NRHEG Star Eagle

137 Years Serving the New Richland-Hartland-Ellendale-Geneva Area
Newspaper of Record for NRHEG School District
Newspaper of Record for Waseca County, MN
PO Box 248 • New Richland, MN 56072

Published every Thursday
Yearly Subscription: Waseca, Steele, and Freeborn counties: $52
Minnesota $57 • Out of state $64
Wednesday, 04 April 2012 15:51

Looking Back

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   100 Years Back – 1912

• I will be in New Richland again this season prepared to do tiling of all kinds the same satisfaction guarantee as in the past. Give me a chance to figure on your job. G. M. Nesbit, New Richland.

• Lemond Locals — Johnny Johnson is the owner of a new buggy. L. L. Strand has added a gasoline engine to his supply of machinery.

• “There’s a fool born every minute.” “Sometimes two fools.” “Huh?” “You have a twin brother, haven’t you?”

• South Wilton — Wm. Krueger sold a horse last week for $175 and Frank Krueger bought a horse for $175.

• Matawan Murmurs — Mrs. Ed. Weise continues poorly, we hope for a speedy gain to her former health.

• Hartland — Over 100 people from here went to Albert Lea Friday to hear ex-President Roosevelt deliver a speech. 

• W. F. Dagner shingled his house Friday and Saturday, being aided in the work by several of his neighbors.

• For sale — A live local newspaper at $1.50 a year. — The Star.

• Notwithstanding the fact that the dry voters at Waseca Tuesday were in the majority over the wets, there is a pretty tangle over the exact result because eleven blank license ballots were cast. A confliction of the state law and the home rule charter of Waseca on this point causes the trouble.

• Esmeralda — “She used to say that if she ever married a man it would be because she wanted to make him miserable, yet she married that young Frizzletop after she had known him only a week.” Gwendolen — “Yes, it seems to have been a case of hate at first sight.”

• Monday last the public library was removed to its former quarters over the State Bank and the women’s rest room has been discontinued. It was found the convenience of the place was not appreciated to the extent that it should have been.

75 Years Back – 1937

• Farmers and other employers who have offered work to relief clients, and have met with refusal, are requested by the Waseca County Relief Board to report such cases to the relief office, according to H.E. Gridley. The board will take immediate action in all “job refusal” cases.

• Weather conditions permitting, the first practice of the baseball season will be held at Wagner Athletic Field Sunday afternoon. All baseball players in the community who wish to try out for the team this year are urged to be present at the field for the workout. Every player who wishes will be given an opportunity to make the team.

• Pickle Street — The play “Ouch, My Corn” given by the 4-H Busters Club at District 49 last Friday night was well attended and the members took in eleven dollars. Miss Marie Nelson and Mildred Proehl are leaders of the club.

• School Notes — Want Ads- Lost: My sunny disposition which I had acquired during vacation. — Grouch. Grades 4 and 5 — In our 4th grade arithmetic drill last week we had 3 A’s, 17 B’s, 5 C’s and 2 D’s. We didn’t have any failures. We hope to do even better in our test this week.

• Byron — A large crowd from this vicinity attended the livestock sale and show given by O. B. Anderson.

• Letters are being sent out to every parent of school children in Waseca County this week informing them of the campaign to get all school children vaccinated against small pox and immunized against diphtheria during the coming week.

• Anyone may wire farms according to REA specifications. Many farms in Waseca and Steele counties are now being wired in readiness for high-line service when the co-operative line is built.

50 Years Back – 1962

• Dr. Albert Flor is pictured in his 80 horsepower speedboat cruising down the creek adjacent to the bowling alley. High water had inundated about a four-block area near the creek running through New Richland.

• Joanne Arnfelt, Mankato State College student from New Richland, will be among the 233 students doing student teaching work in the spring quarter. Miss Arnfelt, a home economics major, will be student teaching at Freeborn.

• A little boy asked the postman whether he had a letter from M.I.T. The postman retorted with “No, what are you, a genius or something?” The little boy said “I’ve asked them for some rocket fuel for my orbit flight.” The mailman walked away and said, “When I was a boy, we flew kites and were completely satisfied.”

• Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Baagason, having sold the St. Olaf Lake Store to Albert Walskog of Fredericksberg, Iowa wish to thank their customers, friends and neighbors for their patronage the past fourteen years.

• Northeast New Richland — Mr. and Mrs. David Swenson and Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Swenson attended the Ice Follies at Minneapolis Friday.

• Ellendale’s First Annual Community Auction Sale Saturday, April 7th starting at 12:30 p.m. Buyers will be here to pay the high $$$. Bring in your farm machinery, furniture, trucks, household goods, appliances or whatever you want turned into cash. Cols. Jensen & Wendorf, auctioneers. Security State Bank of Ellendale, clerk.

• Mr. and Mrs. Russell Hanson entertained Sunday afternoon in honor of their son Mark’s first birthday.

• The junior class at New Richland High School will present “Our Hearts Were Young and Gay” on Thursday, April 26, at 8 p.m.

• Want your car washed? Get rid of all that dirt and scum with our Safeway Car Wash. This new car wash uses a detergent and your car comes out with a nice shine. Madson’s Service, New Richland. 

25 Years Back – 1987

• Pastor Dennis Schmidt was installed as the new pastor of Hartland and Manchester Evangelical Lutheran Churches on Sunday, March 29.

• Bank Notes — That day is here again, the one we all abhor. April 15th … that rainy day, we’ve all been saving for! April is the month when the green returns to the lawn, the lilacs and the Internal Revenue Service.

• Whatever you desire! We can design and build cabinets and furniture especially for you! Call or stop in! Solid Wood Products, Jim Finseth, Prop.

• Notice power outage — Saturday, April 11, 1987, 2 a.m. to 5 a.m. Electricity to NSP customers either side of Highway 13 from Waseca to Freeborn Co. Rd. 35, north of Hartland. This area includes the Highlands and New Richland.

• The New Richland-Hartland Community Education Office is offering a Karate class this spring. Gordon Ebnet will be the instructor.

• Notice — Anyone wishing to contribute cash or labor for planting of trees at St. Peter’s Cemetery, please contact Odean Miller.

• The Cannon Valley Girl Scout Council wishes to extend a special thank you to all those who purchased during the recent cookie sale.

• Hop on down, order your Easter specialty goodies! Stop in and register for the 5 ft. “Easter Bear” to be given away before Easter. Quiram’s Bakery, New Richland.

• The King and Queen of the New Richland-Hartland elementary carnival were Matthew Harris and Rachel Knudson, both of Hartland. They won the honor by selling the most tickets.

• Swampbuster rules criticized. “Swampbuster, as it is being enforced in some counties, can put a farmer out of business overnight,” said Jack Hufstetler. “Swampbuster” is a provision in the Food Security Act that defines wetlands which cannot be used for crops. A farmer who violates the “swampbuster” provision may lose all federal farm benefits.

Compiled by Jody Wynnemer

Editor's note: Looking Back is a regular feature that appears weekly in the Star Eagle. This report is from the April 5, 2012 edition.

Read 1878 times Last modified on Thursday, 05 May 2016 21:41

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