NRHEG Star Eagle

137 Years Serving the New Richland-Hartland-Ellendale-Geneva Area
Newspaper of Record for NRHEG School District
Newspaper of Record for Waseca County, MN
PO Box 248 • New Richland, MN 56072

Published every Thursday
Yearly Subscription: Waseca, Steele, and Freeborn counties: $52
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Wednesday, 24 October 2012 18:10

Candidates' Q and A

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Editorial Assistant

With the upcoming election on Tuesday, November 6, candidates for the local school board and city government were given questionnaires by the NRHEG Star Eagle. The following are their responses:

NRHEG School Board

Name: Jay Crabtree

Age: 45

Family: Wife Shari, children Abby (Senior, NRHEG), Katie (7th, NRHEG), Tyler (Graduate, NRHEG), daughter-in-law Amy, grandson Payten

How long have you lived in the area? Lifelong Ellendale resident 45 years

What is your occupation or profession? Police Officer – Albert Lea Police Department

Have you held a school board position in the past? No.

What do you consider the most important part of this job? Financial stability; continuing to use cost/benefit analysis in order to keep the school financially solvent. Balancing the educational needs of the students along with continuing to evaluate the effectiveness of advancing classroom technology. Communication with NRHEG administration and staff on a bi-weekly basis is a personal approach to making positive decisions in improving the educational needs of NRHEG students. Safety; continue to evaluate and approve emergency protocol procedures and the safety needs of the students and staff.

What particular strengths or experience do you bring to the position, that you believe will help you do a good job?

I worked for the Albert Lea School District for 12 years as a School Recourse Officer and 22 years as a police officer. I provided a law enforcement perspective and problem solving assistance to the school administration, staff and students on a daily basis. I managed security issues, lockdowns, drug and alcohol enforcement, reducing bullying and harassment, assaults, bus transportation issues, classroom presentations and one-on-one student counseling. I also assisted special education staff and student when needed. I held the position of Youth Advisory Director and DARE Instructor. In 2012 I was awarded the Albert Lea Police Department’s “Merit Award” for outstanding service to ALPD, Dist. 241 students, staff and administration as a School Resource Officer.

What do you feel are the school district’s most important concerns at this time? Continuing to maintain a strong financial budget by making cost-effective decisions, yearly review of the administrative, staff structure and educational policies within each school building, and provide and review educational curriculum to properly prepare students for continuing education and the work force.

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Name: Mike Moen

Age: 51

Family: Wife Julie, children Josh, Alex, Adam

How long have you lived in the area? 47 years

What is your occupation or profession? Crop farmer/hog farmer

Have you held a city government position in the past? Yes. Four years on the NRHEG School Board, second year on Otisco Township board, retired from 21 years on NRFD.

What do you consider the most important part of this job? To have the best education for the students, and at the same time, stay on budget for the district.

What particular strengths or experience do you bring to the position, that you believe will help you do a good job? The experience of being on the school board for the past four years has been a learning experience for me. I know the importance of the students’ education and how to have the best administration and teaching staff possible while also staying on budget.

What do you feel are the school district’s most important concerns at this time? Staying up to date on technology for the student and our teaching staff.

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Name: Michelle (Shelly) Moxon

Age: 53

Family: Husband Jeff, daughter and son-in-law Amanda and Paul Rovnak

How long have you lived in the area? Lifetime

What is your occupation or profession? Rural carrier - USPS

Have you held a school board in the past? Yes. Current

What do you consider the most important part of this job? There are many important parts; however, ensuring a safe learning environment for our districts’ children ranks up there, as well as ensuring growth opportunities for the future.

What particular strengths or experience do you bring to the position, that you believe will help you do a good job? Admittedly, the first year was an eye-opener! It has been an honor to serve my first term. I believe I am able to listen openly to fellow board members and district taxpayers, and yet ask questions for clarity. By attending MSBA seminars and conferences, I am able to stay in touch with items that affect public education.

What do you feel are the school district’s most important concerns at this time? The concern is always for money, yet maintaining our facilities, being open to new technology, and ensuring forward thinking/planning are also important. We have a great staff and administration. Maintaining a positive and safe learning/teaching/working environment is necessary. Thanks always to our communities for their support.

