NRHEG Star Eagle

137 Years Serving the New Richland-Hartland-Ellendale-Geneva Area
Newspaper of Record for NRHEG School District
Newspaper of Record for Waseca County, MN
PO Box 248 • New Richland, MN 56072

Published every Thursday
Yearly Subscription: Waseca, Steele, and Freeborn counties: $52
Minnesota $57 • Out of state $64
Friday, 09 January 2015 19:02

Geneva Cancer Auction is this weekend Featured

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Staff Writer

 Another new year has arrived and with it comes another Geneva Cancer Auction.  We probably should have gotten this in last week’s issue, but most area people know that the Geneva Cancer Auction is always held the second and third weekends in January each year.  

For those who don't know, the 31st Annual Geneva Cancer Auction will be held the weekends of Jan. 9 -10 and Jan. 16 -17 in Geneva at the Geneva Bar & Grill.

"I'll be there," says Whitey Hagen, “and I hope you will be too.  We've been getting together in Geneva for cancer auctions for 30 years already, and they keep getting bigger and better. Where else can you meet your friends and neighbors and share in the fun that comes from a cancer run and do so much good - all at the same time?"

It is hoped that people will once again support this very special event.  People are encouraged to donate special items and homemade goodies to the auction, and attend, so they can bid for some of the special treasures that are donated.

Donations can be dropped off at the Geneva Bar and Grill prior to the event, or people can be bring them when they come to the auction this weekend, as well as the following weekend.   

Over the years many great cooks have prepared tasty foods people look forward to bidding on.

The auction will start Friday, Jan. 9 at 7:00 p.m. and will resume at 2:00 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 10 at the Geneva Bar and Grill.  It will continue the following weekend, Friday, Jan. 16 at 7:00, and again at 2:00 next Saturday afternoon, Jan. 17.

Whitey and LaJune Hagen are already making plans for their yearly trip to Rochester on Sunday, Jan. 18, where they, on behalf of the many people and businesses from our area, will present another donation check during the annual Eagles Cancer Telethon.  The donation will include money raised from many different cancer fundraising events that have been held over the past year in this area.

In 2010 Geneva Cancer fundraising events helped raise $80,000.  When that was added to what had previously been raised over the years during Geneva Cancer Auctions it brought Geneva’s grand total to $1,000,000. Then in 2011 an additional $80,000 was added, to and again in 2012, another $80,000. In 2014 a monumental record amount - $100,000 - was reached from the many different fundraising events. 

  In addition to the 30 years of Geneva Cancer Auctions, 30 years of Wild Game Feed fundraising and 11 years of Geneva Cancer Raffles have taken place.  But those two events are not the only events that are held each year as fundraisers for cancer research in Geneva.   Once again this past year two different motorcycle runs, including the Matt Felt/Dillon Gordon Run, took place, as well as the annual Geneva Cancer Golf Outing.

In 2013 a 1942  "M" Farmall tractor was donated by the Harold Bagley and Steve Quam families and the money that was raised from that raffle, in addition to money raised during the "Bend in the Road" haircutting event, were donated and added to the Geneva Cancer fundraising totals.  Last year Locks of Love were also donated for cancer survivors. Even though no money was generated by this event, it is still greatly needed.

 The amount of $1,000 was also donated by the Maple Island Park Association from funds raised from the weekly bingo event at the Geneva Bar &and Grill.  A $500. donation was also received from the Hartland Farmers State Bank.

Tickets are also being sold now for the 12th annual Cancer Raffle, which once again this year includes a 51" Plasma HDTV with Blu-Ray player, and a total of $1,500 in cash prizes - $500, $400, $300, $200, and $100.  LaJune reports 2015 Geneva Cancer Sweatshirts and T-Shirts have once again been created, and people will be able to order them during the auction.

Once again, let's make this the year we do all we can to help change fighting cancer to curing it.  Grab your sellable treasures and goodies and that special hometown spirit and take part in the Geneva Cancer Auction.  Hope to see you there!

Read 1050 times Last modified on Thursday, 05 May 2016 22:18

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