NRHEG Star Eagle

137 Years Serving the New Richland-Hartland-Ellendale-Geneva Area
Newspaper of Record for NRHEG School District
Newspaper of Record for Waseca County, MN
PO Box 248 • New Richland, MN 56072

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Friday, 29 April 2016 20:38

Baseball field to honor Reeses

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Name change gains approval


Staff Writer

The renaming of the baseball diamond at Legion Field, street maintenance, storm sewer repair and moving forward with plans for a recycling program were all approved at a regular meeting of the New Richland City Council on Monday, April 25. All members were present, and the agenda and consent agenda items were approved.

Ed Dahle, on behalf of Quad Cities Baseball Association, presented the request to change the name of Legion Field’s baseball diamond to “The Jeff & Carol Reese Field at Legion Park.”

Jeff Reese, a well-respected coach in his long baseball career, has also been a meticulous caretaker of the baseball field, his work a large part of providing a diamond to be proud of. He and his late wife, Carol, also a big supporter of baseball, are considered pillars of the community. The council approved Resolution 16-05 naming Legion Field, which will officially take place before the baseball game on May 14.


Brad Field presented the PeopleService report, thanking those who operated the plant during his six-week absence following surgery in February and March: Charlie Dappen, West Concord; John Sustacek and Robert Webber, Dodge Center; Lee Foercier and Herb K. An Inflow and Infiltration street repair project for storm sewers was approved at the cost of $14,555.23 and up to $5,000 for asphalt. The report was approved.

Ryan Nissen presented the Maintenance Dept. report, including a proposal for 2016 street maintenance with a request for council decision on the work to be done. Recommended maintenance for this summer includes crack repair and chip seal, which prevents moisture from entering the subsurface and damaging asphalt and extend the life of the street, as well as patching, mill and overlay of select areas. 

The city’s sealing program, which has the sealing of all streets on a seven or eight-year cycle, began in 2006 and would continue for all streets on which it would benefit. Streets determined to benefit from overlay will, in addition, continue crack filling/chip sealing on schedule. 

The total estimate for street maintenance recommendations is roughly $107,574 according to Nissen, although this is not a definite number as some quotes have yet to be received. Street maintenance reserves for 2016 total $108,988.

Two quotes for blacktop work were presented, and the council approved up to $55,000 to WW Blacktopping of Mankato for work on the following areas: NW First St., from N Ash Ave. to Broadway; NW Second St. from N Birch Ave. to Cedar Ave.; NW Second St. from Broadway to Ash Ave. 

A purchase request for chemicals to treat weeds at St. Olaf Lake was approved at $338. The report was approved.

Don Alexander presented the care center report, including results from the Annual State Survey conducted recently. The survey showed the New Richland Care Center as having eight health and four life/safety deficiencies.

“The deficiencies were rated as mostly D’s, one C,” said Alexander, “which is not severe.”

It was also noted that the fire sprinkler system’s pipes were replaced recently, and four 32” smart TVs for residents’ rooms were ordered, with more to be ordered next month. Financials and Accounts Payable for the center for March were approved, along with the report.

Discussion regarding the cleaning position for the New Richland Library resulted in a motion approving the accepting of applications for the job. Currently the building is being cleaned by the assistant city clerk two hours per week outside office hours. It was determined that one employee can be paid two different wages for different positions given the employee doesn’t exceed a total of 40 hours/week, so the janitorial wage, which is two grades lower than the assistant clerk’s wage, can be paid for cleaning done by the assistant clerk. The council agreed to continue in this manner until the position is filled.

As for the recycling program discussed at previous meetings, it was approved to move forward with the installation of one camera for video surveillance of the drop site, which can be expanded at a future time if desired, at a cost of $3,842.67, as well as a one-year contract with Waste Management (renewable for successive one-year periods) at a cost of $131.67/month ($1,580/year) for two eight-yard dumpsters emptied every two weeks.

A bid of $2,107 for the 2008 squad car from Chicago Motors was approved, with vehicle pickup pending successful payment of amount due. The transfer of a liquor license from Jim Blake to Travis Blake was also approved. The meeting adjourned at 7:54 p.m.

Read 853 times Last modified on Friday, 06 May 2016 14:38
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