NRHEG Star Eagle

137 Years Serving the New Richland-Hartland-Ellendale-Geneva Area
Newspaper of Record for NRHEG School District
Newspaper of Record for Waseca County, MN
PO Box 248 • New Richland, MN 56072

Published every Thursday
Yearly Subscription: Waseca, Steele, and Freeborn counties: $52
Minnesota $57 • Out of state $64

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Tuesday, 10 June 2014 01:46

What a week for crop growth!

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The scurs were pleased to see the warm sun this past week as well as the weekend rains. Their reliance on the ’74 Gremlin Weather Eye continues to pay dividends. Will they be able to turn the water off temporarily and keep temperatures warm? Starting Wednesday, mostly cloudy with a good chance for a leftover morning shower or thunderstorm. Highs in the low 70’s and lows in the mid-50’s. Mostly sunny on Thursday with highs in the low 70’s and lows in the mid-50’s. Friday, mostly sunny with highs remaining in the low 70’s and lows creeping upward in to the upper 50’s. Saturday, partly sunny becoming mostly cloudy with an increasing chance for a shower or thunderstorm by evening. Highs in the low 70’s and lows in the upper 50’s Mostly cloudy Sunday with a moderate chance for showers and thunderstorms. Highs in the low 70’s and low in the mid-50’s. Mostly cloudy with highs in the mid-70’s and lows in the mid-50’s. Tuesday, mostly cloudy with a chance of showers and thunderstorms.  Highs in the low 70’s and lows in the upper 50’s. On June 7th, the normal high is 77 and the normal low is 56. We will only gain about 6 minutes more of daylight by the summer solstice on the 21st. The ice on the ceement pond being a distant memory, the scurs are mending their zubas.

What a week of weather for crop growth last week was! GDD or GDU accumulation was more typical of mid-June as we made progress towards erasing the deficit created earlier in the month. Much easier to catch up this time of year than later on, similar to a baseball player’s batting average. May was actually below normal precipitation-wise so starting June off with a soaking rain was welcome. Corn that was planted in the May 5-7th timeframe was showing three collars as of last week and stands remained impressive considering the less-than-perfect conditions in some cases the soil was in at planting time. Weed control is the next item on the agenda for most when soils dry enough to allow it. A cooler week forecast may slow some of those plans although it will also slow crop and weed development as well. Soybeans roared out of the ground, planted in many cases less than a week before. There again, emergence and stands appear to be decent as most of the soybean acreage was planted in nearly ideal conditions. Small grains should benefit from the slightly cooler weather and alfalfa development should slow enough to allow cutting at prime levels for maturity. Getting it dry may be the issue if trying to bale it.

The lawn at the ranch is growing faster than time has allowed to mow it. It gets mowed once a week and it looks like every four or five days would be better. Fudgie and Ruby would be all for that. Biting the tires and following the mowers back and forth is the highlight of their day. Eventually as Mrs. Cheviot finishes up her greenhouse stint and if we can keep two mowers running, it shouldn’t take so long. A mower for each dog: Bonus! The gardens and flowers are also on the agenda as some spot watering kept the vine crop transplants going until the weekend rains came to the rescue. The indigenous American corn came up as did the cucumbers planted less than a week earlier. And yes in response to a late evening call from a reader, we even planted our sweet corn. It was definitely warm enough. The fly in the ointment: The mosquitoes have shown up. They’re not nasty yet although given the recent rains, that will likely change.

When it’s wet and little can be done in the lawn and garden department, the birds provide a welcome diversion. The neighbors are already convinced I’m nuts so when they see me walking across the pasture in my waders that pretty well confirms it. Bear in mind we live on top of a hill. Checking the wetland/pond area, the wood ducklings had not hatched as of Sunday afternoon. One hen came off the nest when the wood duck house observation door was opened and the other was taking a break. Hope she enjoyed it as when those eggs hatch, she’ll be pretty busy. The Canada geese that were loud last week do indeed have gosling. They sailed out of the cattails to see who the intruder was, then silently slipped back into the rushes. Hummingbirds are becoming more frequent visitors and were particularly enamored by the salvia Mrs. Cheviot brought home. The baby robins in the barn have made their way out into the real world. They stood on the edge of the nest one morning and must’ve flown out. Remember kids, it’s all downhill once you leave the nest.

Others have noted this as well that our usual house wren guests have not appeared in great numbers this summer. The common yellow throat at the ranch tries to fill the void but they are no match for the house wrens in the song department. The oriole numbers have tailed off although it appears we’re left with the locals. The maple that has been an orchard oriole favorite really leafed out this past week making it more suitable for nesting no matter who wants to build there.

Am concerned that Auntie Mar Mar might’ve been swept up in the tornado south of Albert Lea last weekend. Could’ve had that country and western music turned up too loud on the boom box again I reckon. Been awfully quiet from that direction. Mar Mar’s been promising me blueberry bars so I wouldn’t want to miss out on those. Hopefully she’s been wearing her ruby slippers while staying away from old maids riding bikes with little dogs in baskets. 

See you next week…real good then.   

Sunday, 01 June 2014 18:28

The light at the end of the tunnel

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The scurs were happy to see their diligence with the Weather Eye paid off with warmer temperatures. Will we reap the benefits for another week? Starting with Wednesday, mostly sunny with highs in the low 80’s and lows around 60. Sunny for Thursday with highs once again in the low 80’s and lows in the low 60’s. Continued warm and sunny on Friday with highs in the low 80’s and lows in the mid-60’s. Partly sunny becoming mostly cloudy on Saturday with a good chance for and evening shower or thunderstorm. Highs in the low 80’s and lows in the mid-60’s. Mostly cloudy and slightly cooler on Sunday with a moderate chance for showers and thunderstorms. Highs in the upper 70’s and lows in the low 60’s. Partly sunny Monday and cooler with a modest chance of an evening shower or thunderstorm. Highs in the mid-70’s with lows near 60. Mostly cloudy Tuesday with a continued modest chance for showers and thunderstorms. Highs in the low 70’s and lows in the mid-50’s. The normal high for June 1st is 75 and the normal low is 54. About time. This spring was starting to remind the scurs of Alaska. It appears the long johns can be filed away for future reference.

