NRHEG Star Eagle

137 Years Serving the New Richland-Hartland-Ellendale-Geneva Area
Newspaper of Record for NRHEG School District
Newspaper of Record for Waseca County, MN
PO Box 248 • New Richland, MN 56072

Published every Thursday
Yearly Subscription: Waseca, Steele, and Freeborn counties: $52
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Sunday, 16 August 2015 19:42

Reeling them in on Spider Lake

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Just this past week my wife Jean and I headed north to our cabin to enjoy a few days relaxing and watching and feeding the birds and critters while spending time in the woods. My grandson Dylan called me a couple of weeks earlier and wanted to know if I had plans to be at the cabin the first week in August. He said he would be camping with his mom and step-dad at Lake Winibigoshish and, if I was going to be at the cabin, he would like to come over for a couple of days. I hadn’t planned on being there at that time, but after talking to Jean she said she had taken vacation for that week so we decided to head north for a few days.

On the way up we got a text from Dylan which Jean replied to while I drove. He asked if he could bring his little step-brother Caiden, who is 10, along because he had seen pictures of our fishing trips and was hoping he could come along; of course, we told him no problem.

We didn’t arrive until late Monday evening and were greeted by a couple of downed trees blocking our way to the cabin. I was able to get close enough so we could carry the necessities to the cabin and get some sleep. Dylan and Caiden arrived promptly at 9 the next morning, just in time to help me cut up that tree and clear the drive to the cabin. I am definitely going to have to buy a chainsaw! After we had some lunch and Dylan had given Caiden a short tour of the cabin (it’s too small for anything but a short tour) we hooked up the boat and headed to our first lake of the day.

The first lake had been good to Dylan and I in the past, but this time it was not to be. I told the boys we would fish for a little longer and then head to another lake. That other lake was a little more productive but not that great. You have to understand one thing, that Dylan has grown up fishing with Grandpa and I primarily fish northern and bass (catch most of them fishing northern) so he also has grown a fondness for those fish with many teeth. Caiden caught a northern that first day and just seeing how excited he was made our first day of fishing a success.

After the day of fishing had ended Dylan asked if we could go to Spider the next day, to which I gladly answered yes. I told him that we would get up at 5 a.m., have one of his grandma’s fantastic breakfasts and head out. That night after supper he and Caiden were busy preparing their fishing poles and planning what baits they would use the next day. Oh, the anticipation of the next fishing day is something that makes this such a great sport for kids of all ages (even this kid).

After we enjoyed the aforementioned breakfast we were off to fish the lake that is special to both Dylan and I. To tell you what an impact this lake has had on Dylan over the years, when we would pass a certain little bay or point he would tell me, “This is where you caught that big northern” and later he was quick to point out the spot where I had caught a walleye on one of our visits the previous year. The amazing thing is he can remember the spot where he’d caught his first northern. This is just a perfect example of how the sport of fishing can have such a positive effect on a youngster.

Grandma made sandwiches for shore lunch, which has become sort of a tradition for Dylan and me the past few years. When it’s time for lunch, I will look for one of the open campsites on the lake and pull the boat up there. There are three such sites on the lake which requires no more than being the first one there to claim the spot. There is a two-week limit on each campsite and the rules are simple; clean up after yourself, cut only dead trees for firewood and don’t leave any campfires unattended. The spot we found to eat our lunch was on a narrow point with water on both sides. There is an outdoor toilet, which seemed to amaze Caiden because he kept saying, “I can’t believe there is just a toilet sitting all by itself out in the woods.” I just smiled and nodded. I cleaned one of the northern we kept while we were there because it died and we still had plenty of time to fish.

There is a slot limit on northern on Spider Lake where everything between 24 and 36 inches must be returned to the lake. You can keep one over 36, but Dylan said he wouldn’t do that unless it was big enough to mount. We caught a lot of fish that day but most were either over 24 inches or too small. We didn’t actually catch very many that were too small and we kept three in the 22-23 inch range. The pike on Spider have usually always run nice and thick, which makes for good fillets and mighty fine eating.

Caiden’s first-time visit to Spider had him talking non-stop the rest of the way home. It had to be a great experience for a 10-year-old; catching his biggest northern ever, fishing this beautiful lake, having a shore lunch and even using a toilet that was out in the middle of the woods. It was fun to watch Dylan mentoring Caiden and doing everything he could to make sure he was having fun. The look on Caiden’s face when he caught his first northern was priceless. That day on Spider was a good one and although the old teacher did catch more than his share, I was always happier when one of those boys got a fish.

I was really beat after spending seven hours on the water and Grandma could tell when we got back. Dylan said he wished he could stay another day, but Grandma told his dad on the phone that another day would probably have killed Grandpa. Even though I was probably thinking the same thing at the time, I know I would have welcomed the chance and found a way to survive. Dylan’s birthday was on Friday and don’t think that he could have gotten a better present than that trip to Spider.

Until next time, take some time to introduce a kid to fishing where they can experience a great sport that will last them a lifetime.

Please remember to keep our troops in your thoughts and prayers because they are the reason we are able to enjoy all the freedoms that we have today.

Read 216 times Last modified on Thursday, 05 May 2016 22:28

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