Items sought for silent, live auction
The Parent Teacher Organization of NRHEG is busy planning for the 2nd Annual Community Night Out.
This year the event will be held April 6, 2013, in the Ellendale gymnasium.
Last year the evening began with a social hour, followed by a wonderful three-course meal. The evening concluded with the entertainment of a live auction led by Col. Greg Jensen. Many wonderful items donated from our communities joined the auction list, along with other Minnesota attractions including photo sessions, various sporting events tickets and memorabilia, yard clean-up crews, a pie a month for a year, handmade items, basketball and cheerleader birthday parties, a flowering tree, custom-made mailboxes, and professional hair products, just to name a few.
With these generous donations, the NRHEG PTO was able to raise approximately $7,000 to be used in our children’s education and technology improvements.This year it it hoped to have more people and more unique items for the auction, as there will be a silent auction in addition to the live auction.
If you are interested in donating an item for the auctions, please contact Rich or Penni Mueller 507-684-2205, Ben or Erin Schlaak, or Ronda Staloch 507-845-2601.