The weather this past week came just in the nick of time. There was potential for much snarling and gnashing of teeth if it hadn’t straightened out soon. As it was most are getting done planting or can at least see the light at the end of the tunnel. Some of the corn planted April 26th is pushing 2nd collar already thanks to the above normal temps over the past weekend. Corn planted May 6th and 7th has emerged and stands while not perfect appear to be adequate. Some of the soybeans planted in that timeframe have emerged as well. Rye seeded last fall as a forage crop began heading out and alfalfa has started to stretch, giving those short on forage a chance to exhale finally.

A large chunk of the garden at the ranch went in over the weekend. Saturday Kennebec, Pontiac and Gold Rush potatoes hit the ground first followed by 100+ hills of vine crops including squash, pumpkins, gourds and muskmelons. More garden went in following that including Indian corn, beets, carrots and cucumbers. Some sweet corn, tomatoes, and string beans plus whatever else we decide to mess with yet to go. We didn’t get done but we can see the end coming. Just like farming.

All the time I was planting there were plenty of birds around to keep me company. A brown thrasher must be nesting in the garden area as it sang its heart out the whole time, with nary the same song twice. The goslings down on the pond must be getting close to hatching as the geese put up a ruckus from time to time. No sign of wood ducks yet but they should show up soon. The Baltimore oriole migration apparently is complete as the jelly and sugar water consumption has taken a dive. They haven’t taken advantage of the string left out for their nest building activity so not sure if they’re nesting nearby or not. The orchard orioles have set up camp and with the sudden explosion of leaves on the maple tree, won’t surprise me if they nest there again. The canopy is so dense that seeing them disappear in it is the only clue we have that they’re here. A baby killdeer was spotted on one of my trips to the garden. A fuzzball on legs and cute as a button. His mom was doing the broken wing routine but I wasn’t buying it.

A robin has again built on top of a nest in the barn started initially 4 or 5 years ago. After skipping last year, the woven mud nest is now about 8” tall. Interesting to look at and at last check there are babies in it. The parents may be the ones using the rain gauge as a toilet. Lately they haven’t had time to plug it up. As cold as it was and as late as the ground thawed, there are already robin babies scattered all over the yard. One never knows when you’ll bump into one it seems. There are also scores of grackle babies and a Cooper’s hawk has caught on to this fact. The barnyard was in an uproar as one flew off with dozens of grackles in hot pursuit. No shortage of grackles or house sparrows so the hawks are free to help themselves.

Ruby and Fudgie definitely have taken a shine to this weather. When we’re around they’re free to spend time outside at their leisure. Ruby usually heads to the barn after a while to keep an eye on the sheep and Fudgie crashes on the back side of the house somewhere. Not sure where as she comes when the door opens. She also comes whenever a gate is opened, something that’s become a force of habit whenever we need to go out in the feed lot. The ewes are wise to this now and the last thing they want is a red and white Border Collie nipping at their heels when there’s plenty of grass to devour on the far side of the pasture.

The flowering crabs this past week were absolutely gorgeous with many yards boasting several in full bloom. Oddly enough the wind didn’t cut the season short as it has some years. Apple trees at the ranch appear loaded with blooms again although the Honeycrisp again has no blooms. Not sure what the problem is as the tree looks healthy as a horse. There was more bad news on the fruit tree front: All appearances are that Betsy’s dad, the area’s largest peach grower has declared his grove to be deceased. This means we may have to consolidate our operations. The huge peach tree loss will likely have a ripple effect on the economy. We won’t need as many crates or trucks to haul the peaches nor workers to pick them.

See you next week…real good then.

Saturday, 24 May 2014 17:55

All in all, a decent start for planting

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The scurs finally discovered the problem with the ’74 Gremlin Weather Eye: The wire on the windshield washer and air conditioning were crossed. Will their repair hold until we cross the corn planting finish line? Starting Wednesday, mostly sunny with highs in the lower 70’s and lows in the upper 40’s. Mostly sunny on Thursday with highs near 70 and lows in the lower 50’s. Mostly sunny conditions continuing for Friday and Saturday with highs in the mid to upper 70’s and lows in the mid to upper 50’s. A modest chance of showers and thunderstorms Saturday into Sunday. Partly cloudy Sunday with highs in the upper 70’s and lows in the mid-60’s. An increased chance of a shower or thunderstorm into Memorial Day Monday under partly cloudy skies. Highs in the upper 70’s and lows in the upper 50’s. Partly sunny again for Tuesday with a decent chance of showers or thunderstorms. Highs again in the upper 70’s and lows in the mid-50’s. The normal high for May 26th is 73 and the normal low is 52. We will see over 15 hours of daylight on the 23rd, the first time since July 19th of last year. Let’s hope the scurs remember which wires were crossed on the Weather Eye come August.

Farmers were definitely enjoying the sudden change in weather fortunes locally after struggling most of the spring to put crop in the ground. Saturday and Sunday marked the best conditions of the planting season thus far with the promise of more to come. Many kept working into the wee hours of Monday morning as the forecast threatened more rain. One can’t blame farmers for being wary after the wicked blow 2013 dealt them. Luckily we dodged a bullet for once and the precipitation was very limited across Greater Bugtussle. An approximate estimate of corn planting locally for May 19th would be roughly 65%. Soybean planting was probably closer to 20%. Corn planted April 26th had emerged to the point that it could be rowed in spots Monday a.m. All in all, a decent start considering the spring although there is a lot of growing season to go. To keep matters in perspective however, you can’t harvest what you can’t plant and we have to be thankful for that.