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Name: Peggy Radjenovich

Age: 48

Family: Husband Joel, children Chuck, Lizzy and Ivan Stohl, and Nick and Josh Radjenovich

How long have you lived in the area? Eight years, grew up in Ellendale

What is your occupation or profession? Assistant Nurse Manager Pediatric ICU at Children’s Hospitals and Clinics, Minneapolis

Have you held a city government position in the past? No.

What do you consider the most important part of this job? Listening to people around the district. I want people to know they can come to me. I am willing to ask the questions or shed light on things that might otherwise not get asked.

What particular strengths or experience do you bring to the position, that you believe will help you do a good job? I’m always the questioner. I tend to be one of the few people who will not just follow. I like to ask the tough questions and expect a well thought-out answer. And, I will tell you straight up how I feel even if you aren’t going to agree with me. I’ve worked in pediatrics for 23 years and know how honest kids can be and love that quality so much.

What do you feel are the school district’s most important concerns at this time? Accountability to tax payers from all staff, including administration and school board members. 

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Name: Lori Routh

Age: 53

Family: Husband Kelly Routh, children Megan and Josh Misgen, Alex Routh

How long have you lived in the area? Most of my life with the exception of the years I completed college.

What is your occupation or profession? Nurse Executive for Mayo Clinic Health System – Albert Lea

Have you held a city government position in the past? The past four years, I’ve been a member of the NRHEG School Board. Prior to that, I was a member of the Hartland City Council for eight years.

What do you consider the most important part of this job? Ensuring that the students of the NRHEG school district receive a high quality education. The education they receive from K-12 needs to have the student well prepared for life after high school graduation. Each and every student should have the knowledge to succeed after graduation whether they choose college, to enter the work force, or to serve in the military. I also feel it is very important to continue to support and encourage the great staff at NRHEG. 

What particular strengths or experience do you bring to the position, that you believe will help you do a good job? My previous four years on the school bard provide experience on the operations of the school district. My commitment is to the success of NRHEG for years to come. Someday I hope to see my grandchildren graduate from this district. My experiences at work provide me with the ability to set goals for future success and work hard to achieve those goals.

What do you feel are the school district’s most important concerns at this time? To be aware and prepared for the continually changing financial funding for the district. The district needs to position itself to meet the technology needs of the students and teachers.

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New Richland Mayor

Name: Christine Gislason

Age: 39

Family: Husband, Tom.

How long have you lived in the area? 19 years.

What is your occupation or profession? Certified Occupational Therapy Assistant – Mayo Clinic Health System – Albert Lea/HealthReach; Resident Assistant – Country Neighbors, New Richland.

Have you held a city government position in the past? Yes. Ten years on the New Richland City Council.

What do you consider the most important part of this job? To maintain balance and manage the taxpayers’ money and city assets within the context of financial demands and available resources.

What particular strengths or experience do you bring to the position, that you believe will help you do a good job?
I believe my 10 years on the council has taught and prepared me to be a leader for the city. I want to continue to be responsive and accountable so that city decisions reflect community input and expectations. I also believe I am the “voice of reason” because I am able and willing to see both sides.

What do you feel are the city’s most important concerns at this time? The future. We need to continue to make New Richland a city that people can be proud of. We need to continue to work with the community to enhance/improve the assets we have (Care Center, City Park, St. Olaf Lake, Legion Park).

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Name: Jacob Henry Papinski

Age: 24 years young

Family: My mom, Barb, my dad, Richard, and my brothers, Joshua and Jordan.

How long have you lived in the area? I’ve lived in New Richland for 18 years.

What is your occupation or profession? Aspiring author.

Have you held a city government position in the past? No.

What do you consider the most important part of this job? The people are the most important. Making sure their needs are met would be my primary concern. I encourage anyone and everyone to bring me your ideas, comments or questions.

What particular strengths or experience do you bring to the position, that you believe will help you do a good job? I feel I would bring a fresh take to the City Council. I’m down to earth and approachable, which should help people to talk with me about their concerns. I feel I can get people involved with what’s going on around us who normally don’t follow or care for politics. I can only promise what I can control.

What do you feel are the city’s most important concerns at this time? If I could change one thing with this town, it would be to set up an emergency snow removal ordinance regulating where people could park on the side of the road depending on the day or the time of day so the plows can come by without people getting cited all the time. A lot of people in town don’t have driveways, which makes it difficult to avoid getting tickets. A simple solution like this could save people a lot of stress and money. Times are tough; we need simple solutions.

