Petsinger presented his bid for a new computer system for the city clerk’s office. Petsinger had three different scenarios and the cost estimates for each configuration. Petsinger said he makes each computer with the best available components. The council thanked Petsinger for his presentation and will make a decision in the near future. Petsinger next asked the council for a few more minutes to listen to his business proposal to put WI-FI throughout Ellendale. Petsinger gave the council a brief rundown on what the WI-FI would do for residents, students in the NRHEG district and the benefits for the city. Petsinger is the owner of Radio Link Internet.
Next was Swearingen with the maintenance report. He said that Haffner, Bolten & Menk, had a proposal to do the Capital Improvement Plan for the streets. Haffner said his firm would identify and prioritize street improvement projects for the next five years. The city would have input on budgetary issues and together have a plan in place through 2016. The cost for this service would be $4,000. After some discussion, the council felt that having a plan in place would be beneficial to this council and future councils. Swearingen reported there had been a water runoff problem at the corner of 4th St. and 7th Ave. Haffner said he looked at the area and would make recommendations. Swearingen said he found a dammed-up area that was holding some water back. Swearingen asked the council to consider a culvert for the proposed building project at Whispering Oaks. The council moved to get the metal culvert for the project. Swearingen next requested some crushed rock for Commercial St. as it is getting full of ruts. Swearingen estimated about 50 loads of rock for the project. The council approved the request.
Louks opened the three bids on the city’s mini-bus. The bids were $100, $327, and $675. The council moved to except the bid of $675 from Misgen’s.
The claims for the evening were presented. The council approved the claims for $12,783.99.
Louks started his report with a contract proposal for the nitrogen tanks used at the Municipal Liquor Store. Nelson Electric will provide the tanks and gas. The council approved the contract. Louks reminded the council about the board of appeals which will be held on April 16, 2012 at 7 p.m. Louks next read a letter from the PCA stating they had approved a feedlot expansion in the area.
Engel said a new agreement between Alliant Energy and the city will need to addressed as the old contract has expired. The new agreement has been sent to legal council for review. Engel shared with the council a proposal for upholstering chairs and stools at the Municipal Liquor Store. The council felt they should get another quote before acting. Engel told council members that if interested, the census numbers are available on line. Engel said the city needs to review the dog ordinance. Busho asked the Council to leave the two-dog portion of the ordinance the way it is. Busho felt that two dogs are plenty.
Council members felt the City needs to make the road in the Country View addition passable during the spring thaw. The council moved to take some core samples from the road. These samples will provide better information to the council in the future.
The council discussed the kitchen in the Community Building. The council entertained the idea of forming a committee of community residents to interject ideas.
The next meeting of the Ellendale City Council will be March 22 at 7:30 p.m.