Around the ranch there are definite signs that it is indeed corn planting time. The leaves on the oaks were the size of a squirrel’s ear this past week and the wild plums were in full bloom. The fragrance they grace the yard with certainly says spring as few others can. The rhubarb has become huge and this weekend would be a great time to make some sauce and a pie if time allows. The garden continues to dry and by the time this reaches mailboxes and newsstands, we should actually have some of it planted. In the meantime it has been interesting to watch the perennial transplants we brought back from Mom’s come to life. Slowly but surely all of the peonies, numerous lily of the valley and a Jack in the Pulpit all made it through the brutal prairie winter unscathed. Best of all the lily of the valley are about to bloom adding to the plum thicket’s contribution.

New bird sightings slowed as expected this past week. It still is fun to watch them after the long winter is finally behind us or it better be! One of the area robins continues to use my official rain gauge as their personal toilet. They’ve been plugging the quarter-inch hole in the funnel so Mr. Cheviot needs to make sure it’s cleaned out ahead of a rain. My stint as a janitor in the dorm prepared me well for this task. Along those same lines we were visited much of last week by dozens of cedar waxwings. Neat little black-masked, brown crested birds and lots of them. Couldn’t figure out what was falling out of the tree on me one morning while filling the birdfeeders. I noticed red stain all over the horizontal surfaces as well as what appeared to be little disk shaped seeds. After doing a little investigating it was determined they were seeds, likely from the American cranberry bushes at neighbor David’s. The sun was shining and I had to laugh. The bushes were full of berries and so were the waxwings, at least until they passed through their digestive tract.

No better sign of spring at the ranch than weaning the lambs from the ewes. Our ewe numbers continue to decrease and that’s a good thing as our recovery time from the annual beating we take is increasing. We do try to utilize our brains more than our brawn however and it usually pays dividends. This time Mrs. Cheviot came up with the idea of loading the ewes into the trailer, then separating the groups once in the trailer. This kept the catching to a minimum and hence the injury potential. With only a bruised rib and slightly sprained wrist this time, I felt fortunate. Once we got them into their groups, we hauled one batch to the kindly neighbors’ and deposited the remainder at home upon our return. The noise was deafening at times the first two days. Ewes that had been busy beating on lambs competing with them at the feed trough and hay bunk suddenly wanted them back. Go figure.

Always a job well done though and time to move onto something more fun like finding the bluebirds at the kindly neighbors. They’ve been nesting in the corner house at the pasture every year for a decade, maybe more. This year was more like “Where’s Waldo?” With no bluebird eggs in the first three nesting boxes I was starting to worry. Had they forgotten or had something happened to them? As I pulled up to the fourth and final house on the hilltop, it contained the small bluish bluebird eggs I’d been looking for. To my delight they had returned after all and officially, so had spring.

See you next week…real good then.

Friday, 16 May 2014 23:36

The start of lawn mowing season

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The scurs discovered a sticky heater control cable on the Weather Eye and promptly doused it with lots of PB Blaster. Stinks in the Gremlin but the scurs will try anything to get some heat generated. Will they get the cable loosened up so we can plant corn soon? Starting Wednesday, mostly sunny with a slight chance of a shower or thunderstorm. Highs near 60 and lows in the upper 30’s. Partly sunny on Thursday with continued slight chance of showers and thunderstorms. Highs in the mid-50’s and lows in the upper 30’s. Friday, mostly sunny and continued cool with highs in the mid-50’s and lows near 40. Mostly sunny Saturday with highs near 60 and lows in the mid-40’s. Sunday, mostly sunny with highs in the mid-60’s and lows in the upper 40’s. Mostly sunny on Monday with a chance of showers and thunderstorms. Highs in the mid-60’s and lows near 50. Mostly cloudy Tuesday with an increasing chance of rain. Highs in the upper 60’s and lows in the low 50’s. The normal high for May 17th is 70 and the normal low is 49. Will the scurs be basking in the sun by the ceement pond next week? Stay tuned.

The Full Moon for the month occurs on Wednesday the 14th. It is generally known as the Full Flower Moon as May is famous for its flowers following the April showers. It also goes by Full Milk Moon and the Full Corn Planting Moon. (believe that one when we see it) The Ojibwe called this the Blossom Moon and the Sioux the Moon When Ponies Shed. It is definitely the Moon When Border Collies Shed at the ranch although that could be said about almost any month.

Progress was finally made again toward corn planting early last week although it was short-lived. Fields in many cases were marginally fit but the calendar date is taking its toll. As of May 12th corn that was planted April 26th had germinated with a coleoptile about 1 ¼” long and radicle roughly 1 ½” long. A few more warm days and it will emerge. Emergence for corn generally takes somewhere from 90 – 120 GDD’s. Some soybeans were also planted by those who had the manpower and fields ready to go. Soybeans are somewhat forgiving although extended periods of wet feet are never a good thing for soybeans. Some are starting to get antsy and nervous and one can’t blame them. Still reports on Monday of ice being found in tile lines. After the spring we had last year, another year of late planting is getting on everyone’s nerves.

Trees were planted at the ranch on Thursday night hoping that would help slow the rains. Usually it stops raining immediately and we have two months of drought. Didn’t work as we had over 1.5” within 4 days of planting. Oh well, at least the bunnies chewed some of them up already.  Past tree plantings continue to reward our efforts. The nannyberries now provide great cover for the orioles as they dart to and fro. The spruce and arborvitae are favorite nesting spots for the robins and chipping sparrows. While not fun to mow around the amount of snow they catch, makes it well worth the time.

