “machinery” to help with the evaluations, but they don’t seem to have that “touch” or practical advice we were once used to.

They are busy, as you would expect, but sometimes I feel they are so busy, I feel like a number instead of a person, and they don’t, or can’t, give their patients the attention that they sometimes need.

That is not to say they aren’t kind and friendly; it just isn’t like it used to be.

Another thought. We have had such a nice fall and I appreciate it, but will we be ready to get accustomed to our Minnesota weather when the tough stuff hits? I know that our recent snowfall required us to quickly deal with adverse road conditions.

Speaking of road, do the people who throw their trash by the roadside have spotless homes? Maybe they do, as they throw their garbage along the roads. People need to start carrying a small trash bag in their cars, vans and trucks to hold their trash until they are able to get to the next garbage can where they can dump it. To me, there is nothing I hate more than to see all the garbage that is thrown out car windows.

I can handle a dripping ice cream cone being tossed if it is going to make a mess in your vehicle, but I can’t handle all the pop and beer cans, sandwich wrappers, etc.

And another thought. It was dark and raining. I am not fond of night driving, and really appreciate the reflection of light that comes off the road signs. They are a welcome sight. Of course if you look beyond the dark and rain there are usually little lights reflecting, like signals for aircraft warning us to beware.

Of course the red lights from the windmills in our area can make you giggle if you think of them as a row of dancers in an old Western.

Is it just me, or does it seem like bad weather seems to tempt drivers to driver faster, like they are in a hurry to get out of the weather? It also seems like bad weather draws folks to town for supplies, or is it maybe because there is nothing better to do so we want to make the best of it?

Much of the older generation learned over the years to "lay up" supplies for bad weather as they experienced the difficulties of not being able to leave their homes for days on end when the weather turned bad. Back then they didn't have the big snowplows that could remove all the snow off the roads like we do now.

On to another thought. I recall when Lynda Jensen, who grew up in Geneva, was in grade school. She would only eat “real” peanut butter. She ground the peanuts herself and didn’t see a need to add extra “lard” or shortening to it. Today, we buy it “natural” with no added ingredients off the grocery store shelf. My mother chooses to eat it that way because she knows it is better for her. But she said something seems to be missing. The salt maybe? Remember two tablespoons of peanut butter is equal to as much in meat in regards to protein. Eating peanut butter for breakfast is a good way to start your day.

Popcorn is a whole grain product. But there still are things we need to watch out for, like too many calories from added ingredients such as salt and butter. Air popped popcorn is best. Most people think microwave popcorn is better for them, but they fail to think about the chemicals used in the construction of the bag that “comes alive” when heated.

Another good thought. If we shouldn’t have it, we shouldn’t buy it. Surprising how short our memory can be if we just walk away. It is less tempting for us if the goodies aren't on hand. Yes, it can be embarrassing if you have unexpected company stop by and there is nothing to serve along with coffee. Think of it as doing them a favor. You can serve fruit, or crackers and cheese.

Develop new habits when the kids get to a certain stage and you spend too much time in the toy departments. Stop and think about whom you are really shopping for. Admit it is a fascinating adventure. There is just about everything a child could imagine and then some, but much of the appeal is for the adults.

It is amazing to hear kids say, “No, I don’t need that,” how they use more common sense than we believe or are they thinking more toys and gadgets means more things they will need to clean up in their rooms. There are so many cute things out there, but how long does the attraction really last. "Out of sight, out of mind," as the saying goes.

It is surprising how much kids look alike, especially when they have their noses in their phones or tablets. I wonder if you walked away and someone else took your place if they would realize it? Is it possible to get calluses or tendentious in one’s finger from operating all those newfangled items of communication. Handy gadgets are fun, but some leave things lacking because of them. Some kids are even finding it difficult to talk one to one!

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Some of our Star Eagle readers have commented that they like to read about events such as family and school reunions, birthdays and anniversaries, and birth and wedding announcements.  In order to read about these important things we need our faithful readers to pass along the information to us.

Also, if you have an idea for a story that you think would be of interest to our readers, please contact me.

If you have birthdays and anniversaries you would like to include, or news to share, please contact me via e-mail, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., by postal mail, P.O. Box 192, Geneva, MN 56035; or telephone, 507-256-4405.

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Birthdays and anniversaries:

• Thursday, December 17th: Zachary Tracy, Becky Edwards, Gretta Lageson, Tanya Blouin, Cheryl Cooper, Jack DeRaad, Joel Davis, Alex Edward LaFave, Keith & Leigh Ann Wayne, Lyle & Helen Swearingen, Bruce & Faye Thompson

• Friday, December 18th: Mary Torgerson, Catherine Suzanne Olson, Scott Lang, Chris O'Byrne, Margaret (Mugsy) Swearingen, Gavyn Tlamka

• Saturday, December 19th: LaJune Hagen, Kathy Peterson, Jerry Thompson, Sheryl Tracy, Loren Haroldson, Cheryl Utpadel, James & Barb Bremmer, Chris & Jennifer Paulson, Jerry & Bev White

• Sunday, December 20th: Corlyn Paulsen, Kyle Johnson, Laurie Swift, Deb Whelan, Odean & Andrea Johnson

• Monday, December 21st: Audriene Nelson, Nancy Rich, Liz Wangsness, Darin Rhodes, Brandon Hagen, Dave & Tammy Peterson, Duane & Cheryl Lembke

• Tuesday, December 22nd: Destiny Rita Hill, David Arends, Pam Cook, Gary Dobberstein, Tracy Dulas, Julie Jensen Wichman, Ed Nelson, Nikki Toft Schumaker, Barbara Zamora, Bryce Hanson, Jamie Jensen

• Wednesday, December 23rd: Vicki Richards, Jonika Otto Wing, Jess Dunlap, Paitin DuBois, Julie Cornelius, Keith Severson, Carol Schultz, Sophia Swift, Burt & Carla Scripture

May your find joy and pleasure all around you on your special day!

Read 320 times Last modified on Thursday, 05 May 2016 22:35

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