NRHEG Star Eagle

137 Years Serving the New Richland-Hartland-Ellendale-Geneva Area
Newspaper of Record for NRHEG School District
Newspaper of Record for Waseca County, MN
PO Box 248 • New Richland, MN 56072

Published every Thursday
Yearly Subscription: Waseca, Steele, and Freeborn counties: $52
Minnesota $57 • Out of state $64
Friday, 11 December 2015 20:28

Thoughts while driving for Thanksgiving

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On my way to our Hanson Thanksgiving gathering, some thoughts crossed my mind.

I wondered about how many people would be sitting home alone on the holiday. Sometimes it is a blessing to enjoy solitude – a time to be with yourself. What better company?

Otherwise, if you know of someone who may have to spend holidays alone, a note from a friend is of value. It isn’t always what you say, it is how you say it.

Thanksgiving is a time for thinking and thanking and realizing another year is almost past – and wonder what we did with it. Looking back, it seems so long ago. Looking forward, we wonder what surprises and great things may come our way. Make each day a blessing for we never know when they will end. Remember to take good care of you. So many people depend on your existence.

The Clarks Grove historical group worked hard to establish a building to exhibit artifacts from the past. As you prepare for Christmas and the New Year before us, don’t forget to visit or contribute to the display. A visit over the Christmas holiday coud be added as a gift for your children or grandchildren.

 The used book store that was established in the former Clarks Grove State Bank building has closed. Our loss. The group put their remaining inventory of books up for sale real cheap before they had to close the doors. It has been traumatic for me to see the closing of the bank and now this, though I was negligent in giving it more attention. There has been some thought that they may reopen later in Albert Lea. We sure hope so. There are a lot of good things that can be learned and enjoyed from reading books.

Another thought came to mind.

What hypocrites we are. We choose to read the articles in magazines that tell us to lose weight and how bad some things are for us, and then we turn the page to find pictures of all the goodies we should avoid.

A doctor once said that moderation and the amount we eat makes a difference no matter what we eat or drink. You’ll feel better if you feel satisfied, not stuffed. It isn’t that there isn’t good food out there to eat such as raw fruits and vegetables without all the creamy sauces. We forget or choose to eat what we like and enjoy, even if it is not good for us.

It is important for us to remember only to eat as much as we really need. It is a good idea to eat small bites, especially meat, and chew them thoroughly.

And another thought comes to mind.

I hope many people from our area plan to join their friends at Community Lutheran for the organ recital planned for Sunday, December 13, which will share music played on their new organ. This will be a special Christmas gift for all.

In honor of the occasion, a Christmas silent auction is being planned. Items new or slightly used and Christmas themed in nature will be included in the auction, which will add proceeds for the organ fund. Items may include crafts, stockings filled with items, especially for the little ones, baskets of Christmas items, plants, cookies, pies, bars, rolls or homemade breads. I guess one can say the ideas are endless. Items, with the exception of fresh baked items, can be dropped off in fellowship hall anytime now through the 9th of December.

The church is more than happy to take any monetary donations towards the organ fund at any time.  Please designate that  your gift is for the Organ Fund.

The silent auction will begin following the morning worship service, which begins at 9:30, and the concert begins at 2 p.m. It will be fascinating to hear all the great music to come from this new organ.

Great music, special Christmas items you won’t find in a store, a chance to be with a lot of people you might not get a chance to visit with during the holidays, who could ask for more? Mark your calendars. You won’t want to miss this special occasion.

And we can’t forget Santa. Santa is scheduled to arrive in Geneva on Saturday, December 19 at 2. Bingo will be called starting at 1.

Speaking of gifts, several local churches hold family-type gatherings where food and fellowship is shared. First Baptist Church in Clarks Grove has long had a tradition of Wednesday night “Family Nights” where food and fellowship is shared with friends and neighbors.

Ellendale United Methodist Church has also started serving family dinners the first Sunday of the month following their morning worship services.

Nowhere in the Bible does it specify that there were only three wise men.

Some of our Star Eagle readers have commented that they like to read about events such as family and school reunions, birthdays and anniversaries, and birth and wedding announcements.  In order to read about these important things we need our faithful readers to pass along the information to us.

Also, if you have an idea for a story that you think would be of interest to our readers, please contact me.

If you have birthdays and anniversaries you would like to include, or news to share, please contact me via  e-mail, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., by postal mail, P.O. Box 192, Geneva, MN 56035; or telephone, 507-256-4405.

Birthdays and anniversaries:

• Thursday, December 10th: Cody Dobberstein, Steve Lee, Valerie Otterson, Karla Osmundson, Art DeNeui, Phillip Olsen, Scott & Melonie Crabtree

• Friday, December 11th, Jane Nordhorn Allen, Justin Hove, Geoffrey Ramaker, Marty Shultz, Rick Johnson, Janice Paulsen, Beth Scripture Klucksen, Jake Thompson, Theresa Van Ravenhorst, Larry & Emily Otto

• Saturday, December 12th: Torie Richards, Jean Groth, Addison Gayle Lyman, Bernard Falksen, Allen Paulsen, Matthew Butler, Barbara Lageson, Judith Johnson Tetzloff, Kim Seath, Christopher Nelson, Mark & Cheryl Johnson 

• Sunday, December 13th:  Deb Bunn, Dan Carroll, Jake Pence, Eleanor Koster, Spencer Wayne, Maks Robert Edward Hanson, Michael Kelly, Mike & Michelle Pterson, Candy & Darin Baker

• Monday, December 14th:  Makenna Marie Smith, Alexander Jayce Quimby, Keith Bengston, Randy Lehmberg, Elizabeth Falksen Brockoff, MIchard Conroy, Wayne Reese, Tina VanRiper, Catherine Lageson, Jim Ladlie, Rich Krikava and Daryl & Peggy Radjenovich 

•  Tuesday, December 15th:  Josh Otto, Jolene Sorenson, Brenda Burshem, Dustin Quimby, Maureen Bailey, Nancy Kelly, Travis Reichl

• Wednesday, December 16th: Abraham Groth, Angie Deml, Karen Zicafoose, David Brandt, Vicky Dobberstein, M. Carol Nelson,  Peggy Radjenovich and Paul & Mary Groth

It is your special day. Take a break and celebrate.

Surprise somebody. Call someone. Send a card and make their day.  Little things really do mean a lot.

Read 246 times Last modified on Thursday, 05 May 2016 22:34

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