The lawn mowing season got underway at the ranch over the weekend. Whitey is still on the DL but Howard and Little Whitey both answered the bell. Surprisingly, they started without hesitation. Even though the oil needed changing on Little Whitey, they were both in midseason form. The lawn itself was uneven and patchy but it was good to go over it once to even it out. That way the next time parts won’t need baling. Once finished it certainly looked more well groomed. 

It helps to have hobbies to keep one’s mind off the weather, which you can’t do anything about anyway. That’s one of the reasons I like watching the birds. After a watershed week last year, I figured this week would be a letdown. Far from it. In addition to being able to watch last week’s newcomers, there were new visitors. About an hour after press time on the 6th, our first oriole was at the jelly feeder. He must’ve told the goldfinches there was plenty to eat as they suddenly showed up in force. The first hummingbird was spotted here on the 8th. That night the toads could be heard adding their trilling to the loud music of the chorus frogs. Then it was like the bird flood gates were opened. On the 11th, we had an orchard oriole, a catbird, chipping sparrows, an indigo bunting and heard our first house wren singing from the plum thicket. A cardinal added his color and whistling spring song as well. Hard to remember a spring when the birds have arrived so close together or the yard being such a blur of color.

Speaking of memory, I don’t think Fudgie forgets much of anything. When an egg is cracked open in the kitchen she gets very fidgety as I’m sure she was the beneficiary of many baked goods over the 10 years Mom had her. Hearing the sound of eggs cracking was likely only the beginning of the process. Fudgie has that same reaction when I’m loading up to feed the birds. The noises she makes in anticipation of the trip outside are downright comical. Ruby is simply just ready to launch once a door is opened. She also uses her toenails like a sprinter. The little puncture marks Ruby leaves in the soil remind me of the track spikes worn in days of old. I keep telling myself I still have that kind of energy; just have to pace myself a little more.

See you next week…real good then.

Saturday, 10 May 2014 20:51

Another week of slow-motion spring

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The scurs keep tinkering with the Gremlin Weather Eye, hoping they will find the “Plant Corn” setting. The 180-degree Studebaker thermostat is still in the box and if things don’t change pretty soon, they may use it. Starting Wednesday, mostly cloudy with an increasing chance for showers and thunderstorms by evening. Highs in the low 70’s and lows in the upper 50’s. Thursday, mostly cloudy with a good chance for showers and thunderstorms. Highs in the mid-70’s and lows in the upper 40’s. Partly cloudy and cooler with a slight chance of s morning shower. Highs near 60 and lows in the mid-40’s. Mostly sunny on Saturday with a slight chance for showers and thunderstorms. Highs in the mid-60’s and lows in the upper 40’s. Partly sunny and warmer Sunday with an increasing chance of a shower or thunderstorm. Highs in the upper 60’s with lows near 55. Mostly cloudy on Monday with a good chance for showers and thunderstorms. Highs in the mid-60’s with lows in the upper 40’s. Mostly cloudy for Tuesday with highs near 65 and lows in the mid-40’s. The normal high for May 10th is 68 and the normal low is 46. On the 10th we will see 14 hours and 30 minutes of daylight, the same as we saw last August 3rd. The scurs are wishing we could import some August temperatures while we’re at it. Something to work on this next week.

Another disappointing week of spring in slow motion. Rainfall in town totaled 2.85” and 2.72” at the ranch from Sunday the 27th - May 2nd. Soil conditions were unfit for tillage and planting operations and cool, cloudy weather only made for more frustration. Corn planted April 26th was swollen as of May 5th but had not germinated. Cold conditions since planting have been the primary reason. A record low high of 39 was recorded at the SROC in Waseca on April 30th. Since May 1 they have only calculated 11.5 GDD and 20 GDD since April 26th. For that same timeframe we should have seen close to 60. Weed growth also reflects the cool temps. Giant and common ragweeds are still tiny as are lambsquarters seedlings. 

Believe it or not there are some positives. Recent rains should have helped alleviate any remaining frost left in the ground. While frost was still reported in places at 3’ – 4’ on May 5th, it is becoming softer. Corn planted on May 15th still has at least 95% of the potential yield and soybeans suffer no loss until later in the month, not to mention making them less apt to be affected by SDS. While we may not be planting into ideal soil conditions we may have to opt for what Betsy’s dad terms as “acceptable.”

At the ranch, the pasture continues to produce just enough to support a handful of ewes. It will soon be time to wean at the earliest lambs and put their mothers on grass. The fence at the kindly neighbors’ was put back up after the winter ravages. Chores suddenly become much simpler after weaning is accomplished so warmer temps would definitely be welcome. We’re not draining the garden hose after filling the water tank and buckets anymore so at least it’s a moral victory.

The face of the bird population at the ranch keeps changing albeit slowly. A brown thrasher (a feathered version of Jimmy Page) arrived on May 2nd. White-throated sparrows added background vocals. May 3rd, wood ducks were back for the second year in a row checking out a canker in the silver maple tree. Apparently the cavity is still not deep enough to make it worth their time. A rose-breasted grosbeak was after the sunflower seed on the 4th as a grackle tried to dissuade him. That same night at dusk, it appeared the first pair of barn swallows occupied the granary, their favorite nesting spot. On May 5th, a Harris’s sparrow was spotted in the early evening and, on the morning of May 6th ,a white-crowned sparrow. Add to that the reappearance of a handful of goldfinches and it has definitely been more colorful. Orioles have already been spotted in areas so it’s only a matter of time.

Fudgie and Ruby have done their best to provide nesting material for the birds. The sunlight shone on Ruby as she walked across the floor, revealing a cloud of hairs. Sort of reminded us of the Pigpen character from Peanuts. Fudgie had been brushed before although she was up to another round. After some coaxing and plenty of elbow grease, the yard once again looked like two dogs had exploded. The breezes and birds soon made their fur a memory, except for the fur stuck on my jacket and in my mouth. 

