NRHEG Star Eagle

137 Years Serving the New Richland-Hartland-Ellendale-Geneva Area
Newspaper of Record for NRHEG School District
Newspaper of Record for Waseca County, MN
PO Box 248 • New Richland, MN 56072

Published every Thursday
Yearly Subscription: Waseca, Steele, and Freeborn counties: $52
Minnesota $57 • Out of state $64
Jim Lutgens

Jim Lutgens

Saturday, 07 November 2015 19:51

Clay target team takes title again

Bartz, Eustice nail 48 of 50; several finish regular season among state’s top 100

The NRHEG clay target team held off an end-of-the-season surge by the second-place team from Anoka to complete the Fall League on top of Conference 9.

The team, which consists of 37 students in grades 6-12, never trailed in the conference standings all season.

In the final week, it was two students from Wasea who posted the best scores on the team. Kyle Bartz and Zachary Eustice turned in rounds of 48/50. Six shooters scored rounds that ranked in the top 10 for the week.

Saturday, 07 November 2015 19:49

KJLY Share-a-thon Nov. 17-19

KJLY Christian Radio will broadcast its annual Share-a-thon fundraiser Nov. 17-19.

Celebrating another year of grace, growth and service to the people of the New Richland region, the Share-a-thon fundraiser will feature engaging interviews with local listeners, special guests and music. Share-a-thon will also provide listeners with the opportunity to share a tax-deductible donation with the listener-supported ministry of KJLY.

Saturday, 07 November 2015 19:48

Veterans Day program set for NRHEG High School

The annual Veterans Day Program will be held in the NRHEG High School gym at Wednesday, Nov. 11 at 9:30 a.m. The program, honoring all veterans, will include music by the high school choir, an elementary choir and the high school band. Essay contest winners will be announced and students will do readings honoring the veterans. Veterans from New Richland and Ellendale will be present.

Sunday, 01 November 2015 17:22

Cheerleaders make All State team


STATERS — NRHEG cheerleaders trying out for the All State team were, from left: Nicole Edon, Jessica Nafe, Taylar Tieskotter, Abby Christopherson, Abby Wacholz, Bayli Possin and Lizzy Hagen. (Submitted photo)



If you live around here and you’re paying attention, you already know the NRHEG High School cheerleaders are among the best in the state of Minnesota.

They proved it again Saturday, Oct. 10.

Seven NRHEG seniors tried out for Minnesota All State at Park Center High School. Five made the cut.

“All the girls did an amazing job and we’re very proud of each of them,” said NRHEG cheerleading advisor Kari Buendorf. “They will be learning a new routine with the members of the All State team this winter and then performing at the Minnesota State Cheerleading competition in late January.”

Sunday, 01 November 2015 17:15

Youth wrestling registration Nov. 9

A meeting for NRHEG youth wrestling registration is set for Monday, Nov. 9 at 6 p.m. in the NRHEG High School Commons in New Richland.

NRHEG youth in grades Pre-K through 6th grade and their parents are invited to attend! Coaches Cory Klemmensen and Shawn Larson will talk briefly about the upcoming season. Practice schedules and tournament information will be distributed.  Parents can complete registration forms and concussion forms available at the meeting.  Singlets will be handed out to registered participants and families are encouraged to bring any wrestling shoes your family has outgrown to swap. Panther wrestling gear samples will be also available to view and order.  For more information, visit the website at or email

Sunday, 01 November 2015 17:13

Weather cools clay target scores

The weather was a bit cooler and the wind had a bit more bite on the high school shooters as they lined up for week four of their Fall League competition.

But it was more than the shooters that felt the bite as scores for the team were a bit lower than a typical night for the NRHEG squad.  With just three NRHEG scores in the top 10 for the conference, it was the team from Anoka that put up top points in the conference. But, with a fairly comfortable lead in hand, this just meant a smaller gap between the first-place NRHEG team and their counterparts from Anoka.

Sunday, 01 November 2015 17:12

Volleyball Panthers fall to BP



The NRHEG volleyball team closed out the regular season at home Thursday, Oct. 22 against Blooming Prairie.

It’s not the way they’d like to go into tournament time.

The Panthers had a tough night as the Blossoms swept 3-0, game scores of 25-16, 25-23, 25-10.

It left NRHEG 12-12 overall. The Panthers finished 2-4 in the Gopher Conference.

Sunday, 01 November 2015 17:11

Schlaak, Mely lead Panther runners



When the NRHEG cross country teams traveled to the Gopher Valley Conference meet at Oak View Golf Course Thursday, Oct. 22, it was not an unfamiliar path.

They’d been there a week earlier.

“Last week our squad ran at Freeborn, and we did tonight,” said coach Mike Weber. “Typically, this never happens, but it was rather nice, as we could get accurate times to see improvement. The boys ran well at our Gopher-Valley Conference meet.”

They were led by senior Tyler Schlaak, who clocked 19:11 for 29th place. Right behind was Josh Fleming in 30th with a time of 19:13.

