NRHEG Star Eagle

137 Years Serving the New Richland-Hartland-Ellendale-Geneva Area
Newspaper of Record for NRHEG School District
Newspaper of Record for Waseca County, MN
PO Box 248 • New Richland, MN 56072

Published every Thursday
Yearly Subscription: Waseca, Steele, and Freeborn counties: $52
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Wednesday, 29 June 2011 21:28

Think about why we’re celebrating the fourth of July

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It will soon be the fourth of July. It is time to stand up for America. Bake a cake and celebrate this important birthday.

This year, I encourage you to think about why we're celebrating this holiday. It is America’s birthday after all. It is the anniversary of the day on which the Declaration of Independence was adopted by the Continental Congress back in 1776. 

The Declaration was read, bells were rung, bands played, and the people rejoiced.  Independence Day has been celebrated throughout the country ever since then. 

John Adams said, "I am apt to believe that it will be celebrated by succeeding generations as the great anniversary festival.  It ought to be commemorated as the day of deliverance, by solemn acts of devotion to God Almighty.  It ought to be solemnized with pomp and parade, with shows, games, sports, guns, bells, bonfire, and illuminations from one end of this continent to the other, from this time forward for evermore." 

This is the 4th of July - Let's celebrate our country.

Let others know how much we love our country.  Be proud that we're Americans. The population (including our politicians) should set an example of good will and kindness.  It is time to set standards, high morals and educate our children in the fact that this is the best country ever.

Enjoy family and community events with programs and pageants, games, plays, athletic contests and picnics. 

If you haven't a flag, get one and fly it proudly for everyone to see.  It is Independence Day!  It is time to think of what we've had, what we have lost and what we are now still blessed to have.

The flag is more than just a brightly-colored piece of cloth.  It is a symbol, or sign, that stands for an idea, a cause and a purpose.  A flag stands for this country's land, its people, its government, and its ideals.

Our country's flag can stir people to joy and sadness, to courage, and sacrifice, according to when and  how it is used. Many, many men and women have died to protect our national flag from dishonor or disgrace. Knowing how to honor his country's flag is an important duty of every citizen.

A flag floating in the breeze is a beautiful and stirring sight.  For hundreds of years, flags have been used to fly high in battle, giving soldiers a symbol to follow and defend.  The colors and designs used in the flag tell the ideals, hopes, goals and history for which the different flags stand.

Resolve to follow the golden rule and the ten commandments.  Fill our churches with prayer for our service men and women, for our country. Say thank you for what we've been given. Change that negativity into something positive.

Ask for American made. Let corporations know we care enough to support our labor force here, not in foreign countries. It is important to recognize the value of other countries, but we must never forget the value of our own country.

The founders of the new nation considered Independence Day an important occasion for rejoicing.  So, rejoice.

The people who built America came from different countries.  They brought different skills, ideas and ideals. They blended their abilities and beliefs under a government designed to protect the liberty of the individual.  

They wrote into their Constitution the safeguards of personal freedoms - freedom of religion, freedom of speech and political belief, and freedom to share in the bounty of the land.

I like the 4th of July fireworks. It’s pretty to see the sky light up - to hear the popping sounds and screeching sirens.  But, I wonder about those who have been through the real thing - bombs bursting in mid air, guns cracking and explosions. I think of all that could be done with the money spent to light up the sky for those few moments. 

Everyone seems to love fireworks, (except dogs and small children) but could it be done more modestly to remember what we stand for.

We've seen what some of our leaders have done to the reputation of our great country.  Let the buck stop there.  It is time to get our country’s reputation back by being the best citizen of this country that we can be.

I recall an elderly man who was a resident at a care center.  When anyone asked what nationality he was he said, "I am an American!”

In other words, we can be descendents from other countries, but he was correct in saying what he did, especially if this is the land of our birth or our citizenship.

The people who built America came from many different countries.  So doing, they recognized and made the United States their homeland.

America, The Beautiful

O beautiful for spacious skies,

For amber waves of grain,

For purple mountain majesties

Above the fruited plain.

America! America!

God shed His grace on thee.

And crown they good with brotherhood,

From sea to shining sea. 

Lyrics by Katharine Lee Bates

Birthdays and anniversaries:

• Thursday, June 30th: Tamara and Jeff Busho, Susan (Schmidt) & Jon Anderson, Ann and Brent Wiersma, Nate and Kristine Her Hey, Julie Vanden Heuvel Horihan, Robin Eder, Nathan Robertson, Donna Reichl, Steve Jensen, Barb Wright, Lorrie Kelly and Roger Shaunce.

• Friday, July 1st: Keralyn Paulsen Powers, Eugene Hagen, Mary Edwardson, Linda O'Neil, Joanna Ruth Vermedahl, Maureen Wayne, Jill Hanson, Chris Ihrke, Jason Churchill, Marjorie Otterson, Deb Schimek, Rachel (Eaker) Lee, Gary Carlson, Tristan Bangert, Robert Christensen, Roger and Joyce Wayne, Heather (Krause) & Dion Quiram, and Frank and Marilyn Cuden.

• Saturday, July 2nd: John and Wendy Schultz, Delbert and Judy Karsjens, Leslie (Gatton) and David Hecker, David  Sidney Skroch, Christopher Matthew Wacek, Mary Ann Ewing, Stacy Shaunce, David Beck, Chad Ritz, Wilma Arbogast, Melissa Quaintance and Tony H. Seykora.

• Sunday, July 3rd: Danika Marie Jensen, Lorry Pelzl, Amy Storlie, Amy Walterman, Cynthia Nelson, Sara and Chris Ihrke, Rachel and Michael Schmidt, Phillip and Karen Briggs.

• Monday, July 4th: Happy 4th of July!  Bethany Miller, Pam Nelson, Trina Churchill, Ellie Rose Meiners, Brent Meiners, Brian Meiners, Denise and Scott McGowan.

• Tuesday, July 5th: Emma Harold, Abby Harold, Jessica Wayne, Brad Tufte, Burt Scripture, Chad Sommer, Russell Thostenson, Rhonda Grunwald, Issac Paulson and Danny Burns.

• Wednesday, July 6th: Kylie Titus, Brenlee Knudsen, Austin Nord, Linda Aronson, Scott Briggs, Gary Grosland, Wendy Kronberg Kammer, Travis Hanson, Paul Richards, Darrin Stadheim, James Van Riper, Kyle and Bethany Miller.

• Thursday, July 7th: Collin Christensen, Ed Possin, Elizabeth Eder, Cheryl Boverhuis, Casey Johnson, Chad Quam, Scott Reese, Jon Spatenka, Anna Jacobson, Anna Anderson and DeAnn Skroch.

• Friday, July 8th: Zaine Augustine Briedenbach, Parker John and Payton Lorraine Bunn, Barb Hagen, Al Lee, Adam Arends, Jacob Phillips, Summer Paulson, Deb Jacobs and Marlene Jensen.

Hope you have a day filled with things that make you smile!

With each passing year, grow stronger, grow wiser, and grow richer in spirit.  May the year ahead be filled with new discoveries. God Bless America!

Read 1016 times Last modified on Thursday, 05 May 2016 21:36

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