Monday evening, Sept. 24 was the end of a great day in this area of rural America. No rain, the sun shined till the full harvest moon lit up the night waiting to be relieved by the sun in the morning. The temperature was ideal: low 70s dropping to the low 60s overnight.
Five hundred and 85 people attended the social event of the year held at Central Freeborn Lutheran Church in rural America. People of all walks of life attended. There were nurses, doctors, bankers, farmers, lawyers, city government officials, both current and former Vikings or Twins fans, wanna-be politicians, good fishermen, bad fishermen, auxiliarians and the list goes on and on. You name the area town in Southern Minnesota and it was represented. Other areas were also represented, like Iowa and Texas.
They came by car, van, pickup, motorcycle, all with one thing in common (an empty tummy). They left with one thing in common (a full tummy).
As you arrived you were greeted and directed to a parking spot, and entered the "special entrance door," where you got the smell of soup. You were asked to purchase a ticket which later gave you the choice of desserts with or without ice cream. If to had to be waited to be seated in either the dining room or the big tent on the patio, you could listen (even dance) to the music of Ken Bertelson as he tickled the ivory keys.
One way or another, between Ole Olson and Diane Wangen you got seating in the dining room or on the patio. After making a tough decision as to what kind of soup for the first bowl, it was on to your assigned table with wait staff at your service. Many a conversation was continued in the relaxed proper setting while waiting to see if they were drawn for any of the raffle prizes.
Whether it was attending, bringing food, advertising the event, whatever, every member of Central Freeborn helped in some way. There were also helpers who are not members of Central. A special thanks to chair Mary Ann Atchison with Gary Goette, Kathy Legried and Ols Olson for helping in leading the volunteers. They surrounded themselves with good workers and the results showed it!
Short shorts:
A. Heidi (Morreim) DuBois fighting cancer and Tim Bakken, medical missionary in Hanti, were equal recipients of the event.
B. Many thanks to members of Heidi's church church who attended and worked.
C. Next year's event will be the Monday after Labor Day, most likely the 23rd.
D. A special thanks to the youth first-time volunteers.
E. The parking lot workers, once again, did a good job as no insurance claims were filed.
F. The quite of the day came from greeter Wayne Indrelie: "Where else can you find a parking lot that smells of good home made soup?"
Bob is a retired AAL (Aid Association for Lutherans) agent, currently working on his master’s degree in Volunteering. His wife, Genie, is a retired RN, currently working on her doctor’s degree in Volunteering. They have two children, Deb in North Carolina, and Dan in Vermont. Bob says if you enjoy his column, let him know. If you don’t enjoy it, keep on reading, it can get worse. Words of wisdom: There is always room for God.