NRHEG Star Eagle

137 Years Serving the New Richland-Hartland-Ellendale-Geneva Area
Newspaper of Record for NRHEG School District
Newspaper of Record for Waseca County, MN
PO Box 248 • New Richland, MN 56072

Published every Thursday
Yearly Subscription: Waseca, Steele, and Freeborn counties: $52
Minnesota $57 • Out of state $64
Sunday, 31 August 2014 18:12

Looking Back

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100 Years Ago – 1914

• A train known as the Great Northern Flyer has made 89 consecutive runs between St. Paul and Seattle and has been on time each trip. A really remarkable record.

• School will open on Sept. 7th. All pupils should be present on that day for enrollment, assignment of places and of work. The high school assembly room is being enlarged to accommodate the increasing high school enrollment for the coming year. A room is being prepared in the basement to be used as a laboratory. Other changes are being made so that when school work gets underway every foot of space in the basement and first two floors will be utilized.

• Bemidji—Remer has lost a distinction. A merchant of that village has just bought a touring car and the town is no longer autoless.

75 Years Ago – 1939

• The next major event of the summer in this locality will be the annual Harvest Festival at Ellendale. Our neighboring village is making great plans for one of the best celebrations in its history. An unusually good entertainment program is arranged for both afternoon and evening, which will include free vaudeville on an outdoor stage, concerts by the Ellendale School Band and the famous Al Kissner Kibitzer Band of Owatonna, a tug of war between farmers and businessmen, catching a greased pig, pillow fight, balloon blowing contest and many other contests and sports. The vaudeville is of the best, and well balanced, including clever acrobatic acts, a trick god act, juggling, comedy singing, dancing, a clever clown act, etc.

• The playoff Sunday gave New Richland a shutout victory over the old rivals the Waseca team and came through with three runs to the good. Everybody says it was a good game. There were brilliant defensive plays, arguments with the umpires, and all the rivalry possible between these two friendly enemies.

• Bennett Johnson is to be the driver of the new school bus which arrived for service Wednesday morning. The bus is painted orange and is a neat machine. The initial trip will be made Tuesday morning.

50 Years Ago – 1964 

• When a semi-truck driver runs out of gas in the intersection of a state highway, there is much cause for glee, particularly for certain women, who are frequently running out of gas in out of the way places and draw some most censorable looks from their husbands and gas station attendants and owners.

• The monthly meeting of the Chatty Charity Chicks was held on August 12 at the home of Mrs. Irwin Johnson. The meeting was opened by president Mrs. Duane Spooner. One of the hi-lights of the evening was an open discussion held on television programs. Entertainment was furnished by Patricia Johnson playing selections on the piano and accordion. Mrs. Clement Emery will be in charge of all entertainment for next month’s meeting.

• Found: Part for hand vacuum cleaner on road near Clarence Lechner farm. Owner may claim by identifying then paying for this ad at the Star.

• Mr. and Mrs. Gary Johnson are proud parents of a boy born to them at the Owatonna hospital on Monday, August 24. He has been named Terry Lee.

25 Years Ago – 1989 

• The residents of the New Richland-Hartland School District will have the opportunity to vote on a $3.9 million bond referendum to improve the school building facilities in a special election. It is proposed that portions of the existing school building complex constructed in 1900, 1916, 1927 and 1940 be demolished due to inadequate safety conditions and functional inadequacies. Remodeling these building portions is not cost-effective, according to Supt. Rich Lorenz, because they are so grossly antiquated. Educational programs, fire and life safety codes have changed tremendously since they were constructed.

• Sheila Louise Kampen of Waseca, daughter of Louis and Garaldine Kampen and the late Deloris (Maas) Kampen and Don Leonard Krueger of New Richland, son of Russell and Margaret Krueger of New Richland, announce their engagement. A Saturday, September 23 wedding is planned for the couple.

Compiled by Jessica Lutgens

Read 2651 times Last modified on Thursday, 05 May 2016 22:12

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