NRHEG Star Eagle

137 Years Serving the New Richland-Hartland-Ellendale-Geneva Area
Newspaper of Record for NRHEG School District
Newspaper of Record for Waseca County, MN
PO Box 248 • New Richland, MN 56072

Published every Thursday
Yearly Subscription: Waseca, Steele, and Freeborn counties: $52
Minnesota $57 • Out of state $64
Saturday, 23 August 2014 22:10

Excited about the start of the school year

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For all of us involved in education—and here I include students, parents, and of course those of us who work in the field—this is an exciting time of year. The key word, I believe, is “anticipation.”  Something big is coming, and we want to be ready for it. 

As I prepare to tell you about all of the changes and preparations which have been underway over the summer, it’s hard to decide where to begin, so let me tell you about one of the best moments I have recently experienced. You see, there was a young man, a member of the class of 2014, who was unable to participate in this year’s official graduation ceremony because he had not completed the necessary number of credits. This fellow signed up for one of the classes I have mentioned previously—one which allows hands-on learners a chance for some practical, real-world training—and earned his diploma. This allowed me and our guidance counselor, Mr. Stoesz, to officiate at our second graduation ceremony of the year: It may not have been as big or as grand as the one in spring, but it was rich in pomp, ceremony, and heartwarming satisfaction. It was an uplifting reminder that our schools are here for everyone, and that we want all students to move forward with a foundation which will help them build their chosen futures.

Speaking of that class, its members helped make sure many very practical upgrades got completed. If you’ve been in or near the school buildings this summer, you couldn’t miss noticing some of the work being done outside. We have new sidewalks and curbs out in front of the secondary school; you may not yet have seen that there is also some fresh concrete out by the grandstands, where access is now better for all fans, including those with handicaps. I believe you’ll be pleased with the improvements when you attend football games or other events there. 

You may also have passed one of our new buses out on the roads; the school has saved money over the cost of purchasing these two new vehicles by entering into a long-term lease for their use. I bet the students who get to ride in them will enjoy the upgrade, and let’s just say the two buses they replace were ready to be retired.

Although it’s not as interesting, I want to quickly mention that lots of effort has gone into routine maintenance and upkeep in our buildings—work has been done on everything from the air handlers and boilers to the roofs and floors.

Over the summer, the school principals and I have paid a lot of attention to safety. We met twice with the Department of Homeland Security, getting some important input about how to keep our buildings as secure as possible. If you should visit the school and find yourself delayed by the tightened measures, please be patient. The changes are part of our mission to keep dangerous intruders from entering our buildings.

On the other hand, our new web site is part of an effort to allow more open access—to the schedules, information, and records which pertain to you and your family. Take note: to get to the new site, do not use the prefix www. Instead simply go to There you will be offered a choice between the general, district-wide home page, or home pages for either the elementary or secondary sites. I am very pleased, so far, with the lively, user-friendly format we’ve arrived at. I hope you will try it out and feel free to provide feedback.

Something you will probably be anxious to learn about on our web site, and as the school year begins, are the many new people now working in our school district. Perhaps you remember that five long-standing teachers retired last spring. Besides that, two teachers have taken on special roles in the district: Long very successful as an elementary classroom teacher, Terri Engel will now guide the development of some of our curriculum and instruction programs. Robin Eder will be using her energy and insight to help secondary students as our student success coordinator. I hope you will find time to make the acquaintance of some of the newly hired paraprofessionals, bus drivers, teachers, and others who will now be working for the benefit of our communities’ children.

Probably also a big source of anticipation are the iPad tablet computers which will be available for student use this fall. We have nearly 800 iPads which will be used at the elementary and secondary levels; secondary teachers will also be using some more flexible technology to help them in their work. The most important point I want to make about this new equipment is not simply that it’s been acquired, but that informed, responsible use of technology will be important for all learners—even those who graduated school decades ago—as the digital age continues to advance.

There are so many new and exciting changes here at the school, perhaps even the students will be anxious to come back and find out what’s been going on. As for me, I don’t mind admitting that I’m filled with anticipation as well. I have had a year as superintendent to get my bearings and learn the lay of the land, and I hope to be able to make even more of a difference as I work with the staff, school board, students, and community members of our district through the coming year. I will be glad to hear your questions, concerns, and suggestions, whether you forward them on paper or use the contact information on our new web site to contact me over the internet.

Yes, “anticipation” is definitely the word that applies to this time of year: Something big is coming, and we have worked very hard to be sure we’re ready for it. I can’t wait to get started, and I hope you feel the same way!

Read 280 times Last modified on Thursday, 05 May 2016 22:12

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