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New Richland City Council

Name: John Hullopeter

Family: Wife Linda, children Jackie, Amanda, Michael, William

How long have you lived in the area? 44 years

What is your occupation or profession? General contractor.

Have you held a city government position in the past? No.

What do you consider the most important part of this job? I believe representing the best interest of the citizens of New Richland is the most important part of this job.

What particular strengths or experience do you bring to the position, that you believe will help you do a good job? I bring 15 years of small business experience. I also have 25 plus years of commercial and residential construction experience.

What do you feel are the city’s most important concerns at this time? I feel the most important concerns at this time are the city infrastructure and fiscal responsibility. 

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Name: Anthony Martens

Age: 32

Family: Wife Kelly, children Carter and Corbin

How long have you lived in the area? 12 years

What is your occupation or profession? Deputy Sheriff

Have you held a city government position in the past? Yes. City Council

What do you consider the most important part of this job? Being able to balance the needs and wants of residents with the available funds the city has, while also working toward keeping New Richland viable for the future.

What particular strengths or experience do you bring to the position, that you believe will help you do a good job?
I have been on the Council for four years as well as being President of the EDA. I have a good grasp of how government operates and believe I do a good job listening to the residents and carrying their views forward.

What do you feel are the city’s most important concerns at this time? We have gotten to a budget point where we need to be constantly re-evaluating what services and activities our residents find the most important versus the things that are nice to have. 

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Name: Sandy Peterson-Neumann

Age: 52 at time of election

Family: Widow; one son Curtis Peterson who is a Journeyman Electrician.

How long have you lived in the area? I have lived in New Richland my whole life, where I have worked and raised my family.
What is your occupation or profession? State Bank of New Richland, 14 years as a bookkeeper/teller.

Have you held a city government position in the past? I’ve never held a government position but recently was financial secretary at my church, St. Peter Lutheran. I currently am on the board with New Richland Area United Fund and St. Peter Cemetery Association.

What do you consider the most important part of this job? To maintain our “hometown atmosphere” and to also be progressive with community growth.

What particular strengths or experience do you bring to the position, that you believe will help you do a good job? My working career has always been here in New Richland. I am in a position to have “everyday” contact with the community, which keeps me aware of community concerns. I think I have a balanced approach on how to address problems, evaluate on options and to select the best resolutions that are best for our community as a whole.

What do you feel are the city’s most important concerns at this time? To maintain fiscal responsibility in order to keep our hometown atmosphere. We need to stay committed in providing a growing, healthy atmosphere for our youth in our community and a safe environment for all our citizens.

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Waseca County Commissioner

Name: James Peterson

Age: 64

Family: Wife Kathy, grandson Trai Wicks, granddaughter Diamond Woollard

How long have you lived in the area? 44 years

What is your occupation or profession? Employed at Hope Elevator (SunOpta)

Have you held a city government position in the past? Yes. County Commissioner, 16 years

What do you consider the most important part of this job? Being a servant of the people by listening and helping where and when I can! 

What particular strengths or experience do you bring to the position, that you believe will help you do a good job? Serving the people of the county for 16 years and my agriculture knowledge of the rural community. 

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Name: Jody E. Wynnemer

Age: 56

How long have you lived in the area? I moved to New Richland in 2006. I was born and raised in Waseca.

What is your occupation or profession? I am retired from the world’s greatest navy and am currently employed part time.

Have you held a city government position in the past? Yes. 

I was elected to the New Richland City Council in November of 2008; my term expires this coming December.
What do you consider the most important part of this job? In these days of increasingly tight public budgets, I believe keeping a close eye on spending is a top priority. We need to separate the “wheat from the chaff.” 

What particular strengths or experience do you bring to the position, that you believe will help you do a good job? My experience learned in the US Navy has proven a valuable tool for my role in local government as well as in everyday life. Living and working with people from various cultures and backgrounds has broadened my perspective on many issues.

What do you feel are the city’s most important concerns at this time? I feel the Waseca County Board needs to expand and push the new Highway 14 corridor as much as possible. It could potentially bring more jobs and businesses to the area. Again, the county’s budget and wise spending should be at the top of the list.

Read 1170 times Last modified on Thursday, 05 May 2016 21:47

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