Sunday, 01 November 2015 17:10

Bidding farewell to a true gentleman

I would be remiss if I didn't remind our communities of the value and integrity of our little leprechaun, Thomas Desmond Donnelly IV, who lived with us for a time too short with memories long to cherish.

He would prove to the world that each of us is our own person and how we handle life as individuals.

I wish I had a portrait of this true character of life. He had a favorite spot at Geneva Bar & Grill where every Thursday night where he would sit and play Bingo. He often had the luck of the Irish with him and won his share of Bingo games over the years. On the Thursday night following his death, which would have been Tom’s birthday, things just weren't the same not having him there. The Bar & Grill created a special memorial in his spot. His bar stool was tilted forward against the bar and a vase of flowers, with a small bird in the middle, was displayed. Next to it was a glass of Guinness beer and a shot glass of Jameson, which Tom enjoyed, as well as his Bingo dobber. 

For years Jack and Barb Kuchenbecker, the previous owners of the bar, celebrated their October 15 birthdays together. A large birthday cake was cut and presented to the people at the bar on bingo night. Tom may have missed his upcoming birthday by a few days, but he was remembered.

The grill made memory of Tom, but the man I picture was more than that. 

To most people ,digging a hole in the ground would not seem like a likeable occupation. It was no easy task, but maybe it gave "Digger" the time to meditate and talk with God about the tasks we each have to do in life.

During Tom’s service, Tim O'Leary shared some stories including the time a car got stuck in the mud. The next morning Digger hooked up a team of work horses to the car so he could pull it out of the mud. A dog spooked the horses. Tom got the car out of the mud, but in the process he proceeded to take out five fence posts.

Tom’s daughters and sons also shared a few thoughts and memories of their dad, as well as shared their thanks to everyone who turned out to honor him.

They called Tom the Mayor of Harmony Park and he gave the park new status. Before everyone departed Harmony Park, a tree was planted in his memory to remind everyone all that he stood for. His roots ran deep and the spread of his beautiful branches (arms) embraced us all. Any negative thoughts about the park are erased and now the thought seems to take on new meaning, one full of peace, love and understanding where people can come and feel at home.

Several members of his family graciously accepted the large wooden key carved from wood in honor of Tom’s title of Mayor of Harmony Park. The key was almost as big as Tom. I would like to see his key mounted at Harmony Park as a token of his life shared there. Tom gave new meaning to the park, making it almost a holy haven. The park just seemed to take on new meaning having Tom become a part of it.  One of the buildings at Harmony Park very appropriately has a sign, "Lucky’s Pub” above it.

Tom loved music, especially if it was Irish. During his service, as well as during the time of food and merriment that followed at Harmony Park, some great music was shared. A number of musicians played everything from a guitar, a violin, a flute, and a harmonica as they played a  number of Tom’s favorite songs of the ‘70s, as well as some great Irish songs.

Tom was tiny but mighty. Probably 100 pounds of pure muscle after digging all of the graves over the years. He was the portrait of all things Irish and proud of his heritage. His personality and love from the heart made him a giant.

No, Tom wasn't perfect. Like all of us he had "his ways," but he left one with a feeling of belonging and being a part of this world. 

I know I will never forget Digger. Thomas Desmond Donnelly IV was a gentleman of value.

He was capable of making you feel good wherever you encountered him. He wasn't unkind. He was real. He never pretended to be something he wasn't.

Tom, our leprechaun, will continue to live on in the memories of all who knew him. He was Irish through and through and proud of it. Long live the likes of Tom Desmond Donnelly IV.

In closing I would like to remind you of the first verse of "When Irish Eyes Are Smiling"

There's a tear in your eye, and I'm wondering why,

For it never should be there at all.

With such pow'r in your smile, Sure a stone you'd beguile.

So there's never a teardrop should fall.

When your sweet lilting laughter's Like some fairy song,

And your eyes twinkle bright as can be;

You should laugh all the while And all other times smile,

And now, smile a smile for me.

Birthdays and anniversaries:

• Thursday, October 29th: Ann Anderson, Scott Klocek, Mark Motl, Bob Haried, Kayli Rose Johnson, Bailey Ann Davis, Warren & Mary Torgerson, Craig & Jennifer Torgerson

• Friday, October 30th: Lilly Jane Wacek, Gordon Goette, Angie Broskoff Klemmensen, Allen & Barb Dobberstein

• Saturday, October 31st: Happy Halloween! Kyra Barbara Kotsmith, Brooke Hanson Berg, Heather Wayne, Emily Smith, Carrie Thompson, Roseann Kasper, Lorraine Lent, Kaye & Mike Cady, Jamie & Mark Kotsmith

• Sunday, November 1st: Garrett Wangsness, Dakota Wangsness, Troy Hagen, Mike Reistad, Tim McLain, Jamie & Sergio Hernandez

• Monday, November 2nd:   Karen Osmundson, Gary Dummer, Dan Nord, Tracy Farr Simon, Janis Klinger, Troy Sommers, Sylvia Janet Baker

• Tuesday, November 3rd: Nakayla Joy Butler, Preston Dean Shaunce, Brian Muri, Paula Degan Conroy, Tim Hanson, Sydney McCamish, Quinn Sebastian Briedenbach, Jennifer Misgen, Angie & Josh Lair,

• Wednesday, Novembeer 4th: Evelyn Elizabeth Benning, Scott Anderson, Andrew Farr, Stuart Vangen, Jeff Carlson, Brant Hemingway

May your special day be filled with sunshine and smiles!

