NRHEG Star Eagle

137 Years Serving the New Richland-Hartland-Ellendale-Geneva Area
Newspaper of Record for NRHEG School District
Newspaper of Record for Waseca County, MN
PO Box 248 • New Richland, MN 56072

Published every Thursday
Yearly Subscription: Waseca, Steele, and Freeborn counties: $52
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Thursday, 17 October 2013 23:56

Educational philosophy at NRHEG

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It has been easy to see, even in the short weeks I have been your superintendent, that the people of this district take an active, persistent interest in our schools and what goes on inside them.  Permit me to share some of my personal observations regarding education in general. The truth is, I worry. The emphasis that has been placed on high-stakes standardized tests has led some institutions to begin “teaching to the test.” I see this as a gigantic disservice to our students, whose real goal is to prepare—not for tests, not even for college—but for their futures, whatever they may be like.  I know many of you share my frustrations about teaching to the test, and about what seems to be a state-level emphasis on treating our students as though they are only statistics. 

I loved being in a classroom every day. It is a privilege to know my students personally and to make a difference in their lives. The biggest thing that led me to leave my classroom and become an administrator was the idea that, as valuable as I was at the front of the room, I could have even more impact in front of a school board. I am where I am because I believe adamantly in helping create an environment where children feel safe, supported, and ready to learn.

This philosophy of mine is running the school’s technology staff members a bit ragged, since I have been pushing them to get our buildings set up with access points which will allow each classroom to become as large as each teacher wants it to be.  I have asked both principals to communicate with all of the teachers and determine the general preferences between iPads and other portable devices so that we can move forward with acquiring and managing technology and the many benefits it can bring to our classrooms.

I hope this access to technology will open new levels of understanding for our students. Would it not be empowering to help them recognize how far human ingenuity and determination have already brought us, and to see it’s their job to take us into the future?  To help them acquire the tools and strive for the ability to solve problems?  I nod my head in anticipation as I think of our kids coming to the understanding that they are not simply victims of circumstances beyond their control, but that they can take steps to change their lives, and maybe the whole course of the future. 

Those are the types of kids I want to see graduating from NRHEG, thinkers and doers, and I feel a smile growing on my face as I even think about it.

I know my letter has been rather long, and I thank you for sticking with me this far. I wish to close with a few thoughts which are part and parcel of my teaching philosophy.  First, even though I am the superintendent, I still see myself as a teacher: It is my job to facilitate learning. I believe profoundly that all students deserve a chance, so no matter what scores they may earn on standardized tests, each of them will always be above average in my estimation. And finally, I am here to work with the dedicated, caring staff of NRHEG. It is not my intent to impose anything on our district, but rather to listen to all concerns, help further our staff’s efforts to benefit our students, and work with our elected leaders in keeping our school an excellent place to learn, grow and graduate from.

Thank you for your attention.

Dr. Goodwin - Superintendent

Read 786 times Last modified on Thursday, 05 May 2016 22:00

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