NRHEG Star Eagle

137 Years Serving the New Richland-Hartland-Ellendale-Geneva Area
Newspaper of Record for NRHEG School District
Newspaper of Record for Waseca County, MN
PO Box 248 • New Richland, MN 56072

Published every Thursday
Yearly Subscription: Waseca, Steele, and Freeborn counties: $52
Minnesota $57 • Out of state $64

Features (1071)

Thursday, 17 May 2012 20:26

Residents reminded of curfew ordinance

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New Richland City Council


Staff Writer

At its Monday meeting, the New Richland City Council gave its approval for a request by the Girl Scouts to place placards on storm sewers around the city. The project is part of the Centennial Take Action Project, which will coincide with the centennial celebration of Girl Scouting on Saturday, October 13, 2012. The message plate will say, “This drain if for rain only. Flows to waterways.” It is designed to remind people not to dump anything in a storm drain that eventually ends up in the rivers and streams. Contaminants such as gasoline, antifreeze, oil and other chemicals are dumped into storm sewers. At last count, there are approximately 100 storm drains in the city, 25 of them considered major drains.

New Richland Fire Chief Jeremy Parpart approached the council with a request to purchase a trailer for the department. The trailer will house the grain bin rescue equipment and other items needed in an emergency. The cost is $11,210, which will be paid for with recently donated funds.

Police Chief Scott Eads was next on the agenda with his report of 73 calls for service and an additional 48 contacts during the month of April.

Last week in federal court in St. Paul, a 37-year-old Ellendale, Minn., man was sentenced on charges stemming from a mortgage fraud scheme that resulted in losses of at least $18 million for mortgage lenders. On May 10, 2012, United States District Court Judge Paul A. Magnuson sentenced Michael Anthony Prieskorn for orchestrating the scheme, which involved the purchase of approximately 70 residential properties in Florida and Minnesota between December 2006 and April 2007. Prieskorn was sentenced to 72 months in prison on one count of conspiracy to commit wire fraud and one count of engaging in an illegal monetary transaction. Prieskorn was indicted on January 20, 2010, and pleaded guilty on March 23, 2010.

"Mortgage fraud creates so much harm to individuals, businesses, and our economy, but today's sentencing is a strong reminder how serious our courts consider this criminal activity," said Kelly R. Jackson, Special Agent in Charge, IRS-Criminal Investigation, (IRS-CID), St. Paul Field Office Field office. "IRS-CID is committed to ‘following the money trail’ to ensure that those who engage in these illegal activities are vigorously investigated and brought to justice." 

Saturday, 12 May 2012 18:21

NRAFF accepting grant applications until June 5

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The New Richland Area Foundation Fund Grants Committee will be accepting grant applications until June 5, 2012.

The approved applicants will be announced and presented at the New Richland Farm & City Days Pancake Breakfast on Saturday, July 8 at 9 am.

The Foundation’s grant focus is; Arts & Culture, Education, Health & Human Services and Recreation.

Grants are made to nonprofit organizations under 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code and also to schools and government agencies.

The policy of the Foundation is to provide grants for community development projects and programs, which are responsive to the changing community needs in promoting quality education, cultural, wellness, recreational, social service, environmental and civic opportunities.

Applications can be obtained off the city website at or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Applications must be received by the deadline of June 5.

Saturday, 12 May 2012 18:20

NRHEG Elementary to be honored at Capitol

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Governor Mark Dayton has proclaimed May 17, 2012 as Character Recognition Day in Minnesota. In celebration, Synergy & Leadership Exchange, in partnership with the Minnesota Department of Education (MDE), will hold the fifth annual Minnesota State Schools of Character and Promising Practices Award Ceremony at the Minnesota State Capitol.

Nine schools will be honored with a Promising Practice award which recognizes development and implementation of a practice promoting character in their schools. These practices must be specific, unique and transferable, and encompass at least one of the Character Education Partnership’s Eleven Principles of Effective Character Education.

2012 honorees include:

2012 Minnesota School of Character 

• Waseca High School

2012 Minnesota Promising Practice Awards

Saturday, 12 May 2012 18:18

Accomplished at their own will

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Rudau, Frank attain Eagle Scout status


ONE BADGE AT A TIME — Eagle Scouts Douglas Rudau and Hans Frank proudly adorn their troop uniforms and scarves outside the Clarks Grove First Baptist Church. (Star Eagle photo by Rachel Rietsema)


Staff Writer

Douglas Rudau and Hans Frank’s ability to take charge around campfires is unparalleled. Even their compasses seem to have become extensions of themselves.