Vista’s noted Swedish astronomer made a surprise visit the other day, regaling us with tales of the evening skies once again. Jupiter can still be seen in the western sky, and as the month progresses it will be lower with each passing night. Mars is very red and getting higher in the sky, becoming closer to its zenith at 10 o’clock CDPT (Central Dog Potty Time). Saturn is touted to be the planet to watch for the summer months. It rises about sunset and remains visible for the duration of darkness. As Dale Niedfeldt points out in his column, it takes a telescope of at least 30 power to see the brilliant colors of Saturn’s rings. One doesn’t need nearly that much magnification to see how brilliant Vista’s noted Swedish astronomer is.

See you next week…real good then.

Saturday, 03 May 2014 00:59

For most, a disappointing week of field work

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Having noticed the Weather Eye has continued to perform like a Kelvinator, the scurs are trying to turn it down to warm up. Or is it up to cool down? Therein lies the problem. Will they have it figured out by press time? Starting Wednesday, cloudy with a good chance of rain and snow showers. Highs in the mid-40’s and lows in the upper 30’s. Thursday, cloudy with a good chance of a shower. Highs in the upper 40’s and lows in the upper 30’s. Mostly cloudy with a slight chance of a shower for Friday. Highs in the low 50’s and lows around 40. Saturday, partly sunny with a slight chance of a shower or thunderstorm and continuing the warming trend. Highs in the upper 50’s and lows in the upper 30’s. For Sunday, partly sunny with a slight chance of a shower. Highs in the low 50’s and lows in the upper 40’s. Monday, continued partly sunny with highs near 55 and lows falling to the mid-30’s. Mostly cloudy again on Tuesday with a chance of rain, again. Highs in the mid-60’s and lows in the upper 30’s. The normal high for May1st is 64 and the normal low is 42. The sun will rise before 6 a.m. on May 6th. The scurs will have long since devoured the contents of their super-sized May Basket by then.

Another disappointing week of field work for most. Some corn went in the ground, but it was generally the exception and not the rule. Rainfall earlier in the week varied widely across much of the area, with those to the west of Bugtussle receiving lesser amounts. Coupled with what were likely drier soils last fall, it allowed some limited progress to be made. Conditions as one travelled east were a different story. Rainfall on Thursday a.m. served to rub salt in the wound and the rains on Sunday stopped everyone in their tracks. We need not only for the rains to subside, we also need temperatures to warm up. We have experienced another month of below-normal temps and the pattern of well-below-normal temperatures that started last November continues. Pasture and hay growth reflects the effect of those cold temperatures, something those whose forage supply is tight are hoping changes soon.

Gardening at the ranch has been close but that’s about it. Every time we’ve had a minute to put in something, seems like a shower shows up and puts a damper on it, literally. Tracking rainfall as is my wont, I know with a fair degree of certainty when conditions are fit to plant. One has to keep that in perspective out here where the wind never stops blowing. I have to take solace in seeing how perennials are doing in the meantime. For instance, the lily of the valley planting we made from rhizomes collected at Mom’s place has emerged. The shoots are tough to see at first as the sheaths covering them are about the same color as the soil. One literally has to use the Braille method to find them at this stage. 

Removing the remainder of the tree wrap on the windbreak and wildlife planting made for a worthwhile diversion on Saturday. Most of the trees made it through with flying colors although there were a few arborvitae the deer/bunnies had devastated. That’s OK, it’s a wildlife planting and that’s what wildlife does. Speaking of wildlife at my brother’s behest, I’d brought my waders along so when I was finished with the tree wrap, the wood duck houses could be checked for signs of activity. 

When I first drove up on the dry land nesting box, I could see telltale signs of duck breast fuzz stuck to the side of it. I slowly opened the observation door and could see the hen on the nest facing away from me. I carefully closed the door and left her alone so she didn’t break any eggs fleeing my intrusion. I donned my waders and motored back to the other duck house. This one was in the water, hence the waders. I opened the door on the house as stealthily as I could. This hen wasn’t having any of it and when my face got closer to peer into the house, she emerged in a hurry, almost taking my head off! With my cat-like reflexes, however, I was able to dodge the feathered missile and after seeing one egg in the nest, closed the door and moved on. 

Driving around the other side of the pond with the Gator, two long black necks emerged from the matted cattails like a couple of periscopes. Apparently the wetland was also home to a pair of Canada geese. I quickly vacated their space as I was an uninvited guest in their private little world. I had no intention of trying to figure out where they might be nesting. Once out of the wetland, my stomach was growling and I needed nourishment. I crossed the road to grab the mail and a pair of Huns flew off in the direction of the CRP I had just come from. It’s spring and whole lotta lovin’ goin’ on I thought to myself as I turned up the driveway to the house.

After church on Sunday Mrs. Cheviot and I travelled to Owatonna to plant our vine crop transplants. We stopped at Perkin’s as it had been a while since we’d dined there. We were almost ready to order when I happened to gaze at the Over 55 menu. Smaller portions yet much cheaper. Hmmm. The gears were at once turning in my melon when I had an epiphany: No longer would I need to use my fake ID to lie about my age. I could also get rid of the wig with the little bald patch on top. I could also ditch that goop from China I’d been spreading on my muzzle to give it that salt and pepper look. The possibilities were endless, I thought, as I ordered off the Over 55 menu, this time legally. I had come of age.

See you next week…real good then.

Friday, 25 April 2014 17:39

Are we in for rain for seven Sundays?

