NRHEG Star Eagle

137 Years Serving the New Richland-Hartland-Ellendale-Geneva Area
Newspaper of Record for NRHEG School District
Newspaper of Record for Waseca County, MN
PO Box 248 • New Richland, MN 56072

Published every Thursday
Yearly Subscription: Waseca, Steele, and Freeborn counties: $52
Minnesota $57 • Out of state $64
Saturday, 09 January 2016 18:44

Looking Back Jan. 7, 2016

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(Editor's note: Looking Back is a weekly feature on the pages of the Star Eagle)

100 Years Back – 1915

• One of the happiest little girls whereabouts on Christmas was Leone, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. Heckes of Byron. She was awarded the huge doll given away by popular vote by Peterson Bros’ Variety Store. The little lady was offered eight dollars for her prize by the store proprietors, but wouldn’t listen to the offer.

• Hog cholera is reported at the farm of Wm. Patschke a few miles southwest of this place, Mr. Patschke having lost 13 head of swine. He informed The Star over the telephone that the disease came from the herds of his Russian neighbors, who perhaps were ignorant of the disease and took no precautions. When their hogs died they were left on the field unburied. Mr. Patschke is doing what he can to confine the disease.

• Last week Hans Thoreson had what he considers a narrow escape from death. Mr. Thoreson was in the caboose of a freight train on the track at Waterville and while he was waiting he got up and walked out on the rear platform of the car. He glanced up and beheld a double-header train bearing down upon him. He leaped from the caboose and got out of harm’s way when the inevitable collision occurred. The caboose in which Mr. Thoreson had been seated but a moment before was completely demolished, as were several box cars.

• Schmidt Bros. are working overtime this week shoeing horses as a result of the slippery roads in this neck of the woods. Wm. Cook, the “village blacksmith” of Matawan assisted them four a couple of days.

75 Years Back – 1940

• Several persons have reported running into the ditch on Sunday due to the slippery roads. They all had a “happy landing” and I’ll bet they are glad it didn’t happen on New Year’s eve. How about it fellows? Guess the ladies are still good drivers even if some do look like an accident going somewhere to happen!

• Moorhead—Being treed by an angry bull is one thing, and while not too pleasant, is not much out of the ordinary. However, when a farmer peacefully pursuing his duties on a farm is chased up a tree by a cantankerous old deer, that constitutes news. Such was the recent case reported by Game Warden Robert Streich who, having received other complaints about the same deer, has applied to the state for a permit to destroy the ornery animal. The buck’s ugly disposition is attributed to his advanced age, believed to be close to 12 years old.

• Paul Schwenke returned to Chicago Saturday and resumed his work at Walgreen’s drug store after spending since Tuesday at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Schwenke.

• A missing traffic stop signal was returned to Philadelphia police with this unsigned note: “Here’s your nasty old sign. I woke up Sunday morning with the thing in my bed.”

• Alvin Krueger has decided that his old home community is still a mighty good place to live and will remain here and conduct the C. B. Johnson estate farm at present occupied by Richard Krueger. Alvin bought a farm in the vicinity of Blooming Prairie but has disposed of it again and didn’t seem at all sorry. Good!

50 Years Back – 1965

• What has been in the offing for the past fifteen years will become a reality this coming year. Plans have been set for the reconstruction of Highway 13 to Highway 30, which should take care of the inconveniences this community has suffered in hauling in of freight and hauling out livestock. The highway will be widened from Waseca to New Richland, and the curves east of Otisco and three miles north of New Richland will be made less abrupt. Interstate Highway 35 is scheduled for completion in 1966 from Owatonna to a point north of Clarks Grove.

• O. S. Martinson, local realtor for many years, was honored here recently when he was chosen “Man of the Year” by the New Richland Commercial Club. Through the years Mr. Martinson has served on the school board, as trustee for the village, belonged to all civic organizations and served as an officer for most of them. He has also been extremely active in the affairs of Trinity Lutheran church.

25 Years Back – 1990

• Yes, 1990 was a good year. Ask any one of the members of the New Richland-Hartland/Ellendale-Geneva boys’ basketball squad, their coach, Ted Pelzl, or any Panther fan. It was time to have another Region 1A Tournament entry and they defeated the Waseca Bluejays on their way to the Region championship game.

• The Harry Anderson family has donated 17 acres of land to the New Richland Area Sportsmen’s Club. The acreage will be used for a wildlife feed plot and other sportsmen’s activities. Edna Anderson presented the deed to president of the organization, David Dunnette, last week.

• And as a Parting Thought – “Within the moment of time, only one species – man has acquired the power to control the nature of the world.” Let’s consider carefully what we do with that power.—M. A. E.

Compiled by Jessica Lutgens

Read 1121 times Last modified on Thursday, 05 May 2016 22:36

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