TROPHY TIME — Members of the NRHEG Marching Band and director Sam Boerboom, right, pose for a photo with their trophy from the 2014 Waseca Marching Classic Saturday, Sept. 20. (Star Eagle photo by Nikki Erickson)
Contributing Writer
Band director Sam Boerboom and the NRHEG High School marching band started off the fall season with a Class 1A first place award at the Waseca Marching Classic Saturday, Sept. 20.
Despite being the smallest marching band in numbers, their sound and performance impressed judges and crowd alike. The band marched to the James Bond theme and performed a parade route routine as they marched down Highway 13 in downtown Waseca.
Boerboom, who is new to the NRHEG school district, noted that this was his first teaching position since he graduated from Concordia College Moorehead with a degree in Instrumental Music Education.
“The kids have been working really hard,” said Boerboom. “It’s fun to witness their excitement and the fun they have while performing.” He was also impressed that the scoring was within a few points of the 2A bands and he’s excited for what the future holds for the band. Other bands performing Saturday were Eagle Grove (IA), Pipestone, Lennox (SD), Stewartville, Luverne, Sioux Falls Washington, and Worthington.
During the summer, the band performed the James Bond routine at the Henry Wenger Marching Band Festival where they earned third in class; and a second in class and first in marching execution at the Lake Crystal Battle of the Bands. They also performed at the Freeborn County 4th of July parade, St. Peter Old Fashioned 4th of July celebration, Mapleton Town and Country Days, Ellendale Days and New Richland Farm and City Days.
Boerboom stated that he met with outgoing director Tim Siewert over the summer, at several competitions and performances, so he could familiarize himself with the school and current program. He is excited to begin his teaching career at NRHEG.