Fire chief Jeremy Parpart presented a purchase order for $1,046.71 for some equipment, which was approved.
Care Center Administrator Mikenzi Hebel requested final approval of financial reports for the months of October through December. After perusal, the council approved the reports.
Hebel announced the Care Center had also received a donation from the Adlyn Nelson estate in the amount of $42,500.
Hebel mentioned the center experienced an outbreak of stomach flu resulting in the quarantine of the halls during the month. The quarantine was lifted and halls are open and healthy.
City resident Gail Schmidt was present and had previously inquired as to the feasibility of a city park in the Homestake Subdivision in the northwest part of town.
Council member Martens informed everyone that the subject had been discussed at previous Economic Development Authority meet ings. Martens pointed out a lot on the far end of 7th Street where a lift station is now located. The council stated the park could start small with a bench, some swings and possibly a small pavilion similar to the one now at Central Park. Grant options were discussed to help fund the endeavor.
Schmidt also inquired as to the Memory Tree situated adjacent to the post office. It has grown considerably and may need to be moved.
Ryan Baum from Utility Service Co. was in attendance to answer any questions about a maintenance contract for the city’s water tower. The council determined the city has a considerable sum of money invested in the tower and it would be prudent to keep it maintained properly. After discussion, it was decided to wait until the next council meeting for a final decision.
Before adjournment, the council voted to establish a City Park Board to consist of two council members, one EDA member, and two at-large members. Personnel and future meeting dates/times will be promulgated.
The next meeting of the NR council will be February 27 at 6:30 p.m.