A benefit for Cindy Green of Ellendale set for Saturday, March 21 has been postponed to Saturday, April 18 from 3-7 p.m. at the Geneva Community Center. Included are silent and live auctions a meal for free-will donation, and a bake sale.
Cindy was diagnosed with ALS (Lou Gehrig’s Disease) in early 2018. It is a horrible, aggressive disease with no cure and has unfortunately caused numerous complications in Cindy’s Daily Life. Things we take for granted such as eating, drinking, walking, and even breathing (she now must use portable oxygen) have become difficult for Cindy.
The financial burden of this disease will increase as it progresses. A group of family and friends have gathered to organize the benefit.
If you are interested in donating or helping, conctact Allie Larson at 507-456-3234 or Jean Worrell at 507-383-0633. For monetary donations, send to Cindy Green Benefit Account, Commerce Bank, Box 149, Geneva, MN 56035.