I still have not been able to do much fishing this year, but hopefully that will change in the next week or so. I am hoping to get up to the cabin in the very near future. My boat must be missing me by now, so I will attempt to rectify that on my next visit.

Whenever I go to the cabin, it is like therapy for the soul. There are so many things that I can still do, only a lot slower. At the cabin I challenge myself to do some of the things that need doing. The one thing about having a cabin is that there is always something that needs to be done.

I am hopeful that a couple of Navy friends and I will be able to get together again this year. We missed last year because we could not get together on a date that worked for us. We have been getting together for a few years for some laughs and sharing of memories. We have been friends for over 56 years and, although we did not connect for a few years, it seemed like only yesterday when we did get together again.

I love to take a drive in the country just to look for wildlife and enjoy the scenery. You would be amazed at the amount of wildlife you can spot in an afternoon drive. There is one area where I can usually spot deer. Turkeys are abundant in Freeborn County, so it is not unusual to see them. Sandhill cranes have become more abundant in the last few years. It is not unusual to spot an eagle feasting on a roadkill along a highway or soaring overhead. Turkey vultures are abundant and, when I would go for a walk, there were times that they seemed to be circling overhead, which gave me the feeling that they were following me and just maybe they knew something that I didn’t.

Until next time: All wildlife topics welcome in discussions with local DNR wildlife staff: Wildlife managers with the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, whose work improves wildlife habitat and public land access, are inviting the public to talk about wildlife in local Minnesota DNR offices across the state from 10 a.m. until 6 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 15. While the office hours on Aug. 15 are specifically to invite conversation about wildlife, Minnesota DNR staff are always available and happy to talk with members of the public throughout the year.

People might want to know where new properties are to hunt, or how pheasants are faring in their area; bird watchers might want to hear about the wetland and prairie restoration projects taking place nearby; staff can share how partnerships with conservation groups complements work completed by the Minnesota DNR; and there are others who might benefit from simply discussing the basics about how to access public land or about what wildlife lives nearby.

The wildlife conversations began in 2018 with the release of the statewide deer management plan and have continued and broadened to encourage discussions about all wildlife and habitat topics.

When it comes to deer, individuals can talk with Minnesota DNR staff about deer generally, upcoming hunting season changes, topics that the DNR’s deer advisory committee should be aware of, and other opportunities to provide thoughts and feedback regarding deer management throughout the year.

To find an area wildlife office location and contact information, visit the Minnesota DNR website.

Finally, for an overview of Minnesota wildlife topics, the DNR has recorded webinars. One covering northern Minnesota wildlife opens in a new browser tab, and one covering southern Minnesota wildlife opens in a new browser tab. They are both available in the Outdoor Skills and Stewardship Series webinar archive.

Please show your support for our troops who are now deployed. These service men and women are making that sacrifice, so that we may have the many freedoms that we enjoy today.