Another Farm and City Days is in the books.

My weekend of fun began Friday night at the baked potato and root beer float bar. I arrived at about 4:30 p.m. and enjoyed myself a good tater.

On Saturday morning Mitch Heimer was named Grand Marshal of the parade. A fine choice indeed. 

I, along with many, many folks, are very grateful for the hard work Mitch puts into running Wagners grocery store. Without him, many folks would be without a grocery store. Many times I find myself running to the store when I look at my clock and see it's 7 p.m. I’m very grateful Wagner's is right up the road. On the occasions I am out shopping in other stores, I make a deliberate choice to avoid buying products I know Mitch carries. And, if Mitch doesn’t carry an item on the shelves, just ask, and he will likely add it to the shelves.

Mitch also joined the Economic Development Authority of New Richland this year. The world needs more people like Mitch. 

The car show was a splendid success this year. It was a slight shock to walk out of my front door Saturday morning to a row of cars stretched past it. A record 149 cars this year. 

This year I made a point to get a picture of each winner. If folks enjoy this coverage, please let me know. It was at the expense of other photos. Next year, we may just add another photo page to accommodate everything. Also on Saturday, I snapped a photo of each winner of the Kids Power Pedal Pull. I am unsure if folks want pictures of the winners or if they simply enjoy other photos I choose to include. I think I’ll just have another page next year. 

Thank you to our many sponsors who pay for the space which allows us to dedicate as much coverage as we do to Farm and City Days. If you or a local business wants to be a sponsor next year, let me know. 

And thank you to the many sponsors and volunteers who made Farm and City Days possible again this year. 

I really wish we could get a carnival back. I don’t know the cost and have only been told the insurance is rather expensive. Janesville manages to still get a carnival. It wouldn’t hurt to talk to them about how they do their annual Hay Daze celebration. They do a beauty pageant for the kids/teens, along with a plethora of other events throughout the week. This year they did main street wrestling. It was exciting and it would be really cool to see something like that in New Richland. 

When I was younger, Dad brought us to amateur wrestling at the bar in Hope every summer. It was one of the highlights of my youth. That would be a great addition for young kids, teens and adults. A catch-all, if you will. 

It would also not be a bad idea to do an area all-school reunion type event. Really, just invite every former graduating class, or coordinate which ones have reunions and schedule them for Farm and City Days weekend. It would be cool to see our celebration last a little longer than the 2 ½ days it does. Folks put a lot of work in, so maybe we just add one thing at a time. My vote for next year would be to look into amateur wrestling. 

Back to this year’s event, Saturday concluded with a very good performance from the band at the street dance. 

I didn’t mention all of the fun from the weekend. All-in-all, it was another successful Farm and City Days weekend.