Last week, I was too immersed in the loss of Jane Wagner to write about much else. Our community lost another legend last week, Winston Evenson. 

Two years ago for Veteran's Day, I really wanted to write about him. Each year we feature a veteran and his name kept being recommended. But he said no every time I asked to interview him. 

So I got the idea, I’d secretly interview him. 

While he was in the office one day that October I “slyly” slid in questions while we were conducting the businesses he stopped into the office for. We didn’t get very far before he figured out what I was doing. 

Reed was there, witnessed the whole thing, and can confirm my undercover detective skills could use some work. 

Everybody loved Winston. He was recommended by numerous readers as a person we should write about. 

Finally, in 2023, we did. I called him at his home and surprisingly, it didn’t take very much convincing, really, no convincing at all. I told him he was really important to the community, “People want to hear your story shared.” He said okay, but added his time in the service wasn’t all that exciting. 

I reminded him, “Winston, people here love and care about you. The story isn’t just about your time in the service. It’s you and your life.” 

My dad, as I often say, is my favorite writer, so I had him take that story. He has a way with words with folks who are older. My dad just knows what kind of questions to ask. 

I could tell Winston was still a little apprehensive about being interviewed, but I’m grateful we were able to share his story before he died. And he said he very much enjoyed talking with my dad.

It saddens me that, for the second or third year in a row, our Veteran's Day subject has passed away. Last year it was Gene Amley, who was also interviewed by Dad.

But I’m grateful we had the opportunity to share their stories. It’s a terrible feeling for me when someone I wanted to write about dies before I get the chance to share their story. I consider it an honor and a privilege to share their lives with others. 

For Winston, I didn’t meet him until I started working for the paper. Of course, I recognized him from all the Veteran's Day programs growing up, but, unlike Jane Wagner for example, I didn’t know Winston from the time I could walk. And that’s why I wanted to share Winston’s story, because I wanted to hear it, learn it, know it, and maybe even be a small part of it. 

As Al Batt has been known to say, when an elderly person passes on, it's like a library burns down.

I think people carry the stories of those we love and those we’ve lost around with us all our days. And we're fortunate enough to have the privilege and opportunity to share those stories with people who care. 

“Big doors swing on little hinges.” - W. Clement Stone