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The scurs were concerned that the Weather Eye had reverted to a Kelvinator after last week’s dismal weather performance. Sunday afternoon helped make it all better despite the morning rain. Can we build on it or are we back in the vegetable crisper? Starting Wednesday, mostly cloudy with a good chance for showers and thunderstorms. Highs in the mid-50’s and low in the upper 40’s. Continued cloudy for Thursday with a good chance for daytime thundershowers. Highs near 60 and lows in the lower 40’s. Mostly cloudy for Friday with a slight chance of a shower. Highs in the low 50’s and lows in the mid-30’s. Mostly sunny for Saturday with a slight chance of a rain or snow shower. Highs near 50 and lows in the mid-30’s. Mostly cloudy Sunday with a slight chance of rain and snow. Highs in the upper 40’s and lows in the upper 20’s. Mostly cloudy for both Monday and Tuesday with highs in the lower 50’s and lows in the mid-30’s. The normal high for this Arbor Day, April 25th is 62 and the normal low is 40. On the 27th, we will see over 14 hours of daylight for the first time since last August 14th.  The scurs will be planting more trees in hopes of warding off more of Old Man Winter’s chilly breath.

Last week was a disappointment for those chomping at the bit to do fieldwork. We need to bear in mind that while planting corn in mid-April does occur in SC MN, it is the exception and not the rule. .43” of precipitation was deposited on the 17th at the ranch. Cool, cloudy weather and some snow pellets the morning of the 18th served to add insult to injury. With more rain promised, the .87” of rain from Monday morning’s thundershowers at the ranch likely meant the end of fieldwork east of Bugtussle for the week. West of town where only .2” - .3” fell, it still allowed a glimmer of hope. It is still plenty early yet to get optimum yields though and while it doesn’t make it any easier to be patient, there are few alternatives as we approach late April. The ground was frozen at the surface three mornings in a row last week and reports of hard frost at the 2’ – 3’ depth making tiling impossible are still common, even after the rain. That’s a clue.

It has finally appeared to show some signs of wanting to be spring however. Seeing white pelicans lazily looping their way north on Saturday afternoon was an omen. The brief shower Easter morning coupled with the warm late afternoon temperatures greened the pasture and lawn up. The heavier rain Monday morning brought night crawlers to the surface and onto the blacktop. The frost has to be out in areas where this is happening. The night crawlers and angleworms we’re familiar with are not native to this part of the world and were brought here by European settlers, probably more by accident than by design. Any native earthworms were believed to have been eliminated by the prolonged cold of glaciation. They don’t survive being frozen and typically overwinter below the frost. 

One could see a distinct change in the Dubya’s winter rye as well. The grass in the lawn has me believing it’s time to ready my fleet of mowers once again. Odds are I can get one of the three to run. There’s probably enough grass in the main pasture now to support the light grazing pressure from 10 ewes. Of course if the truck comes to haul them away then we should be able to wean some lambs off soon from the loafing barn. The lambs have grown quickly and some are well past the magic 8 week weaning age. That and they’re starting to get stuck in the creep panel!

Does rain on Easter Sunday mean rain for seven straight Sundays? Odds are pretty slim for that happening, although it did just that in 1965, causing flooding and poor cropping conditions. Sunday afternoon made one see and hear only the positive signs that spring was trying to make an entrance. While grilling dinner I listened to the chorus frogs becoming increasing louder as the temperature rose. I’d wondered earlier if the frozen pond had dampened their spirits or at very least, chilled them. Obviously not. I heard a rooster pheasant crowing, quacking mallards in flight, meadowlarks singing and tree swallows excitedly announcing their arrival as they circled the recently cleaned nesting boxes. In the early evening we decided it was time to open the windows in the house for the first time in ages. Outside the window near where I perch to write, a male cardinal was singing his spring song. He moved around as cardinals will do while the song remained the same: Absolutely beautiful.

The rhubarb has finally made it above ground so we can see it from the house. In 2012 we actually had rhubarb pie for Easter dinner. The plants were huge in 2013 and even though it was used somewhat sparingly, it was a welcome treat to have rhubarb sauce in the refrigerator. Around the yard it continues to appear that the fruit trees are all in good shape with the possible exception of the peach tree. If the tree doesn’t make it, the cold, brutal winter may have thwarted my chances to become SC MN’s largest peach producer. I’d really have to eat a lot and grow about 8” taller though to catch Betsy’s dad I’m afraid. A-Rod’s not doing much. Maybe I should call him and get some pointers.

See you next week…real good then.

Thursday, 17 April 2014 21:22

How do we trade in this forecast?

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The scurs were pleased with the performance once again of the ’74 Gremlin Weather Eye. Only those who once owned a Nash/Rambler product can appreciate it. Will we appreciate the upcoming week’s weather or want to trade it in on a new model? Starting Wednesday, mostly cloudy with good chance for rain. Highs near 50 and lows around 30. Thursday, mostly cloudy and cooler with a slight chance for rain and snow in the evening. Highs in the low 40’s and lows near 30. Mostly cloudy Good Friday and a tad warmer with a continued slight chance of rain and snow. Highs in the mid-40’s and lows hovering around the freezing mark. Partly sunny on Saturday and a bit warmer with a slight chance for rain and snow. Highs in the low 50’s and lows in the upper 30’s. Easter Sunday, mostly sunny with highs near 60 and lows around 40. Partly cloudy and warmer for Monday with a chance for showers and thunderstorms. Highs in the low 60’s with lows near 40. Tuesday, mostly sunny with highs in the mid-60’s and lows in the upper 40’s. The normal high for Easter Sunday is 59 and the normal low is 37. The scurs will be planting their potatoes on Good Friday after a trip to Souba’s where someone will be Johnny on the spot to help them.

Another week of slow progress towards planting season. There was some talk of small grain seeding over the weekend. A quick drive-by survey of a potential planting acreage revealed nothing planted. Chances are soil conditions were just a bit tacky yet. It has remained very cool with our warm days struggling to get to the forecast highs with cool and cloudy conditions following them. It’s no wonder overwintering crops and forages are moving as slowly as they are. The Dubya’s winter rye is greening up although it’s taking its sweet time. Some hayfields and pastures have a greenish hue to them but that’s about it. Some have attempted to spread manure on top of the recently thawed fields and have left some substantial ruts. Sometimes there is no choice especially if the pits are getting past the full mark. 

