NRHEG Star Eagle

137 Years Serving the New Richland-Hartland-Ellendale-Geneva Area
Newspaper of Record for NRHEG School District
Newspaper of Record for Waseca County, MN
PO Box 248 • New Richland, MN 56072

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Wednesday, 19 October 2011 13:43

Almost always broke, but feeling fortunate

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Hello again everyone. First of all, I’d like to apologize for not having a column in a while. My life has been really busy with classes, homework, studying, and the new job I recently acquired. These last couple months have flown by. I can hardly believe we’re almost halfway done with October already.

Lately, two of the most common questions I’ve been asked are: “How’s college?” and “How’s living in Mankato?”

The answer to both is the same, “I love it.” Post-secondary is probably the best school-related choice I’ve made, and living in Mankato is great. As for college, people also ask, “Why do you like it so much? What’s it like? Isn’t it a lot more difficult?”

There are many reasons why I like college more than high school. In college, we’re treated like adults. I remember in every year of school from sixth grade and up, the teachers would tell us, “We’re not going to hold your hand anymore. It’s all up to you.” I really don’t know why they tell you that when they still do it. In college, teachers don’t have to say that, because it’s pretty clear we’re on our own. 

They’re a lot more strict when it comes to assignments and exams. In all but one of my classes, if you don’t hand in a paper the day it’s due, you don’t get credit for it. No exceptions. It’s up to you to pass the class. Not that I mind; I like the responsibility and independence that comes with being a college student. I like how we aren’t held back by people who might not understand the class.

After all, the classes you take there are all your choice. You’re paying to go to them, and if you don’t want to be there, nobody’s making you stay.

Speaking of students, people at MSU are a lot less judgmental than students in high school. Nobody in college cares what you wear, what brand your clothes are, how your hair is done, etc. High school, on the other hand, is (as a friend of mine once said), “Pretty much a fashion show and a popularity contest in one.” I do not miss the immaturity, drama, judgment and slower pace of high school.

Living in Mankato, I love that there are so many people, places, and things to do. I’m glad I made the decision to live here. Yes, it is difficult, and I’m almost always broke, but at least I’m happy, right? And now that I have a job as a sales associate at J.C. Penney’s, my financial situation should start looking up.

I’m lucky to be able to do this with my life. If anyone is considering post-secondary in high school, I strongly recommend it. When I tell people that I’m in post-secondary, the response I get from almost all of them is, “I wish I would’ve done that. It’s a really smart choice.” I mean, think about it: up to two years of college for free. Who would want to turn that down?

Lastly, I’d like to thank everyone for the positive feedback on my column. When I first started writing it I really didn’t think anyone would like it that much. Your kind words are what encourage and inspire me to keep writing. If you have any questions or comments for me, send me an e-mail at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Read 644 times Last modified on Thursday, 05 May 2016 21:38

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