Once again neighbor Arlene Murray and I were the unofficial weather officials for Albert Lea. Across the backyards in Albert Lea, we can see each other’s garage. When the weather is clear, no visibility problem. When the weather is bad, no garage can be seen.
Wednesday, February 22 was a “no see each other’s garage” day. Jim Peterson, the Austin, MN channel 6 TV weatherman, was trying to give the weather forecast from inside his garage. Jim, who lives in our neighborhood, knew about the visibility between Arlene and me being a problem when the weather was bad.
Jim called Arlene and me to verify the visibility. We gave a very poor visibility currently.
Jim went on the air reporting “Visibility in the Albert Lea area was very poor, even in town.”
Now you know the two unofficial weather reports in Albert Lea.
Thursday morning, February 23, the wind went down, the sun felt warm, it was just beautiful as I started shoveling. I shovel about 10 minutes and then a 15 minute break. As I’m shoveling I’m thinking about yesterday being Mardi Gras Fat Tuesday. I decide it is so nice I’ll take my 15 minute break sitting in my lawn chair in the sun outside of our garage. This I do. It is very comfy and warm in the sun (especially after shoveling plus wearing long Johns).
I’m sitting in my lawn chair enjoying a break in the warm sun and waving at the neighbors as they drive by. A Christianson Plumbing and Heating vehicle drives by, I wave, the driver spots me in my lawn chair as I wave. The driver got so confused, he stopped to see if I’m O.K.
On anther 10 minutes shoveling, I’m once again thinking about Fat Tuesday at Mardi Gras. I recalled the last time Genie and I were there on Fat Tuesday. All the people, A McDonald’s that served liquor by the drink and you could walk out with the drink. An Ace Hardware store on Bourbon Street. A take-out or sit down coffee café that served chicory with some sort of doughnut type breakfast roll. My thoughts were, “I wonder if anything has changed?”
Time for a 15 minute break in my sunny, warm comfy lawn chair.
I wake up about 20 minutes later with an answer. “My dream told me everything is as I dreamed it was then!”
On Friday morning, February 24, I get a special delivery sign for by a U.S. Mail lady. (I later found out Arlene Murray got the same Special Delivery).
The Special Delivery letter was from KAAL-TV stating: “Thanks for your help in the weather forecasting on Wednesday, February 22, 2023. Please enjoy the enclosed.” (There were two complementary gift certificates for a free adult entrée plus a Brownie Bite at Appplebee’s in Albert Lea, two complementary gift certificates for a Domino’s Pizza Delivered to Your Door, including the tip to the driver.)
The Tuesday-Wednesday-related predictions and warnings were: Go home, stay home, all the freeways would be closed, no travel, stock up on groceries, be prepared.
The results were 11 inches of snow in Albert Lea, 20 inches of snow in Minneapolis suburbs. No, I repeat, no deaths due to vehicle accidents. In conclusion, the Minnesota public paid attention to the warnings.
Two dates of interest in March: (1) March 17, St. Patrick’s Day, and (2) March 20, the first day of spring.
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Bob is a retired AAL (Aid Association for Lutherans) agent, currently working on his master’s degree in Volunteering. His wife, Genie, is a retired RN, currently working on her doctor’s degree in Volunteering. They have two children, Deb in North Carolina, and Dan in New York. Bob says if you enjoy his column, let him know. If you don’t enjoy it, keep on reading, it can get worse. Words of wisdom: There is always room for God.