NRHEG Star Eagle

137 Years Serving the New Richland-Hartland-Ellendale-Geneva Area
Newspaper of Record for NRHEG School District
Newspaper of Record for Waseca County, MN
PO Box 248 • New Richland, MN 56072

Published every Thursday
Yearly Subscription: Waseca, Steele, and Freeborn counties: $52
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Saturday, 17 October 2015 17:07

It helps to have a shoulder to cry on

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Why is it when everything seems to be going on at once, the things you don't need to happen do? This past week was not one of my better ones.  It didn't help that I was still a bit upset with my husband, Daryl, who very generously and thoughtfully volunteered us to serve the Sunday School and confirmation kids and others a light supper on Wednesday nights at our church. I didn't know how I would squeeze it into our already busy schedule, but figured God willing we would get it done. Luckily, we have some great people at church who volunteered to step in and help and we got everyone fed.

My new computer has been giving me nothing but problems. My fault or the computer’s? Maybe a little of both. I had to get a new computer after my old one died and the new one doesn't seem to be anything like my old one. It doesn't help that I still suffer with memory issues since my bout with encephalitis in 1992. Sometimes my memory is less or more of a handicap than other times. Of course getting upset and confused doesn't make it better.

I had a tight schedule on Friday and probably should have thought, “stop and take a little time,” but I didn't. In the process I lost, or misplaced, the key to my van. Luckily, I did have a backup key in my bag along with me, instead of it being locked in my van. The key, which is one of those newfangled types, needs to be specially made. The thought of replacing the key, which I believe can run about $200, a crack, had me demolishing the area of the Albert Lea Clinic inside and out for several hours Friday afternoon, but to no avail; still no key.

I have three granddaughters, and two of them are currently playing in fall sports programs. Sometimes there is a conflict when they have games going on at the time time. This past weekend was one of those times. Morgan’s soccer game Saturday morning was in Burnsville and Mallory’s volleyball tournament was in Austin — obviously too far apart to take them both in. So how do you choose? I know, not a big deal, parents go through this all the time, but it bothered me. I felt I should be there for Mallory and all the games she would be playing, but I probably have been able to go to more of her games than Morgan’s. I wound up going with my daughters, Kim and Krista, to the Cities, all the while wondering about Mallory being alone in her sports endeavor. I know what you think. Kids are very capable, but I am a typical grandma and I worry about them when they are alone. 

I came home late Saturday afternoon and Krista came  too, as she was once again going to try and help me with my cantankerous computer.  She has tried to help me many times, and I love her for it, but once she turned on the computer, she got upset because she wondered how I could foul things up again so bad.

There have been so many funerals of favorite people of late, but it hit me hard when our little local Irish leprechaun, "Digger," fooled us all and died unexpectedly, leaving Ireland and Geneva behind for heaven. Why are some people so special that it hurts so bad to part with them? I spent the day Sunday with his family and friends, and it was truly a special day I will long remember.

Many times my mother will at least ride with me when I go to cover stories for the paper. It is far better than going alone, but for no particular reason her "tryg" started giving her problems Sunday morning and she didn't dare leave home without familiar ways to deal with it on hand. 

Yes, I know things will all get better as time passes. I am sure you've all been through these types of days and weeks and then some. Sometimes it just helps to talk about it and my advice to you is if everything seems to be going awry, reach out to someone. It doesn't hurt to have a shoulder to lean on now and then and offer their help until things come back to "normal" again.

Like roses, life is beautiful, but sometimes those thorns help us realize how fragrant life really is and that we need to be thankful for each day we are given. 

— — —

Birthdays and anniversaries:

• Friday, October, 16th: Kade Schember, Jenny Shaunce, Allie Larson, Taylor Tieskotter, Sabrina Marie Bauers, Donna & Gordon Hanson, Jamie & Amber Jensen, Travis & Stacy Simon, Daniel & Regina Van Kampen,

• Saturday, October 17th: Lucas Bailey, Pat Wayne, Dale Strenge, David Killian, Sherrie Dahl Shott, Dustin Wayne, Pam & Rick Cook, Sidney & David Kasper, Andy & Mary Ditlevson

• Sunday, October 18th: Gordon Jensen, Carrie Nolan Allen, Andreas Quinn Vu, Stan & Cindy Nelson, Randy & Cindy Horan, Tait & Jennifer Ingvaldson, Carol & Larry Cox

• Monday, October 19th: Robert William Pulley, Jody Johnson, Katie Ann Carlson, Jan Klocek Louks, Roger Larson, Jeanene Reese, Kristi Nelson, Everett Thompson, Barbara Olson, Esther Rodi, Jim & Laureen Hohansee

• Tuesday, October 20th: Kimberly Wangsness, Matthew Beckman, Shannon Smith, Diana Beckmann, Jenny Herbst, Erick Widlund, Casey Kunkel, Nicole Larson, Doris Scripture Steele, Rick Kelly, Adam Lang, Scott & Joni Groth, Laurie & DeWayne Jensen, Jim & Nancy Bottelson, Brad & Nicole Edwards

• Wednesday, October 21st: Todd Utpadel, Brian Riley, Deb Mucha, Peter Benson, Natalie Kuehni, Steven F. Christenson, Diane & Dan Gallentine

May you find joy and pleasure all around you on your special day!

Read 329 times Last modified on Thursday, 05 May 2016 22:31

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