Staff Writer
There is going to be a motorized Geneva Cancer Run, not to be confused with the Matt Felt and Dillon Gordon run to be held July 14.
This first-ever Geneva Cancer Run will be held in conjunction with a celebration of Whitey, "Mr. Cancer Auctioneer" Hagen's 80th birthday.
Geneva Cancer Run riders are asked to gather at Geneva Bar & Grill on Saturday June 9. The riders, be they on motorcycle, in cars, trucks or vans, will leave Geneva at 11 a.m. and head north and west to Janesville, to Manchester, Hollandale, Austin, Blooming Prairie and back to Geneva, arriving at about 5 p.m. in time for supper, a silent auction, and door prizes, all under the big tent Geneva Bar & Grill’s parking lot.
The Geneva Cancer Ride will cover approximately 130 miles.
There will be a $10 registration fee to ride, which in turn will be donated to fight cancer.Door prizes will be drawn for those participating. DeeAnn Randall will provide music in the tent. It’s promised to be a fun-filled summer day.
Black T-Shirts with a yellow Harley Davidson emblem on the front have been created for the event and a few of them are still available for purchase at Geneva Bar & Grill.
Donations are being accepted for the silent auction and they too can be dropped off at Geneva Bar & Grill.
All proceeds from this new cancer fundraising event in Geneva will be given to the Geneva Area Cancer fundraising efforts which are then donated to the Eagles Cancer Fund.