Around the yard there is additional proof as to just how cold it has been. At the order of Mrs. Cheviot, the mulch cover was removed from some of the perennials so they could dry out, avoiding fungal disease. Probably no danger of that just yet as under some of the slabs of old hay used there was still ice even on the south facing slope. There is hope however. Last Tuesday the fence was charged and the lambs made their first outdoor appearance. Yes, the heavy traffic by the ranch slowed to a crawl to get a glimpse of the new lamb crop. Charging the fence also allowed me to put away the illegal fireworks I’d been shooting at the ewes to keep them off the fence in the meantime.

It was tempting to put in some radishes again. We still have some winter radishes in the refrigerator that have maintained their integrity so no hurry. That and the .28” of precip from the rain and snow Sunday has made the ground sticky on top. Picking up all the sticks as well as the corn cobs from pheasant/squirrel feeding over the winter seemed a more prudent course of action. The seed will keep until the ground is ready. 

The first striped gophers were spotted in the yard on the 8th.  A small group of bluebirds made their first appearance that same day as did the first of the rhubarb buds to make the soil surface.  The handful of chorus frogs heard earlier last week turned into thousands and the noise on the few warm nights was almost deafening by the 9th and 10th. Last but not least, a lone tree swallow stopped to check out the bluebird houses near the yard. Unfortunately those nesting boxes are occupied by house sparrows. The house sparrows don’t know it yet but they will be evicted permanently soon.

As cold as it has been, the ice came off of St. Olaf Lake late last week. It was only about 10 days before that people were still out driving around. I was surprised, as avid as he is, that the local Bandwagon star didn’t swim or boat out to the remaining iceberg for one last go at it. Although, the way the 20-degree low on Tuesday morning felt, he might get one more crack at it.

Fudgie and Ruby’s big day Saturday started out with a good brushing for Fudgie. We wanted her to look pretty for her vaccination appointment. The strong southerly breeze carried some of the large fur balls up into the trees where some birds would probably grab them for nesting material. It doesn’t take any prodding to get either dog into the soccer Mom van, also known as the Gus Bus. 

Once we arrived on the scene of the clinic and got in line, the dogs shifted into full Border Collie mode. They were more concerned about keeping track of other dogs moving across the parking lot than they were the canines right next to them. Our dogs were well behaved and have the drill figured out. They waited patiently and quietly until it was their turn. When the injections were administered, Fudgie squirmed a little but was calmed by my reassurance and firm grip. Ruby on the other hand wagged her tail the entire time. Mrs. Cheviot was holding her and when she wasn’t looking, Ruby would lick her face. A strategy to think about next time you’re getting shots. 

See you next week…real good then.

Thursday, 10 April 2014 19:27

Progress toward spring continues

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Keeping their long johns at the ready was definitely a good idea for the scurs this past week. Will the ’74 Gremlin Weather Eye forecast our weather future once again? Starting Wednesday, mostly sunny with a high near 70 and lows in the mid-40’s. Mostly sunny for Thursday with a modest chance for a daytime shower. Highs in the upper 50’s and lows in the mid-30’s. Mostly sunny on Friday with a modest chance for an evening shower or thunderstorm. Highs in the upper 50’s and lows around 45. Mostly cloudy Saturday with a good chance for showers and thunderstorms. Highs again in the upper 50’s with lows in the mid-30’s. Mostly cloudy and cooler for Sunday with a chance for a lingering morning shower. Highs in the low 40’s and lows in the mid-20’s. Mostly sunny and continued cool for Monday and Tuesday with highs in the low to mid-40’s and lows in the upper 20’s. The normal high for April 15th is 57 and the normal low is 35. The scurs are waiting to see how far their tax refund will go towards buying coal for the upcoming heating season.

The 15th also marks the date of the Full Moon for the month. It generally goes by the name Full Pink Moon as the wild ground phlox was the first flower to blanket the woodlands. It also goes by the Full Egg Moon as well as the Full Fish Moon as the shad were running for the tribes of the northeast. Closer to home the Ojibwe called this The Broken Snowshoe Moon and to the Sioux, this was the Moon of Greening Grass, critical to their way of life on the prairie and reliance on the buffalo. At the ranch we are in the same boat, knowing this as the Moon of the Dwindling Hay Supply.

Progress towards spring continues to be made in the fields. The snow that once seemed perpetual has largely gone and evidence that the frost is indeed out in places is abundant. While this doesn’t mean fields are fit the table is set so we that we should be able to capitalize on a week – 10 days of warm, dry weather. Dry is the key word here as we picked up .48” of precip on the 4th between the rain and snow that fell. The thundershowers on Sunday night and Monday morning dropped another .47” of rain so early April has had a moist start in Greater Bugtussle. 

Even though the rain may not have moved us closer to fieldwork, it has likely moved the remaining frost down in areas where it has persisted as well as helping to melt the stubborn snowbanks around dooryards, groves and windbreaks. At the ranch this is important as the bottom wire on the electric fence remains embedded in the ice so it can’t be charged yet. This means the lambs have yet to be turned loose to run and hop. It also means they have yet to discover what those yellow insulators are all about. One of the old ewes still in the main pasture has figured it out though and has made a mockery of the fence near the house. The aforementioned green grass has appeared on the south slope and she is determined to blow through the fence at will. She doesn’t know it yet but her ticket has been punched for one of those expenses paid trips. After we can charge the fence of course and I have the satisfaction of seeing her get zapped a few times first.

