NRHEG Star Eagle

137 Years Serving the New Richland-Hartland-Ellendale-Geneva Area
Newspaper of Record for NRHEG School District
Newspaper of Record for Waseca County, MN
PO Box 248 • New Richland, MN 56072

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Yearly Subscription: Waseca, Steele, and Freeborn counties: $52
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Friday, 17 July 2015 19:19

‘Great honor’ Featured

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Wayne, Merlys Wenzel chosen 2015 Farm and City Days grand marshals


WAY TO GO WAYNE AND MERLYS! — Pastor Charles Espe, left, congratulates Wayne Wenzel as his wife Merlys looks on during the pancake breakfast at the New Richland Fire Hall Saturday, July 11. Wayne and Merlys were selected grand marshals of the 2015 Farm and City Days parade. See Pages 9, 11 and 12 in this week's Star Eagle for more Farm and City Days photos. (Star Eagle photo by Nicole Billing)



Wayne Wenzel didn’t know how to react when he and his wife, Merlys, were announced as 2015 Farm and City Days parade grand marshals.

He was stunned.

“It was a great honor, it sure was,” said Wenzel, a New Richland native. “The wife and I were very surprised. I was just dumbfounded. I never imagined they’d pick us.”

Wenzel, known around town as a friendly, jovial, down-to-earth character, has had his antique business, Dad’s Good Stuff, on New Richland’s main street for about 25 years.

Merlys Wenzel, born and raised in Glenville, moved here in 1959.

“That’s when she found me, in 1959,” quipped Wenzel.

The grand marshal announcement was made Saturday morning during the pancake breakfast at the NR Fire Hall. The Wenzels rode in the parade later that afternoon.

“We rode in a real nice car in the parade and had a wonderful time with everything,” said Wenzel. “But I’m glad it’s over. I just want to thank the committee for choosing us, and Reverend Paul (Andree) for nominating us — that was very nice of him. It was fun, it was a pleasure, and it was truly surprising.”

It was one of many highlights during New Richland’s annual midsummer festival last weekend.

The 2nd Annual Little Miss/Little Mr. New Richland pagaent was held Thursday night at City Hall. Winners were Gracie Morgan, Miss Farm; Kenley Gehrke, Miss City; and Blake Feather, Mr. City.

A first-ever event, Family Feud, was held Friday night on main street. Eight teams competed for the crown, with the title going to the team of Marcie Flor, Kalana Shurson, Spencer Swenson, Mollie Mullenbach and Cailin Timm.

Results of the annual Top 25 Antique Car Show:

• Best GM — Dave and Nancy Olson, 1957 Pontiac Star Cheif

• Best Ford — Larry Farris, 1969 Ford Mustang Convertible

• Best Mopar — Gene Miller 1968 Dodge Coronet Super Bee 

• Best of Show and People Choice — Rick and Genie Kendall, 1950 Mercury Two Door Sedan

Top 25 cars:

Jim and Barb Enevoldsen, 1965 Chevy Impala SS

Mike McDonough, 1962 Corvair Monza

Ron Weise, 1951 Chevy Bel Air

Jim and Barb Enevoldsen, 1966 Chevy Caprice

Logan Busho, 1956 Ford Fairlane 

Rick and Genie Kendall, 1950 Mercury Sedan 

John Lindmeyer, 1969 Chevy Chevelle SS 396

Jule and Wendy Johnson, 1956 Chevy Z10 Delray

Larry Farris, 1969 Ford Mustang

Chuck Lewer, 1969 Dodge Dart GTS

Mark Bernard, 1959 Studebaker Silver Hawk

Jim and Barb Enevoldsen, 1974 Chevy C10 Pickup

Doris Stadheim, 1968 Chevy SS 396

Carlyle and Judy Hagen, 1930 Ford A

Dennis Malecha, 1950 Chevy Pickup

Mary and Andy Lerberg, 1929 Ford

Dave and Nancy Olson, 1957 Pontiac Star Chief

Gene Miller, 1968 Dodge Coronet Super Bee

Jane and Wayne Offenhauser, 1941 Ford Business Coupe

David Anderson, 1951 Ford Panel Truck

Cody Reistad, 1962 Chevy Impala

Eric Miller, 1973 Plymouth Cuda

Mary Jo Miller, 1965 Chevy Malibu

Steve Baalsom, 1941 Ford Pick Up

Darrin Stadheim, 1957 Chevy Bel Air

Top 10 tractors:

1. Kenny Lenz , 1954 International Super TA

2. Paul Stennes, 1954 Farmall Super M

3. Lester Wenzel, 1934 MM J

4. Sam Morgan, 1944 IH H

5. Paul Stennes, 1939 Farmall F20

6. Paul Stennes, 1952 Cockshutt 40

7. Chico Stennes, 1928 McCormick Deering 22-36

8. Lester Wenzel, 1951 MM R

9. R Kim Olson, 1948 MM R

10. Sam Morgan, 1948 IH M

• Peoples Choice Tractor — Chico Stennes, 1928 McCormick Deering 22-36

“Cherry Gun,” a rock and roll band from the Twin Cities, entertained for Saturday night’s street dance to favorable reviews.

As of Tuesday, only one of four winning button numbers had been claimed. The unclaimed numbers and dollar amounts: $100 #0061; $25, #0965; $25, #0335. Also, if you left a lawn chair at the park on Sunday, please call 463-3421 to claim it.

Many more events were held during Farm and City Days, including the annual Public Showing of Flowers by the Town and Country Garden Club, Hillybilly Fun Run, Four Corners and Family Fun Fest, and Teen Ultimate Scavenger Hunt.

Farm & City Days Parade Grand Marshals

• 2015 — Wayne and Merlys Wenzel

• 2014 — Surviving WWII veterans Richard Crumb, Eugene Warke, Bud Shurson, Donnie Bartness, Tony Arnfelt, Dr. Albert Flor, Gordon Peterson, Harold Thompson, Winston Evenson, Kenneth Eaton, Donald Smith, Audrinne Smith, Marie Querna

• 2013 — 2012-13 NRHEG Girls’ Basketball Team — Hannah Lundberg, Maddie Wagner, Marnie Wagner, Carlie Wagner, Abby Crabtree, Paige Overgaard, Anna Stork, Jade Schultz, Katie Cole, Kelli Harrington, Raelin Schue, Ryann Hagen

• 2012 — Gail Schmidt

• 2011 — Pastor Paul Andree

• 2010 — Pam and Larry Goehring

• 2009 — Myron Schumacher

• 2008 — Gene and Sylvia Dodge

• 2007 — Mary Ann Schlaak

• 2006 — Vince Peterson

• 2005 — Don and Audrinne Smith

• 2004 — Pastor Phil Lewison

• 2003 — Gene and Mildred Budach

• 2002 — Orrin Ribbe (Honorary Gary Billing)

• 2001 — Bernie Anderson

• 2000 — Dale and Dawn Halgren

• 1999 — Beth Wesselhoeft

• 1998 — Jim Jessen

• 1997 — Margaret Engesser

• 1996 — Pastor Charles Espe

• 1995 — Lee Mendenhall

• 1994 — Gene Amley

• 1993 — Elmer and Marilyn Quiram

• 1992 — Jean Horn

• 1991 — Bill Robinson

• 1990 — Edna and Vince Erdmann

• 1989 — Herb Prescher

• 1988 — Abraham Family

• 1987 — Dr. Albert Flor

• 1986 — Harry Anderson

• 1985 — Leo Eckart

• 1984 — Dr. George H. Olds

Read 4009 times Last modified on Thursday, 05 May 2016 22:27

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