Senior high students (from left) Logan Schiell, Olivia Wencl, Grace Starman, Maverick Knutson and Ethan Peters were the Panther Pride drawing winners for the week of Oct. 18-20.
Panther Press
“When I see a student doing something positive, I’m glad to acknowledge that in some way,” says high school Family and Consumer Sciences teacher Kelly Delacruz. “It’s a great opportunity to call attention to things that are done well, or for the right reasons.”
The “Panther Pride” drawing happens every week at both the middle and high-school levels, with five students selected at random from among all the students who received panther pride slips that week.
“The way to win is to be positive, respectful, responsible, safe,” explains secondary principal David Bunn. “By helping someone out. There are really many ways to show panther pride.”
Winners are allowed to select from a variety of rewards, including moving forward in the lunch line, being able to default on a homework assignment, having a tardy erased, or even a small snack.
High school winners this past week were Grace Starman, Maverick Knutson, Ethan Peters, Logan Schiell and Olivia Wencl.
Middle school winners were:
Hunter McMann, Caylee Donovan, Devon Nelton, Mitikie Gushwa, Shane Service