Sunday, 01 November 2015 17:10

Time to get the girls outdoors

This past weekend I headed north to our cabin along with my wife Jean, son Brad and granddaughters Emma and Ava. On the drive up we spotted three eagles perched on a wooden fence in a field alongside the highway. There was also a bald eagle standing alone in the field not far from the other three. Emma was excited and thought that was pretty cool and it actually was quite a sight to behold.

To say that the weather was less than perfect would be a gross understatement. Cold temperatures are one thing, but winds gusting to 40 mph out of the northwest really put a damper on almost any plans of fishing. Brad really wanted to take the girls out in the boat because he wanted to introduce them to the fishing experience. About the only thing that was feasible on this trip was taking our small fishing boat out on our little lake for a short time. The wind had died down some late Friday afternoon so they donned warm clothes and Brad rowed the little boat around in hopes of finding fish; unfortunately there were no fish to be had but the girls seemed to be having fun regardless.

We had decided not to take the big boat to another lake because Brad knew the girls wouldn’t want to stay out for very long. He was right about Ava. The thrill of being in the boat soon wore off and she wanted to go back to the warm cabin. Emma, on the other hand, was a real trooper and she and her dad were soon rowing across the lake to take advantage of the wind by drifting the lake. Although there were no fish to be had on this day it was a heartwarming sight to behold. Brad had bought Ava a Barbie fishing pole and she was sure proud of that first fishing pole.

The thing that made it seem so special to me was the fact I know those girls will want to do it again and, by the look in Brad’s eyes, I know he can’t wait for next summer and a chance to repeat the experience in warmer weather.

We had a nice fire burning in the woodstove the whole time we were there and that kept the cabin nice and cozy. I was really proud of the girls and knowing that they were enjoying the time we were there made it all worthwhile. Both of the girls love to be outdoors playing and exploring. Brad took them on long walks along the driveway and Emma marveled at the colorful leaves that had just fallen off the maple trees scattered intermittently throughout the woods. She especially liked the red leaves and had to bring some in the cabin for Grandma to save. She also collected some pretty rocks and picked some long blades of grass to put in an empty water bottle and use for a centerpiece.

Yes, Emma is definitely an outdoors girl who loves exploring nature and is fascinated by rocks, bugs and any kind of plants or grass. She is not afraid of nightcrawlers and won’t hesitate to pick up a fallen butterfly or moth. I know Brad is anxious to teach her to fish and I am sure that once she gets the hang of it she will be hooked (pun intended).

That night I told Emma that if her dad agreed she could shoot the BB gun in the morning before we left for home. Brad worked with her the next morning and it wasn’t long before she was hitting the target once again; although this time with the BB gun. I have given each of the grandsons a Red Ryder BB gun on their 8th birthday, so Emma has a couple of years to go. I wonder if they come in pink?

After their little fishing expedition on the cold lake Brad told Emma she could practice her casting by putting some weight on the end of her line. It wasn’t long before she was hitting the target with almost every cast. I believe Ava will follow suit when she gets a little older because she wants to do everything that her big sister does.

My grandsons are getting older and spending time with Grandpa is not at the top of their list anymore; it’s funny what happens when they discover girls. I’m sure if I was a duck hunter I could be hanging out with some of the grandsons, but that is one sport that I have never had the urge to try. Whenever I talk to someone that is an avid waterfowl hunter they almost eat, sleep and breathe the sport.

I can see where hunting waterfowl can be addictive and hearing and seeing a flock of geese flying overhead on a cool, crisp cloudy day gives me kind of a lonely feeling, brought on by the late fall weather and the thought that we are almost the end of my favorite season.

I have taken all of my grandsons fishing many times and now it is time to teach those little girls about fishing. I don’t know who will benefit more from that experience, them or Grandpa. I really believe that hanging out with the grandkids makes me feel young at heart, even if the rest of my body doesn’t always agree.


The November meeting of Crossroads chapter 54 of Muskies Inc. will be held Nov. 5 at 7 p.m. at Eagles Club in Owatonna.

NOTE: Meetings are first Thursday of every month. Our speaker will be Nate Hodgins from DNR office in Windom. Our meetings include updates, raffle, door prizes and informative speakers. Also lots of musky talk. Need not be a member to attend. Bring a friend and help improve musky fishing in Southern Minnesota.

Until next time, fall is a great time to be outside sharing the outdoors experience with our youth. It’s a rewarding experience that you can’t put a price tag on.

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Please remember to keep our troops in your thoughts and prayers because they are the reason we are able to enjoy all the freedoms that we have today.

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