NRHEG Star Eagle

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Thursday, 26 February 2015 18:42

No stranger to excellence Featured

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Nafe nominated for ExCEL Award


NOMINATED — Jessica Nafe, daughter of Terry and Karen Nafe, is NRHEG’s nominee for the Minnesota State High School League’s ExCEL Award. (Star Eagle photo by Nicole Billing)


Editorial Assistant

Jessica Nafe is no stranger when it comes to excelling in the classroom and in extracurricular activities.

So it’s no surprise she is NRHEG’s nominee for the Minnesota State High School League’s ExCEL Award. Jessica is the daughter of Terry and Karen Nafe of Waseca.

ExCEL – Excellence in Community, Education and Leadership – is a unique recognition designed exclusively for Minnesota high school juniors who are active in school activities, who show leadership qualities, and who volunteer in their communities.

Nominees must be a junior in high school, make satisfactory progress toward graduation, participate in a MSHSL fine arts and/or athletic activity, hold leadership position(s) in their school, and work voluntarily in their community. This is the 19th year the MSHSL has sponsored the ExCEL Award. 

Jessica was in soccer in ninth grade as well as being the C-Squad captain, earning a Spotlight on Scholarship Award (where she won gold), and being the Most Outstanding Defender. She was in golf in ninth and 10th grade, as well as being captain in 10th grade and on varsity both ninth and 10th grade. She was the Panthers’ #1 golfer in 10th grade. She was also Most Dedicated in ninth grade, MVP and an all-conference honorable mention in 10th grade, and receiving a Spotlight on Scholarship Award both years where she got gold. She was in cheerleading in 10th and 11th grade, as well as being part of the state champions and being Most Spirited in the winter of 10th grade. She was Most Valuable Base in the fall of 11th grade and won a Spotlight on Scholarship Award both years and got gold. 

Jessica has been in band all three years, as well as being in Marching Band those years where she was a Drum Major. She was also in Pep Band three years, while joining the Jazz Band in 11th grade. She was in choir ninth and 10th grade, while being co-secretary in 10th and 11th grade. She was on the honor roll throughout ninth, 10th, and 11th grade, while also being part of FFA those years. In FFA, she was Star Farmer in 10th grade, Star Greenhand in ninth grade, a degree winner and Dairy Foods Top Judge in ninth and 10th grades, a Goat Proficiency winner in 10th grade, and a Dairy Foods state contest winner in ninth and 10th grade.

Jessica was also on the student council in ninth, 10th, and 11th grade, where she was class president. She was elected into the National Honor Society in 11th grade and was also on the yearbook staff where she was the editor. She volunteered at 4-H events as well as being part of the FFA Barnyard staff. She has also volunteered at events including Feed My Starving Children, Operation Christmas Child, and food shelf backpack packaging. She is the leader at her youth group and has been a musical choreographer as well as musical assistant director. Along with those things, she has been a VBS Group Leader, a youth band singer at her church, and a Fellowship of Christian Athletes soccer coach.

Here Jessica shares her favorite leadership quote and the qualities she believes make a good leader:

John C. Maxwell, a great American author, once said, “A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.” I believe all three of those attributes are essential for any leader. A person in the leadership position should be knowledgeable enough to assist their peers with whatever problems, questions, or concerns may surface while they are in charge. Not only should a leader be able to know the right course of action, they should practice it daily. Leading by example is critical. If someone were to tell another person one thing, while in the next moment do the exact opposite, why should the first person do as they’re told? If a person isn’t willing to do some

 work or to conduct themselves in the same manner that they expect others to, they don’t deserve the position they hold. Finally, a leader must be willing to assist others whenever needed. As a leader, a person must guide others towards a common goal. If a leader patiently shows their peers the way to success, nothing can stop that group from accomplishing any feat.

In 250 words of less, Jessica chose one volunteer experience and described how the experience benefited herself and others:

For three years now, our church has sent a group of volunteers to the Operation Christmas Child Warehouse in Minneapolis. The other volunteers and I spend the afternoon checking, organizing, and packing thousands of shoeboxes filled with presents for children ages two to fourteen. We are the last people to see and touch the boxes before the child receiving the gift opens it. Operation Christmas Child is a nonprofit organization through Samaritan’s Purse. The organization’s goal is to spread the good news of Jesus Christ by delivering shoeboxes filled with toys, supplies, and bible stories to underprivileged children from countries around the world.

As a child, I remember packing boxes with my Sunday school class. As I grew up, I began helping my mother wrap and organize all the gifts from our church. It took a while, just the two of us, but I loved knowing I played a part in changing a child’s life. Lucky enough, once I was old enough to volunteer at the Minneapolis warehouse, our church began sending volunteers. Since then, I’ve discovered my next calling in this organization. Someday I hope to deliver the boxes to the children myself, along with the other missionaries. I’m a strong believer in this organization, and there are countless stories of changed lives to back me up. Without a doubt, I am a more appreciative person because of this organization.

Here is the recommendation letter written by Samuel Boerboom, Band Director at NRHEG High School:

It is my distinct pleasure to recommend Jessica Nafe as an ExCEL Award recipient. I have known Jessica since June of 2014; during this time she has served as the Junior Drum Major for the NRHEG Marching Band and has been a student in my classroom for both Concert Band and Jazz Band.

Jessica is one of the best young leaders I have had the opportunity to work with. She is a natural leader, strong musician, and is able to motivate her peers to give their best on a daily basis. Jessica is an extremely hard worker, very intelligent, always dependable, and has many other talents that set her apart.

As a junior Drum Major, Jessica led the band through 11 successful performances throughout the 2014 marching season. Each day in rehearsals and performances she came prepared and created an advantageous atmosphere when conducting for her peers. As a leader and role model, Jessica constantly seeks to strengthen her skills as a musician. She has learned multiple instruments and has shown consistent discipline and determination in striving to master them.

Jessica goes above and beyond in consistently leading with positivity, tactfulness, and dedication. She constantly encourages her peers to be great stewards of kindness and giving.

For all these reasons, and many more, I urge you to give Jessica Nafe your fullest consideration for the ExCEL Award.

Read 1177 times Last modified on Thursday, 05 May 2016 22:21

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