NRHEG Star Eagle

137 Years Serving the New Richland-Hartland-Ellendale-Geneva Area
Newspaper of Record for NRHEG School District
Newspaper of Record for Waseca County, MN
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Friday, 18 September 2015 15:47

Time travelers to speak at Vibrant Life

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Staff Writer

Seven renowned “Heroes of the Faith” will speak in Ellendale every Sunday beginning Sept. 20, thanks to Vibrant Life Assembly of God Church, and a little help from Dr. Who.

These great figures from Christian history will return, one each week, and step to the lectern to talk about what they know best.

How is this going to happen?

“We’re going to send the Tardis back and pick these guys up,” says Vibrant Life Pastor Patrick Stitt.

John Wesley, founder of the Methodist Church, will speak on Revivalism; author C. S. Lewis will discuss Theology; Pentecostal movement founder Charles Parham will appear to talk about Pentacostalism; John Wycliffe will come back from the beyond to talk about the Reformation; Justin the Martyr will speak on Persecution; and Billy Graham will be retrieved by the Tardis from the 1950s to discuss –what else? – Evangelism.

These will be “kid-friendly” discussions, says Stitt.

To prove that further, Lillian Trasher, famous founder of a massive Egyptian orphanage, who will be speaking on Missionary Work, will be bringing some of her Egyptian children with her.

Everyone will be welcome at these talks, and childcare will be provided each week. Don’t miss this historic time-travel event.

For more information call Vibrant Life, 702 3rd St. S., Ellendale, at 684-3421.

Read 885 times Last modified on Thursday, 05 May 2016 22:30

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