NRHEG Star Eagle

137 Years Serving the New Richland-Hartland-Ellendale-Geneva Area
Newspaper of Record for NRHEG School District
Newspaper of Record for Waseca County, MN
PO Box 248 • New Richland, MN 56072

Published every Thursday
Yearly Subscription: Waseca, Steele, and Freeborn counties: $52
Minnesota $57 • Out of state $64

With the onset of fall, we can look forward to being treated to a variety of beautiful colors. The beauty of fall in our area is accented by the many lakes that we have surrounding our area and I can’t think of anything more picturesque than the reflection of the fall colors on the water.

The temperatures are turning cooler and there is a hint of what lies ahead in the air. Not only is the weather cooler, but there are football games that might actually be played in football-like weather.

As I look back at my days as a youth, the cool, crisp air of fall meant one thing – football! I actually lived for football back then and followed, not only the high school team but the Gophers and Chicago Bears (didn’t have the Vikings yet). I loved the Bears, with their “Monsters of the Midway” defense and tight end Harlan Hill, running back Willie Galloway and quarterback Ed Brown. I can remember watching the Bears and listening to announcers such as Lindsay Nelson, with his flashy plaid blazer, and Ray Scott whose voice epitomized the image of pro football to me.

I followed college football closely, especially in the peach section of the Minneapolis Star Tribune. I also was a big fan of coach Murray Warmath who put some awesome football teams on the field in those days. Those were good times and fun times to be a fan of football at any level.

I was a faithful high school football fan and tried to attend every home game at Abbot’s Field. When I started junior high at Southwest, I went out for seventh and eighth grade football. As a player I would have to say that I was pretty strong, but not all that fast. In fact, you could say that I was deceivingly slow. I played until I hurt my knee in tenth grade and hung it up, which was probably for the best. Every fall as the weather cools and the colors on the trees start to change, I still get that ping of excitement going through my body as I anticipate the beginning of a new season and what lies ahead.

Football aside, it is a great time to enjoy the fall colors and experience a little of the beauty of the outdoors. I always enjoy just taking a little time to pause and take in those beautiful fall colors as they unfold, sort of a “sit back and smell the roses” thing.

Good waterfowl opener expected this weekend

Duck hunting is expected to be good when Minnesota’s regular waterfowl season opens a half-hour before sunrise on Saturday, according to the Department of Natural Resources.

“The number of breeding ducks in Minnesota and North America has remained fairly high in recent years, so hopefully that will result in a good duck season,” said Steve Cordts, DNR waterfowl specialist. “We also heard favorable reports on the number of duck broods over the summer.”

Wetland habitat conditions are variable across the state, with some dry conditions in the northern portion of the state.

“Canada goose hunting should improve as the season goes on,” Cordts said. “We had a poor goose hatch this spring and hunting success so far in September has been fairly low.”

Duck season will be open for 60 days in each of the three waterfowl zones:

In the north zone, duck season is Sept. 22 through Tuesday, Nov. 20.

In the central zone, duck season is Sept. 22 through Sunday, Sept. 30, closes for five days, then reopens Saturday, Oct. 6, and runs through Sunday, Nov. 25.

In the south zone, duck season is Sept. 22 through Sept. 30, closes for 12 days, then reopens Saturday, Oct. 13, and runs through Sunday, Dec. 2.

Until next time, enjoy the colors of the outdoors and maybe even take a little time to hang out by an area lake and do a little fall fishing. As the colors change it is fun to take a drive and enjoy the colors, but remember to be patient when you are driving as the farmers busy themselves in the fields.

Please remember to keep our troops in your thoughts and prayers, because they are the reason we are able to enjoy all the freedoms we have today.


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