If you’re like me, it’s depressing to look at the news these days. Most of what we see relates to the destructive swath of the coronavirus. However, I also subscribe to a daily dose of interesting news, often with a positive bent. The While You Were Working SmartBrief arrives in my inbox before 4 p.m. and provides some different news.
For example, last week there was a story about a FedEx driver and famous skateboarder Tony Hawk making a special delivery. You might read a story about a new beverage concoction or some intriguing science news that you might have missed, like how some contact lenses might help correct color blindness.
In all, it’s a nice 5-10 minute break each day from the rest of the news, and I appreciate the work editor Sean McMahon puts into this free publication. It even has music recommendations and always includes a fabulous photo of a great scene in nature. Check it out!
All plugs aside, it’s important not to drown in COVID-19 coverage. Can anything good come of all this virus peril? Let’s take a look.
I bet the garbage haulers have been busy. Everywhere I look, I see stories about people decluttering. Stuck at home for weeks, many folks decided to clear through their basements and garages. We all have things we’ve hung onto for too long, and this has been a good chance to cleanse. I know I found a chance to catch up on some shredding of old receipts that has been piling up. I’m down to just four bags left!
Growing up, we used to spend copious amounts of time on our bicycles. In recent years, I haven’t seen nearly as many kids out doing that, instead stuck inside binge-watching shows or playing games. But in the last couple months, I’ve seen more kids on bikes around Ellendale than I have in nearly two decades! Kids (and adults) get sick of being cooped up and go for bike rides and walks even more, enjoying the freedom that some fresh air brings.
Speaking of fresh air, you’ve probably heard about the drop in carbon emissions, down 17% in the last month. With people on lockdown, there were fewer cars and trucks on the road, leading to this steep decline. Plus, not many people are flying, with flights down nearly 75%. Will this make a significant change in the climate doom we’ve brought upon ourselves? Sounds like this will only be a dent, but maybe we’ll all change some of our ways and work toward consistent, sustainable change.
When you do find yourself in front of a screen, you can find positive ideas there too. For one thing, if you have missed seeing John Krasinski, the actor famous for playing Jim Halpert on The Office, he came out with a series of webcasts called “Some Good News.” In these home-produced videos, Krasinski tried to highlight the good things people are doing during the pandemic. He even reunited the cast from The Office to help a couple celebrate their marriage!
And everywhere you look online, somebody is showing creativity through music. There are numerous takes on changing song lyrics. My small ditties are nothing compared to the outstanding people who create whole videos out of their homes. My wife especially enjoys the work of the Holderness family, who are hilarious in their YouTube performances. I’m not sure if Weird Al Yankovic, who does song parodies for a living, is jealous or inspired. Regardless, it’s easy to get sucked down the YouTube hole watching all these amazing creations!
And kids are getting creative too. I belong to a nationwide teacher group on Facebook dedicated to ideas and support during this tough time to teach. I’m amazed at the cool things some students are creating, especially those of elementary age. These kids need to utilize their creative outlets and have come up with awesome works of art. I’ve also seen things some of my middle school students have worked on, and we have some true artists out there. My son has found ways to improve his own drawing, and I’m awestruck at what he pins to his wall!
Many people have been very supportive of small businesses. We know in our communities that we can only continue to thrive through those businesses. It’s great to see people make sure they are visiting these locations, even if it’s just a curbside pickup. Hopefully, we all will continue to remember their importance when the pandemic has lifted and will appreciate their place in town.
Appreciation is a big thing. There are so many people working tirelessly during this outbreak. Our healthcare workers are out there showing the care and compassion people need, and many people have responded by giving that appreciation to those in the medical field. I hope we also remember this the next time we have a regular appointment. I think we will all carry that appreciation forward, no matter what.
There is a lot of negativity out there. But if we can focus on the good and bring some positive vibes, it will help us get through this. Wishing you all the best!
Word of the Week: This week’s word is euthenics, which means the science of improving the condition of humans by improving their surroundings, as in, “The euthenics behind decluttering a house was proven true.” Impress your friends and confuse your enemies!