NRHEG Star Eagle

137 Years Serving the New Richland-Hartland-Ellendale-Geneva Area
Newspaper of Record for NRHEG School District
Newspaper of Record for Waseca County, MN
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Thursday, 05 March 2015 20:00

Public forum March 12 to discuss police contract

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Ellendale City Council


Contributing Writer

The Ellendale City Council met Thursday, February 26 with Mayor Skroch and all council members present. Also attending the meeting was LeeAnn Hojberg, City Clerk, and Josh Otto, Maintenance.

It was during Mayor Skroch’s time for his items that Skroch brought up the contract with Steele County for police protection.

Skroch had indicated at the previous meeting that he would like to do away with the contract held with the county. Skroch said that he knows of many neighboring small towns that do not pay extra for public safety. The current contract between the City and Steele County can be terminated by either party with a 90-day notice.

Councilperson Kibler mentioned that she thought holding a town hall type forum may be a good chance for residents to share their view on this matter.

The council moved to have a public forum on Thursday, March 12 at 7 p.m. in the council chambers. 

Clerk Hojberg was first on the agenda with her items for the council. Hojberg stated that Assistant City Clerk Zimprich is back to work after time off for a medical procedure. Hojberg informed the council that the fire department did not have any items for council action. 

The minutes from the January 22 and February 12 meetings were approved as presented.

The claims for the evening were approved as presented. The total for the evening was $34,602.64 

Pete Paulson, manager at the Municipal Liquor Store, was unable to be present as he was cooking at the MLS. Paulson sent word to the council that he will be advertising for help.

Otto was next on the agenda. He started his report by going over the lawn care proposals he received. There were three different bids received, with Royal Lawn of Clarks Grove having the best price. The council approved the contract with Royal Lawn and approved to include the bid amount less 10% prepayment with the evening’s claims.

Otto next asked the council to reconsider the paid time off policy. After some discussion, the council asked Clerk Hojberg to send each council member the vacation and sick day policy. The council will make a recommendation at its next meeting.

During the open discussion time for council members, Councilman Goebel noted that there has been some concern about residents plowing snow across streets into open lots. Councilperson Kibler brought up the town hall meeting idea. Kibler also mentioned that the council should take advantage of situations that arise that would give the City some good press.  Councilman Groth mentioned that he would like to see more things done for the youth in town.

The next meeting of the Ellendale City Council will be on March 12, with a public forum starting at 7 and the regular meeting at 7:30 p.m.

Read 2495 times Last modified on Thursday, 05 May 2016 22:21

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