I have been asked by others concerned about the virus, “What is your church doing for the worship service?” These are the guidelines at Central and East Freeborn Lutheran Church currently, subject to change as conditions change.
1. If you are sick, please stay home and do not attend church.
2. Hand sanitizer will be available to sanitize your hands when you enter.
3. Social distance, keeping at least six feet between families.
4. Masks are required for everyone age 5 and older.
5. There will be no greeters.
6. We will not pass an offering plate. One will be set up outside the sanctuary.
7. There will be no singing inside.
8. Bulletins can be picked up on a table outside the sanctuary.
9. There will be no physical contact to share the peace.
10. The mother’s room nursery will not be used.
11. Every other pew will be blocked off to meet social distancing requirements.
12. There will be no visiting inside the church after services.
13. Church will be exited one row at a time, starting in the back to limit contact with others.
14. Attendance will be recorded.
15. There will be no coffee or food served.
16. There will be no use of hymnals in the pews. Everything will be printed in the bulletin.
17. If at any point you test positive for COVID-19, please contact your church leaders at your earliest convenience.
18. You may sit in your vehicle during services and listen via the FM radio at the frequency listed in your bulletin.
Visitors are welcome to the 8:30 a.m. at Central or 10:30 a.m. at East on Sundays.
I hope all of you voted. Now, to hang on for the final results.
Speaking of voting, a prominent NRHEG man has a warning for future voters: “Be careful in reading lawn signs as I voted via write-in for a real estate agent in error.”
Weather-wise, we’re now in the fall season, thus summer is over. Per the weatherman, we have 90 degrees or better four times in the summer of 2020.
One comes when another leaves. I’m referring to “Tab,” the one-time popular pop drink no longer being made. The drink just coming out is dark Coca-Cola, with coffee as an ingredient. In my case, Mountain Dew made my head buzz. The Coke-coffee will probably bring me to my knees, so I’m going to take a few swigs sitting down the first time trying.
Words of an anti-procrastinator: “We won’t get it finished unless we get it started.”
I’m a true baseball fan, especially watching on TV or listening on the radio. Prior to this year’s World Series, the most unusual was listening to Don Larsen pitching a perfect game as I’m laying in my Navy bunk tuned in to the Far East radio at 4 a.m.
This year’s World Series is the most unusual. I’m watching the game on TV with snow on the ground, the birds are feeding like mad, the virus is creating havoc with my style of living, I just got done voting by mail. My thoughts: “It’s gotta get better than this.”
Short shorts:
A. I asked Genie if she had any material as I’m in the process of writing this column. Genie replied, “Yes, I’ve got all kinds of yarn.” My reaction, “Uffda.”
B. Genie and I will be deer hunting beginning Saturday, Nov. 7. I will be in the same stand I’ve been in since 1958. I’m at the stage in life when it’s a successful hunt just being on the stand.
C. As a Korean vet, I’ll be giving a snappy salute with a clicking of the heels on Veteran’s Day Wednesday, Nov. 11.
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Bob is a retired AAL (Aid Association for Lutherans) agent, currently working on his master’s degree in Volunteering. His wife, Genie, is a retired RN, currently working on her doctor’s degree in Volunteering. They have two children, Deb in North Carolina, and Dan in Vermont. Bob says if you enjoy his column, let him know. If you don’t enjoy it, keep on reading, it can get worse. Words of wisdom: There is always room for God.