NRHEG Star Eagle

137 Years Serving the New Richland-Hartland-Ellendale-Geneva Area
Newspaper of Record for NRHEG School District
Newspaper of Record for Waseca County, MN
PO Box 248 • New Richland, MN 56072

Published every Thursday
Yearly Subscription: Waseca, Steele, and Freeborn counties: $52
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Tuesday, 22 July 2014 22:15

Is that Aunt Martha or Uncle Ed in that photo?

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It was a bargain at a garage sale, maybe 25 cents or free. I am talking about a book of the 20th century and the way people lived, and it comes to mind that would they print today. The way we live has changed so many times over the years. What once took years now happens overnight.

We talk about the good old days, and they were in many respects, but what would we really think of the conditions that people lived in "back then?" Everyone more or less was in the same boat, so it was hard to realize how hard times really were. There was class distinctions even then, but accepted as it was the way things were.

My mother and Mrs. Gil (Kay) Nelson talked one day about how they wished for a community library. Not your ordinary library of course, but one where people could come and exchange books they had read for others or donate or lend them out like a regular library. Everybody has books, good books that could be shared and should be shared so that others could enjoy them and reap the knowledge in them.

I think my mother alone has enough to fill a small library. It wouldn't have to be open all the time. It would take some volunteers. And of course it would need some space — maybe a classroom at the community building in Geneva — though I've heard her mention the corner building uptown in Geneva that still stands empty but would be so accessible to the public. She just lacks the courage to get it started.

In the meantime, don't overlook the fact that Clarks Grove has a terrific book store in the old Clarks Grove State Bank building that is so full of wonderful books at a price that is easy to pay and yes, they take books in value and trade and also books you care to donate because they are over running your house.

The library at New Richland is fantastic. I know it took some time and money, along with friends of books who volunteer their time and talents. I wonder if they realize what an asset this is to the town?

Another thought. When Steve Pence, a former Geneva boy who now lives in Florida, sent an old picture post card of an Ellendale baseball team, via e-mail, wondering if anyone could identify any of the players, he couldn't have known what a stir it started. A wonderful stir I might add. I forwarded it on to the Ellendale historian, Barb Mrotz. She was excited. We also sent it on to others who we knew had baseball ancestors in their family, and hope that someone along the way will be able to help identify who is in the picture of this Ellendale Baseball Team

By the miracles of modern living, Steve informed me that he sent the pictures, via e-mail, to Walgreens in Albert Lea and they were ready to be picked up the next day. With luck, we may find out who is in the picture, but at any rate it is proof of pride of baseball back then.

Please don’t ever throw away old pictures because you don't know who is in them. They are still a part of history.

I guess this also serves as a good reminder how important it is to identify who is in the pictures, as well as when the pictures are taken, so years down the road when people look back at history they will know.

Not important? You might be surprised or someone will some day. Incidentally, identify your children in your family pictures too. You would be surprised how much they look like each other when they're older.

There is a story about a child photographer losing the identity of people in some pictures. He could only put the pictures out and said people should pick out their child’s picture and if they could identify them, they could take them at no. Though some were identifiable by clothing, it was surprising how many could not pick out their own child because so many look alike at an age.

It is true. My mother has a picture on her refrigerator. Many guess it to be my youngest granddaughter, Amelia, only to find out that it is a picture of Ava, my niece, at an earlier age. Taking the time to identify who is in pictures taken is just as important as taking the picture itself.

This may seem like a mixed up Whatever, but then this has been a busy, busy, mixed up week. We love summer, but many times we try to squeeze in a year’s activities in just a few days time.

Wishing you beautiful moments - to share, to enjoy, to remember.

— — —

Birthdays and anniversaries:

• Thursday, July 17th: Kaylee Hanson, Merton Nelson, Ralph Diaz, Sandi Vangen, Victor Christenson, Larry Molenaar, Leslie Schwartz, Lisa & Bob Wayne, Kristine (Simon) & David Freitas

• Friday, July 18th: Anika Christine McDonald, Nancy Anderson, Matthew DeShane, Katie Dobberstein, Michael Graif, Luke Rye, Roger & Betty Davies, Mark & Mandy Boehme

• Saturday, July 19th: Charlie Glenn Fuller, Cheryl Dunlap, Natasha Marie Peterson, Nicholas Pete Johnson, Carolyn Plunkett, Alyssa Mumm, Travis Jensen, Michael Beckman, Ryan Schmidt, Warren Farr, David Cooper, Angie & Michael Kath

• Sunday, July 20th: Pam Muri, Paul Marcus, Wayne Sommers, Brad Eder, Richard Nelson, Cody McCartney, Howard Gallentine, Elvern & Jeanne Holland, Cory & Colette Bauers, Mark & Teri Ravenhorst

• Monday, July 21st: Julie Langlie, Riley Marzloff, Violet Elise Aronson, Lindsay Smith, Marilyn Sullivan, Trudy Abel Holm, Marcia DeVriendt, Randy Anderson, Michele Granowski Domeier, Mike Collins, Nicholas Miller, Micki Heimer, Ed & Nancy Ver Hey, Katie & Paul Troe, Mike & Amy Glienke

• Tuesday, July 22nd: Warren Torgerson, Colleen Brekke, Jodie Hohansee Waalkens, Shari Crabtree, Jeff Olson, Joanie Ayers, Jesse Collins, Tyler Joshua Lair, Carl Anderson, Vicki & Kory Kress, Tara & Scott Peterson, Tara & Chad Cliff

• Wednesday, July 23rd: Charlotte Joan Tuttle, Barb Kubat, Jackie Layland, Diane Broskoff, Jim Brown, Ron Kaiser, Kelly Pitcock, Carl Glienke Sr., Nathan & Michelle Jacobson, Brooke & Isaiah Lundberg, LuAnn & Keith Miller

• Thursday, July 24th: Marilyn Goslee Jurrens, Robert Carter Edwards, Katie May, Joy Peterson, Pat Schulz, Jeff Thompson, Phillip Briggs, Denise & Richard Olson, Trisha & Casey Johnson, Greg & Shari Lassahn

• Friday, July 25th: Sue Hill, Kari Janka Hareid, Stan Mork, Ivy Oland, Ann Falksen, Rick Hagen, Cole Pospesel, Kristine & Jesse Routh

• Saturday, July 26th: Jordyn Marie Wobschall, Kristine Broskoff Routh, Mark Bartness, Jane Osmundson, Amy Radke, Jean Smith, Scott & Cheryl Christensen and Clara White, her 104th birthday. Yes, Clara will be celebrating her 104th.

Wouldn't it be nice if we all could shower her with special greetings on her big day? Cards, letters and special greetings can be mailed to Clara at the Onalaska Care Center, 1600 Main St., Onalaska, Wisconsin, 54650.

Let your door open to every joy your special day can bring.

Read 369 times Last modified on Thursday, 05 May 2016 22:11

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