After all, these two fine chaps have officially graduated to Eagle Scout status.

“A lot of our Boy Scout skills came from learning by example,” said Rudau. “Both of us hope to provide a good example for the younger scouts and encourage them to keep advancing.”

Both Rudau and Frank can’t take all the credit for the prestigious honor. Only with the help of their scout leaders and fellow members did they achieve such a goal.

“This is taking scouts as far as it goes,” Frank said. “It makes me feel like I accomplished something.”

Thursday, 10 May 2012 17:44

Ellendale windows, iPad initiative approved

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NRHEG School Board


Staff Writer

Ellendale windows are “go”

In a special meeting on Wednesday, May 2, the NRHEG School Board approved a bid from A.J. Lysne Contracting of Owatonna, as solicited by Wold Architects on the district’s behalf, for the NRHEG Elementary School Window Retrofit project in Ellendale.

Their base bid came in at $99,700 and Wold estimates the total project cost to be $121,700, meeting the project budget.

The special meeting was called in order to approve projects early enough for action to be taken quickly. In the case of the windows, Wold will now be able to draft a contract and have construction begin in July.

One item on the bid request is for sealant and caulking containing PCBs needing to be abated.

Money for the project will come out of the district’s capital fund.

Thursday, 10 May 2012 17:40

Upcoming events, notices

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Area veteran photos wanted

Area veterans or family members are asked to submit photos for inclusion in the Memorial Day issue of the NRHEG Star Eagle (May 24.) Photos may either be dropped off at the office 128 N. Broadway, New Richland, mailed to P.O. Box 248, New Richland, MN 56072, or e-mailed to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Deadline for submission is May 18. For information or inquires call (507) 463-8112.

Blessing of the Bikes Sunday

The Third Annual Blessing of the Bikes will take place this Sunday, May 20, at New Richland’s Central Park. There will be a meal served prior to the 1 p.m. service.

People who ride motorcycles or bicycles are all cordially invited to this non-denominational event sponsored by the New Richland Ministerial Association. 

Facebook page set up for community group

People showed up, hot dogs were served and ideas were thrown out during a meeting at New Richland’s City Park to discuss the revival of the commercial club or the formation of a community club on Wednesday, May 9.

A Facebook page has been set up, called “New Richland Community Group.” The Web address is Interested parties are invited to join in sharing ideas to improve the community.

NRHEG social media presentation May 17

There will be a special presentation concerning Facebook and other social media at NRHEG Elementary school in Ellendale on Thursday, May 17 from 5-6 p.m. This presentation is geared towards parents and grandparents of students in grades 4-6, however any interested adult is welcome.

There is no cost to attend, but reservations are requested before May 15. For more information or to reserve a seat, contact Barb Handahl, NRHEG Family Service Coordinator (507) 416-2139 or e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. using Facebook presentation in the subject line.

Firearms safety class offered

The New Richland Area Sportsmen Club will be providing training to youth of our area through a Field Day on June 23, 2012. The students are to finish their classroom work via an online course on the MN DNR web site. This will allow them to get their field day card to get their hands on training.

Students can sign up at the Elementary or High School to secure a place for the Field Day. Parents are encouraged to have their children receive this training even if they are not hunters. For more information contact Dennis Boulduan at (507) 317-5417.

Basketball camp registrations due May 18

NRHEG basketball camps are scheduled for 2012.

The girls’ camp is at the high school from June 5-8 for girls entering grades of 3-8. Questions? E-mail John Schultz at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 507-417-2646.

The boys’ camp will be from June 11-14 at the high school for boys entering grades 3-9. If they have any questions, they should e-mail Pat Churchill at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call at 507-417-2613.

The camps will be conducted by NRHEG head basketball coaches John Schultz and Pat Churchill and Panther varsity players.

The fee of $40 and registration are due by May 18.

Free sports physicals offered May 24

Mayo Clinic Health System will again be offering free sports qualifying physicals to area school athletes grades sixth through twelfth on Thursday, May 24 from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. at the Health Reach campus, 1705 S.E. Broadway, Albert Lea.

