The 105th Annual International Convention of the Lions Clubs took place July 7-11 2023 in Boston, Massachusetts.
There are about 48,000 Lions Clubs around the world. (Ellendale, New Richland, Alden and Albert Lea are local towns with a Lions Club).
Each club has a major project tor raise funds for a worthwhile cause. For example:
A. Marshalltown, Iowa sells popcorn at a local store every Sunday for $2.00 a bag as their main fundraiser (the first year was 1975!!)
B. A club in Ontario, Canada collects cigarette butts for sale to a company that turns the butts into plastic pellets to be used in the manufacture of such items as shipping pellets and park benches.
I’d wager to say each one of you readers of this column have been involved in a Lions fund raiser project. (Worker, attendee, or recipient).
In case you’re wondering, I’ve been a member of 3 Lions Clubs (Rochester, MN, Fargo North Dakota, and Albert Lea, MN). I’m currently a retired member in Albert Lea.
The following are fact or fiction items of NRHEG Land, You Decide. The correct answer will be in next week’s column.
A. Beaver Lake was dynamited illegally to get stunned fish.
B. It froze around Beaver Lake early a.m. one 17th of June hard enough to kill small corn plants.
C. It snowed enough one Memorial Day to cover the ground a beautiful white.
D. Water skiers skied around Beaver Lake in December.
E. A bull moose has been seen by many in downtown Ellendale.
F. Elk horns were found in the east end of Beaver Lake.
G. A creamery boiler on the west of St. end of Olaf on the bottom is a good place to catch crappies.
H. The first deer seen in NRHEG Land was in the early 1950’s by St. Olaf Lake.
I. St. Olaf Lake at one time had a roller rink by the lake.
J. The St. Olaf creamery was covered to a dace hall and later a private residence.
K. On busy weekends you took a number to put your boat in Beaver Lake.
L. The fish fry at the supper club on Beaver Lake was advertised as crappies that looked like bullheads.
M. “Kernie’s of Ellendale and “Fox Inn” of New Richland were the night spots to go to in the 50’s and 60’s.
N. The Faust Theater in New Richland was the only year-around theater in NRHEG Land in the 50’s and 60’s (Some of the area towns had free movies, you sat on rows of logs in the summer time.)
O At one time Thompson was the most common last name in NRHEG Land even though Johnson was the most common name in Minnesota.
P. As of August 2023, it is illegal to place any garbage or waste on the ice at both Beaver Lake and St. Olaf Lake. The fine is $100.00 (for each violation). This law applies to all Minnesota lakes.
Q. “Old Hartford” was the name given to the very intelligent big buck deer that lived just east of Hartland along the Bath Road.
R. “Heart Song entertained about 125 people at Central Freeborn Lutheran Church rural Albert Sunday afternoon June 25, 2023.
S. As of July 6, 2023, there were seats on the bus going to the Twins game leaving 4:00 p.m. Tuesday, August 15th from behind Hy-Vee in Albert Lea. Call 373-8655 or 826-3267 to go.