For health reasons primarily, it’s been a while since I’ve been able to check out the action in and around the pond. Saturday presented one of those opportunities so I took it. The Gator was loaded with all the tools needed to clean and repair any birdhouses as well as new cedar shavings for the wood duck houses. The bluebird houses were a piece of cake and readied for new residents when they arrive. The wood duck houses were more work although seeing two pair of wood ducks swim out of the cattails provided additional incentive. There was also one lone ring-necked duck, likely moving through. The wetland has truly been a migrating waterfowl haven especially in the spring the last several seasons. Also spotted in the area has been a breeding pair of kestrels. Not waterfowl of course although a few years ago they occupied one of the wood duck houses. How do I know they are a breeding pair? Well, that’s exactly what they were doing.

We’ve had an owl at the ranch occasionally much of the winter and early spring. Friday night after I made one of those 4 a.m. trips to the bathroom that 50+ year old males make, I was relatively certain that I would have trouble falling asleep again. I tossed and turned under the blankets as my mind was racing. Suddenly I heard a softly spoken “hoooo, hoo-hooo” from atop of one of the spruce trees right outside bedroom. I listened as the owl continued to call and I suddenly started to feel drowsy. The owl eventually moved on to neighbor David’s and although the sound was farther away, its calling was still very soothing. Within minutes I drifted off once again. Checking with Al Batt, he felt it was likely a great horned owl, perhaps with young in the area. All I know is they probably don’t make sleeping pills any more effective than that.

Spring creeps along. Talking to a customer at the post office Monday a.m., she was proud of the fact she’d seen a robin pulling and angleworm from the ground. Western chorus frogs from the pond were heard on Sunday night, April 6th after the rainfall had danced gently off the shingles. Amazing to hear the frogs given the water temperature as I was wading towards a wood duck house just the day before. Breaking through the soft ice on the edge of the pond was a clue. However, between the frogs and falling rain there are plenty of sleep aids in the event the owl doesn’t return.

See you next week…real good then.

Friday, 04 April 2014 19:04

Keep the long johns laundered for a while

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The scurs slid the lever on the Weather Eye all the way to the left and like magic we had our first 60-degree day. Will they be able to duplicate that magic again this week? Starting Wednesday, mostly cloudy with a modest chance of rain then a good chance of overnight snow. Highs near 45 and lows around 30. Mostly cloudy, and ugly for Thursday with a good chance of rain changing over to accumulating snow. Highs in the low 40’s and lows near 30.Mostly cloudy Friday with a good chance of daytime snow and a slight chance for overnight snow. Highs in the mid-30’s and lows in the upper 20’s. Finally, mostly sunny on Saturday with highs in the upper 30’s and lows in the mid-20’s. Mostly sunny and warmer on Sunday with a slight chance of overnight rain and snow. Highs in the mid-40’s and lows in the lower 30’s. Monday, partly cloudy with a slight chance of rain. Highs in the upper 40’s and lows in the lower 30’s. Tuesday, mostly sunny with highs again in the upper 40’s and lows in the lower 30’s. The normal high for April 6th is 52 and the normal low is 31. We will see over 13 hours of daylight for the first time since September 5th. The scurs are thinking they will want to keep their long johns washed for a few weeks yet.

It’s beginning to look like we may see spring after all. While there was no lawn mowing to be done as we did back in 2012, there was progress as much of the remaining snow left the landscape between Sunday and Monday. This didn’t seem to faze the ice fishermen on St. Olaf. The ice was still in good shape according to reports both days. Rainfall on Thursday and Monday have helped move the frost out of the ground in many places. At the SROC, the frost was officially out as of the 31st. At the ranch we took out the divining rod otherwise known as an electric fencepost and checked many spots around the yard. In places the frost was indeed out. Wherever the ground had stayed snow covered and on the south facing slope, there was little frost. Where it had been bare and on the north facing slope frost could still be found on the 31st from 4” – 6” down under sod. 

Using more reliable methods, it has begun to sound like spring. The red-winged blackbirds came in force over the weekend. When they weren’t calling loudly the sound of their wings as the large groups took flight could only mean it was spring. Killdeers were also back, calling from area fields nearby. A flock of 60 - 70 snows and blues were spotted high overhead on Saturday, their distinctive high pitched squawk made them easy to spot. The sun shining off the black wing tips of the mature snows and the outstretched white heads and necks of the blues cemented the ID. Robins have set up shop and males are battling for territory. Even with the ground thawing, we have yet to see them pulling earthworms from the ground. Soils apparently remain too cold and they rely heavily on the crabapples for some sustenance. Striped gophers also have yet to make an appearance at the ranch even on the south slope where they tend to be numerous. Freezing and thawing soils over the course of this week will likely delay their emergence from winter slumber even further.

Of course the mud due to the warm up also means it’s spring. We almost look forward to the ground freezing overnight so it’s not so sloppy in the feedlot. That and the dogs stay a lot cleaner. We have limited their time in the barn recently and have substituted more frequent short outdoor trips to offset their normal routine at chore time. If you let a Border Collie out around the sheep, keeping them clean is next to impossible. By letting them out then leaving them in the garage during chores, they tend to clean themselves up by the time you come back in. Definitely method to our madness.

The grill was finally out of the snowbanks long enough so we could fire it up on Sunday night. The winds had subsided and two adult beverages later there were lamb burgers on the plate. Something about those first treats off the grill. Try as I might, I can never seem to make them taste as good as that initial effort. However I keep trying. 

Fruit tree pruning was accomplished in stages over the weekend. It was about as late as we dared to go without putting the trees at increased risk in particular for bacterial diseases. It’s interesting to get a handle on the general health of the trees as well as giving them a shaping up. The Fireside and Haralson apple trees were awful to prune, almost as though they had grown hair since last spring’s clipping. Working them over a few years ago after letting them go a few years before that serves as a lesson on what not to do. Pruning the pear trees was almost humorous in contrast. Sure, they’re younger but trimming one or two twigs is more my speed. The peach tree appears to have survived even without major wrapping. This is a good thing as all those peach crates Betsy’s dad and I ordered might go to waste otherwise.

See you next week…real good then.

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