These athletic screenings are provided by Mayo Clinic Health System physicians and staff and meet the requirements for participation in sports by Minnesota and Iowa state high school leagues, but are not intended to replace an annual, comprehensive physical exam. Mayo Clinic Health System providers recommend an annual exam for children ages 11 and over.

Packets are available for pick-up in local high school athletic offices, Mayo Clinic Health System’s Patient Education Center and at the Health Reach campus. Forms must be filled out completely and signed by a parent or guardian prior to the event. Please call 507-377-5900 for more information.

NRAFF accepting grant applications until June 5

The New Richland Area Foundation Fund Grants Committee will be accepting grant applications until June 5, 2012.

The approved applicants will be announced and presented at the New Richland Farm & City Days Pancake Breakfast on Saturday, July 8 at 9 am.

The Foundation’s grant focus is; Arts & Culture, Education, Health & Human Services and Recreation.

Grants are made to nonprofit organizations under 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code and also to schools and government agencies.

The policy of the Foundation is to provide grants for community development projects and programs, which are responsive to the changing community needs in promoting quality education, cultural, wellness, recreational, social service, environmental and civic opportunities.

Applications can be obtained off the city website at or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Applications must be received by the deadline of June 5.

Ellendale Farmer's Market opens June 2

The Ellendale Farmers' Market will be open again this year every Saturday starting June 2 through the end of October from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. next to the municipal liquor store. For sale will be local produce, baked goods, and crafts.

Interested vendors should contact Dan Sorum at 688-0514 or e-mail at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. You can also find our group under Ellendale Farmers Market on Facebook.

Saturday, 05 May 2012 18:30

On time every time

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For 42 years, Diane Boelter has delivered with a smile


AVON ALL THE WAY — New Richland resident Diane Boelter doesn’t plan on abdicating her Avon duties anytime soon. There are just too many friends that depend on her. (Star Eagle photo by Rachel Rietsema)


Staff Writer

Some area folks might say Diane Boelter is more prompt than the mailman.

Well, at least that’s what Al Batt has said anyway.

“I’ve been an Avon representative for 42 years,” Boelter said. “Orders can be sent in every two weeks, and I’ve never have missed an order.”

No matter the weather conditions, her faithful customers can always expect magazine or product delivery right on the button.

“I’ve been out there wading up in the snow to my knees before,” Boelter said. “Holidays are especially important.”

But, she doesn’t solely classify these 70 or so women as clients. They have become some of her best friends.

“I really appreciate everyone opening the doors to me, especially when I heard the girls in the café clapping and whooping after being gone for three months,” Boelter said. “Those happy to see you and we-are-out-of-eye-liner comments really meant a lot.”

Saturday, 05 May 2012 18:27

People turn out in support of Swearingen

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Ellendale City Council


Staff Writer

Many small town city council meetings aren’t very well attended by the general public.

Last Thursday evening’s meeting in Ellendale was an exception.

Due to the expected large crowd, the Ellendale City Council moved the meeting place from city hall to the Community Building. There weren’t many empty seats as Mayor Steve Engel called the meeting to order. All council members were present.

The townspeople were in attendance not to hear the regular agenda items. They were there in support of City Maintenance Supervisor Roger Swearingen, who was facing 12 allegations of misconduct brought by the council. On hand to act as crowd control were two Steele County Sheriff Deputies.

Following approval of the agenda, the council listened as Jeremy Johnson from the fire department explained the radios requested by the department.

Saturday, 05 May 2012 18:25

NR group hopes to revive commercial club

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Public invited to park for hot dogs, information May 9



There was a time when the New Richland Commercial Club was an integral part of the community.

Some people feel it can be again.

Several concerned citizens turned out for an informational meeting on the topic at City Hall last Wednesday, and all came away with the feeling a commercial club — or, more likely, a community club — can again have a positive impact on New Richland.

“There’s just so much potential in this community,” said Gail Schmidt. “We’ve just got to get the wheels going.”

Schmidt, who came with a list of 50-plus businesses that could be contacted for potential membership, was joined at the meeting by Bernie Anderson, Dale Halgren, Ray Mielke, Matt Harrington, Dan Schmidt and Evan Berg.

Anderson and Halgren were heavily involved with the NR Commercial Club, which has been inactive for about five years.

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