Elementary wrestlers will begin practice next week in both New Richland and Ellendale.
Practice in New Richland will be on Monday nights beginning at 6:15 p.m. Practice will be in the high school wrestling room and wrestlers should enter through the NW doors (#13).
Practice in Ellendale will be on Tuesday night beginning at 6:30. Practice will take place in the east gym.
There is no cost for elementary wrestling. Wrestlers should have shorts, a t-shirt and tennis or wrestling shoes.
A short parent meeting will take place at both sites at the beginning of practice. Schedules for the season will be distributed at that time.
Please make plans to attend with your child on the first night of practice. If you have any questions, contact Paul Cyr (417-2603), Shawn Larson (417-2636), or Andy Peterson (417-2617).